blob: b35393af2a02d0b24430312bf2e8bbb3d3a259b4 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This file implements a buffered socket wrapper.
The purpose of this is to avoid the overhead of unnecessary syscalls while
allowing small reads from the network. This represents a potentially massive
performance optimisation at the cost of burning some memory in the userspace
import select
from .exceptions import ConnectionResetError, LineTooLongError
class BufferedSocket(object):
A buffered socket wrapper.
The purpose of this is to avoid the overhead of unnecessary syscalls while
allowing small reads from the network. This represents a potentially
massive performance optimisation at the cost of burning some memory in the
userspace process.
def __init__(self, sck, buffer_size=1000):
Create the buffered socket.
:param sck: The socket to wrap.
:param buffer_size: The size of the backing buffer in bytes. This
parameter should be set to an appropriate value for your use case.
Small values of ``buffer_size`` increase the overhead of buffer
management: large values cause more memory to be used.
# The wrapped socket.
self._sck = sck
# The buffer we're using.
self._backing_buffer = bytearray(buffer_size)
self._buffer_view = memoryview(self._backing_buffer)
# The size of the buffer.
self._buffer_size = buffer_size
# The start index in the memory view.
self._index = 0
# The number of bytes in the buffer.
self._bytes_in_buffer = 0
def _remaining_capacity(self):
The maximum number of bytes the buffer could still contain.
return self._buffer_size - self._index
def _buffer_end(self):
The index of the first free byte in the buffer.
return self._index + self._bytes_in_buffer
def can_read(self):
Whether or not there is more data to read from the socket.
read =[self._sck], [], [], 0)[0]
if read:
return True
return False
def buffer(self):
Get access to the buffer itself.
return self._buffer_view[self._index:self._buffer_end]
def advance_buffer(self, count):
Advances the buffer by the amount of data consumed outside the socket.
self._index += count
self._bytes_in_buffer -= count
def new_buffer(self):
This method moves all the data in the backing buffer to the start of
a new, fresh buffer. This gives the ability to read much more data.
def read_all_from_buffer():
end = self._index + self._bytes_in_buffer
return self._buffer_view[self._index:end]
new_buffer = bytearray(self._buffer_size)
new_buffer_view = memoryview(new_buffer)
new_buffer_view[0:self._bytes_in_buffer] = read_all_from_buffer()
self._index = 0
self._backing_buffer = new_buffer
self._buffer_view = new_buffer_view
def recv(self, amt):
Read some data from the socket.
:param amt: The amount of data to read.
:returns: A ``memoryview`` object containing the appropriate number of
bytes. The data *must* be copied out by the caller before the next
call to this function.
# In this implementation you can never read more than the number of
# bytes in the buffer.
if amt > self._buffer_size:
amt = self._buffer_size
# If the amount of data we've been asked to read is less than the
# remaining space in the buffer, we need to clear out the buffer and
# start over.
if amt > self._remaining_capacity:
# If there's still some room in the buffer, opportunistically attempt
# to read into it.
# If we don't actually _need_ the data (i.e. there's enough in the
# buffer to satisfy the request), use select to work out if the read
# attempt will block. If it will, don't bother reading. If we need the
# data, always do the read.
if self._bytes_in_buffer >= amt:
should_read =[self._sck], [], [], 0)[0]
should_read = True
if (self._remaining_capacity > self._bytes_in_buffer and should_read):
count = self._sck.recv_into(self._buffer_view[self._buffer_end:])
# The socket just got closed. We should throw an exception if we
# were asked for more data than we can return.
if not count and amt > self._bytes_in_buffer:
raise ConnectionResetError()
self._bytes_in_buffer += count
# Read out the bytes and update the index.
amt = min(amt, self._bytes_in_buffer)
data = self._buffer_view[self._index:self._index+amt]
self._index += amt
self._bytes_in_buffer -= amt
return data
def fill(self):
Attempts to fill the buffer as much as possible. It will block for at
most the time required to have *one* ``recv_into`` call return.
if not self._remaining_capacity:
count = self._sck.recv_into(self._buffer_view[self._buffer_end:])
if not count:
raise ConnectionResetError()
self._bytes_in_buffer += count
def readline(self):
Read up to a newline from the network and returns it. The implicit
maximum line length is the buffer size of the buffered socket.
Note that, unlike recv, this method absolutely *does* block until it
can read the line.
:returns: A ``memoryview`` object containing the appropriate number of
bytes. The data *must* be copied out by the caller before the next
call to this function.
# First, check if there's anything in the buffer. This is one of those
# rare circumstances where this will work correctly on all platforms.
index = self._backing_buffer.find(
self._index + self._bytes_in_buffer
if index != -1:
length = index + 1 - self._index
data = self._buffer_view[self._index:self._index+length]
self._index += length
self._bytes_in_buffer -= length
return data
# In this case, we didn't find a newline in the buffer. To fix that,
# read some data into the buffer. To do our best to satisfy the read,
# we should shunt the data down in the buffer so that it's right at
# the start. We don't bother if we're already at the start of the
# buffer.
if self._index != 0:
while self._bytes_in_buffer < self._buffer_size:
count = self._sck.recv_into(self._buffer_view[self._buffer_end:])
if not count:
raise ConnectionResetError()
# We have some more data. Again, look for a newline in that gap.
first_new_byte = self._buffer_end
self._bytes_in_buffer += count
index = self._backing_buffer.find(
first_new_byte + count,
if index != -1:
# The length of the buffer is the index into the
# buffer at which we found the newline plus 1, minus the start
# index of the buffer, which really should be zero.
assert not self._index
length = index + 1
data = self._buffer_view[:length]
self._index += length
self._bytes_in_buffer -= length
return data
# If we got here, it means we filled the buffer without ever getting
# a newline. Time to throw an exception.
raise LineTooLongError()
def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self._sck, name)