blob: 5a020ad8a0cc55326e618879c032da3ef3625954 [file] [log] [blame]
'use strict';
promise_test(async t => {
const update1_promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const observer = new ComputePressureObserver(
resolve, {cpuUtilizationThresholds: [0.5], cpuSpeedThresholds: [0.5]});
t.add_cleanup(() => observer.stop());
// iframe numbers are aligned with observer numbers. The first observer is in
// the main frame, so there is no iframe1.
const iframe2 = document.createElement('iframe');
const update2_promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const observer = new iframe2.contentWindow.ComputePressureObserver(
resolve, {cpuUtilizationThresholds: [0.5], cpuSpeedThresholds: [0.5]});
t.add_cleanup(() => observer.stop());
const iframe3 = document.createElement('iframe');
const update3_promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const observer = new iframe3.contentWindow.ComputePressureObserver(
resolve, {cpuUtilizationThresholds: [0.5], cpuSpeedThresholds: [0.5]});
t.add_cleanup(() => observer.stop());
const [update1, update2, update3] =
await Promise.all([update1_promise, update2_promise, update3_promise]);
for (const update of [update1, update2, update3]) {
assert_in_array(update.cpuUtilization, [0.25, 0.75],
'cpuUtilization quantization');
assert_in_array(update.cpuSpeed, [0.25, 0.75], 'cpuSpeed quantization');
}, 'Three ComputePressureObserver instances in different iframes, but with ' +
'the same quantization schema, receive updates');