blob: 8096ffc5da86737f6a30ce2f85816015f73b96f1 [file] [log] [blame]
// getDefaultPathCookies is a helper method to get and delete cookies on the
// "default path" (which for these tests will be at `/cookies/resources`),
// determined by the path portion of the request-uri.
async function getDefaultPathCookies(path = '/cookies/resources') {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {
const iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); = 'display: none';
iframe.src = `${path}/echo-cookie.html`;
iframe.addEventListener('load', (e) => {
const win =;
const iframeCookies = win.getCookies();
win.expireCookie('test', path);
}, {once: true});
} catch (e) {
// getRedirectedCookies is a helper method to get and delete cookies that
// were set from a Location header redirect.
async function getRedirectedCookies(location, cookie) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {
const iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); = 'display: none';
iframe.src = location;
iframe.addEventListener('load', (e) => {
const win =;
let iframeCookie;
// go ask for the cookie
win.postMessage('getCookies', '*');
// once we get it, send a message to delete on the other
// side, then resolve the cookie back to httpRedirectCookieTest
window.addEventListener('message', (e) => {
if (typeof == 'object' && 'cookies' in {
iframeCookie =;
e.source.postMessage({'expireCookie': cookie}, '*');
// wait on the iframe to tell us it deleted the cookies before
// resolving, to avoid any state race conditions.
if ( == 'expired') {
}, {once: true});
} catch (e) {
// httpCookieTest sets a |cookie| (via HTTP), then asserts it was or was not set
// via |expectedValue| (via the DOM). Then cleans it up (via HTTP). Most tests
// do not set a Path attribute, so |defaultPath| defaults to true.
// |cookie| may be a single cookie string, or an array of cookie strings, where
// the order of the array items represents the order of the Set-Cookie headers
// sent by the server.
function httpCookieTest(cookie, expectedValue, name, defaultPath = true) {
let encodedCookie = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(cookie));
return promise_test(
async t => {
return fetch(`/cookies/resources/${encodedCookie}`)
.then(async () => {
let cookies = document.cookie;
if (defaultPath) {
// for the tests where a Path is set from the request-uri
// path, we need to go look for cookies in an iframe at that
// default path.
cookies = await getDefaultPathCookies();
if (Boolean(expectedValue)) {
cookies, expectedValue,
'The cookie was set as expected.');
} else {
cookies, expectedValue, 'The cookie was rejected.');
.then(() => {
return fetch(
// This is a variation on httpCookieTest, where a redirect happens via
// the Location header and we check to see if cookies are sent via
// getRedirectedCookies
function httpRedirectCookieTest(cookie, expectedValue, name, location) {
const encodedCookie = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(cookie));
const encodedLocation = encodeURIComponent(location);
const setParams = `?set=${encodedCookie}&location=${encodedLocation}`;
return promise_test(
async t => {
return fetch(`/cookies/resources/${setParams}`)
.then(async () => {
// for the tests where a redirect happens, we need to head
// to that URI to get the cookies (and then delete them there)
const cookies = await getRedirectedCookies(location, cookie);
if (Boolean(expectedValue)) {
assert_equals(cookies, expectedValue,
'The cookie was set as expected.');
} else {
assert_equals(cookies, expectedValue, 'The cookie was rejected.');
}).then(() => {
return fetch(`/cookies/resources/${encodedCookie}`);
// Cleans up all cookies accessible via document.cookie. This will not clean up
// any HttpOnly cookies.
function dropAllDomCookies() {
let cookies = document.cookie.split('; ');
for (const cookie of cookies) {
if (!Boolean(cookie))
document.cookie = `${cookie}; expires=01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT`;
assert_equals(document.cookie, '', 'All DOM cookies were dropped.');
// Sets a `cookie` via the DOM, checks it against `expectedValue` via the DOM,
// then cleans it up via the DOM. This is needed in cases where going through
// HTTP headers may modify the cookie line (e.g. by stripping control
// characters).
function domCookieTest(cookie, expectedValue, name) {
return test(function() {
document.cookie = cookie;
let cookies = document.cookie;
cookies, expectedValue,
Boolean(expectedValue) ? 'The cookie was set as expected.' :
'The cookie was rejected.');
}, name);
// Returns two arrays of control characters along with their ASCII codes. The
// TERMINATING_CTLS should result in termination of the cookie string. The
// remaining CTLS should result in rejection of the cookie. Control characters
// are defined by RFC 5234 to be %x00-1F / %x7F.
function getCtlCharacters() {
const termCtlCodes = [0x00 /* NUL */, 0x0A /* LF */, 0x0D /* CR */];
const ctlCodes = [...Array(0x20).keys()]
.filter(i => termCtlCodes.indexOf(i) === -1)
return {
TERMINATING_CTLS: => ({code: i, chr: String.fromCharCode(i)})),
CTLS: => ({code: i, chr: String.fromCharCode(i)}))
// Returns a cookie string with name set to "t" * nameLength and value
// set to "1" * valueLength. Passing in 0 for either allows for creating
// a name- or value-less cookie.
// Note: Cookie length checking should ignore the "=".
function cookieStringWithNameAndValueLengths(nameLength, valueLength) {
return `${"t".repeat(nameLength)}=${"1".repeat(valueLength)}`;