blob: ee391210dd11ed1d9d8a84790f0a50b1810ed434 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module contains hyper's pure-Python HTTP/1.1 parser. This module defines
an abstraction layer for HTTP/1.1 parsing that allows for dropping in other
modules if needed, in order to obtain speedups on your chosen platform.
from collections import namedtuple
Response = namedtuple(
'Response', ['status', 'msg', 'minor_version', 'headers', 'consumed']
class ParseError(Exception):
An invalid HTTP message was passed to the parser.
class Parser(object):
A single HTTP parser object.
This object is not thread-safe, and it does maintain state that is shared
across parsing requests. For this reason, make sure that access to this
object is synchronized if you use it across multiple threads.
def __init__(self):
def parse_response(self, buffer):
Parses a single HTTP response from a buffer.
:param buffer: A ``memoryview`` object wrapping a buffer containing a
HTTP response.
:returns: A :class:`Response <hyper.http11.parser.Response>` object, or
``None`` if there is not enough data in the buffer.
# Begin by copying the data out of the buffer. This is necessary
# because as much as possible we want to use the built-in bytestring
# methods, rather than looping over the data in Python.
temp_buffer = buffer.tobytes()
index = temp_buffer.find(b'\n')
if index == -1:
return None
version, status, reason = temp_buffer[0:index].split(None, 2)
if not version.startswith(b'HTTP/1.'):
raise ParseError("Not HTTP/1.X!")
minor_version = int(version[7:])
status = int(status)
reason = memoryview(reason.strip())
# Chomp the newline.
index += 1
# Now, parse the headers out.
end_index = index
headers = []
while True:
end_index = temp_buffer.find(b'\n', index)
if end_index == -1:
return None
elif (end_index - index) <= 1:
# Chomp the newline
end_index += 1
name, value = temp_buffer[index:end_index].split(b':', 1)
value = value.strip()
headers.append((memoryview(name), memoryview(value)))
index = end_index + 1
resp = Response(status, reason, minor_version, headers, end_index)
return resp