blob: 3514a7b3753bbc62d45ff014ec55268b3ecc41cb [file] [log] [blame]
import mock
import pytest
import os
import sys
here = os.path.dirname(__file__)
root = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(here, "..", "..", "..", ".."))
sys.path.insert(0, root)
from import decision
@pytest.mark.parametrize("run_jobs,tasks,expected", [
([], {"task-no-schedule-if": {}}, ["task-no-schedule-if"]),
([], {"task-schedule-if-no-run-job": {"schedule-if": {}}}, []),
{"job-present": {"schedule-if": {"run-job": ["other-job", "job"]}}},
(["job"], {"job-missing": {"schedule-if": {"run-job": ["other-job"]}}}, []),
(["all"], {"job-all": {"schedule-if": {"run-job": ["other-job"]}}}, ["job-all"]),
{"job-1": {"schedule-if": {"run-job": ["job"]}},
"job-2": {"schedule-if": {"run-job": ["other-job"]}}},
def test_filter_schedule_if(run_jobs, tasks, expected):
with mock.patch("",
return_value=run_jobs) as get_run_jobs:
assert (decision.filter_schedule_if({}, tasks) ==
{name: tasks[name] for name in expected})
get_run_jobs.call_count in (0, 1)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("msg,expected", [
("Some initial line\n\ntc-jobs:foo,bar", {"foo", "bar"}),
("Some initial line\n\ntc-jobs:foo, bar", {"foo", "bar"}),
("tc-jobs:foo, bar \nbaz", {"foo", "bar"}),
("tc-jobs:all", {"all"}),
("", set()),
("tc-jobs:foo\ntc-jobs:bar", {"foo"})])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("event", [
{"commits": [{"message": "<message>"}]},
{"pull_request": {"body": "<message>"}}
def test_extra_jobs_pr(msg, expected, event):
def sub(obj):
"""Copy obj, except if it's a string with the value <message>
replace it with the value of the msg argument"""
if isinstance(obj, dict):
return {key: sub(value) for (key, value) in obj.items()}
elif isinstance(obj, list):
return [sub(value) for value in obj]
elif obj == "<message>":
return msg
return obj
event = sub(event)
assert decision.get_extra_jobs(event) == expected