blob: aa87e1979fb788a37f4e5bd3f6668d5bca087446 [file] [log] [blame]
// META: script=resources/support.js
// META: script=resources/ports.sub.js
// META: script=resources/resolve_url.js
// Spec:
// This file covers only those tests that must execute in a non secure context.
// Other tests are defined in: secure-context.window.js
setup(() => {
// Making sure we are in a non secure context, as expected.
promise_test(async t => {
const response = await fetch("/common/blank-with-cors.html");
}, "Local non secure context fetches local subresource.");
// This test must go through an iframe because the treat-as-public-address
// directive means that the document cannot import the test harness script, as
// that would violate the secure context restriction...
// For consistency and simplicity, we run all other tests in the same way, even
// though those could import the test harness from their respective origins.
promise_test(async t => {
const url = "resources/fetcher.html" +
const iframe = await appendIframe(t, document, url);
const reply = futureMessage();
iframe.contentWindow.postMessage("/common/blank-with-cors.html", "*");
assert_equals(await reply, "TypeError: Failed to fetch");
}, "Treat-as-public non secure context fails to fetch local subresource.");
promise_test(async t => {
const url = resolveUrl("resources/fetcher.html", {
protocol: "http:",
port: kPorts.httpPrivate,
const iframe = await appendIframe(t, document, url);
const targetUrl = resolveUrl("/common/blank-with-cors.html");
const reply = futureMessage();
iframe.contentWindow.postMessage(targetUrl.href, "*");
assert_equals(await reply, "TypeError: Failed to fetch");
}, "Private non secure context fails to fetch local subresource.");
promise_test(async t => {
const url = resolveUrl("resources/fetcher.html", {
protocol: "http:",
port: kPorts.httpPublic,
const iframe = await appendIframe(t, document, url);
const targetUrl = resolveUrl("/common/blank-with-cors.html");
const reply = futureMessage();
iframe.contentWindow.postMessage(targetUrl.href, "*");
assert_equals(await reply, "TypeError: Failed to fetch");
}, "Public non secure context fails to fetch local subresource.");
promise_test(async t => {
const url = resolveUrl("resources/fetcher.html", {
protocol: "https:",
port: kPorts.httpsPrivate,
const iframe = await appendIframe(t, document, url);
const targetUrl = resolveUrl("/common/blank-with-cors.html");
const reply = futureMessage();
iframe.contentWindow.postMessage(targetUrl.href, "*");
assert_equals(await reply, "TypeError: Failed to fetch");
}, "Private HTTPS yet non-secure context fails to fetch local subresource.");
promise_test(async t => {
const url = resolveUrl("resources/fetcher.html", {
protocol: "https:",
port: kPorts.httpsPublic,
const iframe = await appendIframe(t, document, url);
const targetUrl = resolveUrl("/common/blank-with-cors.html");
const reply = futureMessage();
iframe.contentWindow.postMessage(targetUrl.href, "*");
assert_equals(await reply, "TypeError: Failed to fetch");
}, "Public HTTPS yet non-secure context fails to fetch local subresource.");