blob: 220e6ea12043c19e054a0136ae9311e7497afbb0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Content was automatically extracted by Reffy into webref
// (
// Source: WebTransport (
interface mixin UnidirectionalStreamsTransport {
Promise<SendStream> createUnidirectionalStream(optional SendStreamParameters parameters = {});
/* a ReadableStream of ReceiveStream objects */
readonly attribute ReadableStream incomingUnidirectionalStreams;
dictionary SendStreamParameters {
interface mixin BidirectionalStreamsTransport {
Promise<BidirectionalStream> createBidirectionalStream();
/* a ReadableStream of BidirectionalStream objects */
readonly attribute ReadableStream incomingBidirectionalStreams;
interface mixin DatagramTransport {
readonly attribute unsigned short maxDatagramSize;
readonly attribute DatagramDuplexStream datagrams;
interface DatagramDuplexStream {
readonly attribute ReadableStream readable;
readonly attribute WritableStream writable;
interface WebTransport {
constructor(USVString url, optional WebTransportOptions options = {});
Promise<WebTransportStats> getStats();
readonly attribute WebTransportState state;
readonly attribute Promise<undefined> ready;
readonly attribute Promise<WebTransportCloseInfo> closed;
undefined close(optional WebTransportCloseInfo closeInfo = {});
attribute EventHandler onstatechange;
WebTransport includes UnidirectionalStreamsTransport;
WebTransport includes BidirectionalStreamsTransport;
WebTransport includes DatagramTransport;
dictionary WebTransportOptions {
boolean allowPooling;
sequence<RTCDtlsFingerprint> serverCertificateFingerprints;
enum WebTransportState {
dictionary WebTransportCloseInfo {
unsigned long long errorCode = 0;
DOMString reason = "";
dictionary WebTransportStats {
DOMHighResTimeStamp timestamp;
unsigned long long bytesSent;
unsigned long long packetsSent;
unsigned long numOutgoingStreamsCreated;
unsigned long numIncomingStreamsCreated;
unsigned long long bytesReceived;
unsigned long long packetsReceived;
DOMHighResTimeStamp minRtt;
unsigned long numReceivedDatagramsDropped;
[ Exposed=(Window,Worker) ]
interface SendStream : WritableStream /* of Uint8Array */ {
readonly attribute Promise<StreamAbortInfo> writingAborted;
undefined abortWriting(optional StreamAbortInfo abortInfo = {});
dictionary StreamAbortInfo {
[EnforceRange] octet errorCode = 0;
[ Exposed=(Window,Worker) ]
interface ReceiveStream : ReadableStream /* of Uint8Array */ {
readonly attribute Promise<StreamAbortInfo> readingAborted;
undefined abortReading(optional StreamAbortInfo abortInfo = {});
[ Exposed=(Window,Worker) ]
interface BidirectionalStream {
readonly attribute ReceiveStream readable;
readonly attribute SendStream writable;