blob: 5fac207916d5770624a56432871bad3371627116 [file] [log] [blame]
'use strict';
const ExecutionArray = ['sync', 'async'];
const DeviceTypeArray = ['cpu', 'gpu'];
const TypedArrayDict = {
float32: Float32Array,
int32: Int32Array,
uint32: Uint32Array,
int8: Int8Array,
uint8: Uint8Array,
const sizeOfShape = (array) => {
return array.reduce((accumulator, currentValue) => accumulator * currentValue, 1);
* Get tests resources from test data JSON file of specified operation name.
* @param {String} operationName - An operation name
* @returns {Object} Tests resources
const loadTests = (operationName) => {
const loadJSON = (file) => {
let xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", file, false);
if (xmlhttp.status == 200 && xmlhttp.readyState == 4) {
return xmlhttp.responseText;
} else {
throw new Error(`Failed to load ${file}`);
const capitalLetterMatches = operationName.match(/[A-Z]/);
if (capitalLetterMatches !== null) {
// for example: the test data JSON file for leakyRelu is leaky_relu.json
const capitalLetter = capitalLetterMatches[0];
operationName = operationName.replace(capitalLetter, `_${capitalLetter.toLowerCase()}`);
const json = loadJSON(`/webnn/resources/test_data/${operationName}.json`);
const resources = JSON.parse(json.replace(/\\"|"(?:\\"|[^"])*"|(\/\/.*|\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/)/g, (m, g) => g ? "" : m));
return resources.tests;
* Get exptected data and data type from given resources with output name.
* @param {Array} resources - An array of expected resources
* @param {String} outputName - An output name
* @returns {Array.<[Number[], String]>} An array of expected data array and data type
const getExpectedDataAndType = (resources, outputName) => {
let ret;
for (let subResources of resources) {
if ( === outputName) {
ret = [, subResources.type];
if (ret === undefined) {
throw new Error(`Failed to get expected data sources and type by ${outputName}`);
return ret;
* Get ULP tolerance of conv2d operation.
* @param {Object} resources - Resources used for building a graph
* @returns {Number} A tolerance number
const getConv2dPrecisionTolerance = (resources) => {
// number of reduced input elements multiplied by filter and summed (a sliding dot product like pooling)
const inputNameArray = Object.keys(resources.inputs);
const inputShape = resources.inputs[inputNameArray[0]].shape;
const filterShape = resources.inputs[inputNameArray[1]].shape;
const options = resources.options;
let groups = 1;
let inputChannels = inputShape[1]; // default nchw inputLayout
let filterWidth = filterShape[3]; // default oihw filterLayout
let filterHeight = filterShape[2];
if (options) {
if (options.groups) {
groups = options.groups;
if (options.inputLayout) {
if (!['nchw', 'nhwc'].includes(options.inputLayout)) {
throw new Error(`Unsupported inputLayout ${options.inputLayout}`);
inputChannels = options.inputLayout === 'nchw' ? inputChannels : inputShape[3];
if (options.filterLayout) {
if (!['oihw', 'hwio', 'ohwi', 'ihwo'].includes(options.filterLayout)) {
throw new Error(`Unsupported filterLayout ${options.filterLayout}`);
switch (options.filterLayout) {
case 'oihw':
// Just use the existing filterWidth and filterHeight above.
case 'hwio':
filterWidth = filterShape[1];
filterHeight = filterShape[0];
case 'ohwi':
case 'ihwo':
filterWidth = filterShape[2];
filterHeight = filterShape[1];
const tolerance = filterWidth * filterHeight * (inputChannels / groups) * 2;
return tolerance;
* Get ULP tolerance of gemm operation.
* @param {Object} resources - Resources used for building a graph
* @returns {Number} A tolerance number
const getGemmPrecisionTolerance = (resources) => {
// GEMM : alpha * (A x B) + beta * C
// An upper bound for the worst serial ordering is bounded by
// the number of lossy operations, where matrix multiplication
// is a dot product (mul and add times the number of elements)
// plus bias operations.
const shapeA = resources.inputs[Object.keys(resources.inputs)[0]].shape;
const options = {...resources.options};
const width = options.aTranspose ? shapeA[0] : shapeA[1];
let tolerance = width * 2;
// default options.alpha is 1.0
if (options.alpha !== undefined && options.alpha !== 1.0) {
if (options.c && options.beta !== 0.0) {
// default options.beta is 1.0
if (options.beta !== undefined && options.beta !== 1.0) {
return tolerance;
* Get ULP tolerance of matmul operation.
* @param {Object} resources - Resources used for building a graph
* @returns {Number} A tolerance number
const getMatmulPrecisionTolerance = (resources) => {
// Matmul : Compute the matrix product of two input tensors.
// If a is 1-D, WebNN converts it to a 2-D tensor by prepending a 1 to its dimensions, [n] -> [1, n].
// So we can just always check the last dimension here.
const shapeA = resources.inputs[Object.keys(resources.inputs)[0]].shape;
const tolerance = shapeA[shapeA.length - 1] * 2;
return tolerance;
* Get ULP tolerance of softmax operation.
* @param {Object} resources - Resources used for building a graph
* @returns {Number} A tolerance number
const getSoftmaxPrecisionTolerance = (resources) => {
// Compute the softmax values of the 2-D input tensor along axis 1.
const inputShape = resources.inputs[Object.keys(resources.inputs)[0]].shape;
const tolerance = inputShape[1] * 3 + 3;
return tolerance;
// Refer to precision metrics on
const PrecisionMetrics = {
batchNormalization: {ULP: {float32: 6, float16: 6}},
clamp: {ULP: {float32: 0, float16: 0}},
concat: {ULP: {float32: 0, float16: 0}},
conv2d: {ULP: {float32: getConv2dPrecisionTolerance, float16: getConv2dPrecisionTolerance}},
// Begin Element-wise binary operations
add: {ULP: {float32: 1, float16: 1}},
sub: {ULP: {float32: 1, float16: 1}},
mul: {ULP: {float32: 1, float16: 1}},
div: {ULP: {float32: 2, float16: 2}},
max: {ULP: {float32: 0, float16: 0}},
min: {ULP: {float32: 0, float16: 0}},
pow: {ULP: {float32: 32, float16: 2}},
// End Element-wise binary operations
gemm: {ULP: {float32: getGemmPrecisionTolerance, float16: getGemmPrecisionTolerance}},
leakyRelu: {ULP: {float32: 1, float16: 1}},
matmul: {ULP: {float32: getMatmulPrecisionTolerance, float16: getMatmulPrecisionTolerance}},
relu: {ULP: {float32: 0, float16: 0}},
reshape: {ULP: {float32: 0, float16: 0}},
sigmoid: {ULP: {float32: 32+2, float16: 3}}, // float32 (leaving a few ULP for roundoff)
slice: {ULP: {float32: 0, float16: 0}},
softmax: {ULP: {float32: getSoftmaxPrecisionTolerance, float16: getSoftmaxPrecisionTolerance}},
split: {ULP: {float32: 0, float16: 0}},
squeeze: {ULP: {float32: 0, float16: 0}},
tanh: {ATOL: {float32: 1/1024, float16: 1/512}},
transpose: {ULP: {float32: 0, float16: 0}},
* Get precison tolerance value.
* @param {String} operationName - An operation name
* @param {String} metricType - Value: 'ULP', 'ATOL'
* @param {Object} resources - Resources used for building a graph
* @returns {Number} A tolerance number
const getPrecisonTolerance = (operationName, metricType, resources) => {
// the outputs by split or gru is a sequence
const precisionType = Array.isArray(resources.expected) ? resources.expected[0].type : resources.expected.type;
let tolerance = PrecisionMetrics[operationName][metricType][precisionType];
// If the tolerance is dynamic, then evaluate the function to get the value.
if (tolerance instanceof Function) {
tolerance = tolerance(resources);
return tolerance;
* Get bitwise of the given value.
* @param {Number} value
* @param {String} dataType - A data type string, like "float32", "float16",
* more types, please see:
* @return {Number} A 64-bit signed integer.
const getBitwise = (value, dataType) => {
const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(8);
const int64Array = new BigInt64Array(buffer);
int64Array[0] = value < 0 ? ~BigInt(0) : BigInt(0);
let typedArray;
if (dataType === "float32") {
typedArray = new Float32Array(buffer);
} else {
throw new AssertionError(`Data type ${dataType} is not supported`);
typedArray[0] = value;
return int64Array[0];
* Assert that each array property in ``actual`` is a number being close enough to the corresponding
* property in ``expected`` by the acceptable ULP distance ``nulp`` with given ``dataType`` data type.
* @param {Array} actual - Array of test values.
* @param {Array} expected - Array of values expected to be close to the values in ``actual``.
* @param {Number} nulp - A BigInt value indicates acceptable ULP distance.
* @param {String} dataType - A data type string, value: "float32",
* more types, please see:
* @param {String} description - Description of the condition being tested.
const assert_array_approx_equals_ulp = (actual, expected, nulp, dataType, description) => {
* Test if two primitive arrays are equal within acceptable ULP distance
assert_true(actual.length === expected.length,
`assert_array_approx_equals_ulp: ${description} lengths differ, expected ${expected.length} but got ${actual.length}`);
let actualBitwise, expectedBitwise, distance;
for (let i = 0; i < actual.length; i++) {
actualBitwise = getBitwise(actual[i], dataType);
expectedBitwise = getBitwise(expected[i], dataType);
distance = actualBitwise - expectedBitwise;
distance = distance >= 0 ? distance : -distance;
assert_true(distance <= nulp,
`assert_array_approx_equals_ulp: ${description} actual ${actual[i]} should be close enough to expected ${expected[i]} by the acceptable ${nulp} ULP distance, but they have ${distance} ULP distance`);
* Assert actual results with expected results.
* @param {String} operationName - An operation name
* @param {(Number[]|Number)} actual
* @param {(Number[]|Number)} expected
* @param {Number} tolerance
* @param {String} operandType - An operand type string, value: "float32",
* more types, please see:
* @param {String} metricType - Value: 'ULP', 'ATOL'
const doAssert = (operationName, actual, expected, tolerance, operandType, metricType) => {
const description = `test ${operationName} ${operandType}`;
if (typeof expected === 'number') {
// for checking a scalar output by matmul 1D x 1D
expected = [expected];
actual = [actual];
if (metricType === 'ULP') {
assert_array_approx_equals_ulp(actual, expected, tolerance, operandType, description);
} else if (metricType === 'ATOL') {
assert_array_approx_equals(actual, expected, tolerance, description);
* Check computed results with expected data.
* @param {String} operationName - An operation name
* @param {Object.<String, MLOperand>} namedOutputOperands
* @param {Object.<MLNamedArrayBufferViews>} outputs - The resources of required outputs
* @param {Object} resources - Resources used for building a graph
const checkResults = (operationName, namedOutputOperands, outputs, resources) => {
const metricType = Object.keys(PrecisionMetrics[operationName])[0];
const expected = resources.expected;
let tolerance;
let operandType;
let outputData;
let expectedData;
if (Array.isArray(expected)) {
// the outputs of split() or gru() is a sequence
for (let operandName in namedOutputOperands) {
outputData = outputs[operandName];
// for some operations which may have multi outputs of different types
[expectedData, operandType] = getExpectedDataAndType(expected, operandName);
tolerance = getPrecisonTolerance(operationName, metricType, resources);
doAssert(operationName, outputData, expectedData, tolerance, operandType, metricType)
} else {
outputData = outputs[];
expectedData =;
operandType = expected.type;
tolerance = getPrecisonTolerance(operationName, metricType, resources);
doAssert(operationName, outputData, expectedData, tolerance, operandType, metricType)
* Create a constant operand
* @param {MLGraphBuilder} builder - A ML graph builder
* @param {Object} resources - Resources used for constant operand
* @returns {MLOperand} A constant operand
const createConstantOperand = (builder, resources) => {
const bufferView = new TypedArrayDict[resources.type](;
return builder.constant({type: resources.type, dimensions: resources.shape}, bufferView);
* Create single input operands for a graph.
* @param {MLGraphBuilder} builder - A ML graph builder
* @param {Object} resources - Resources used for building a graph
* @param {String} [inputOperandName] - An inputOperand name
* @returns {MLOperand} An input operand
const createSingleInputOperand = (builder, resources, inputOperandName) => {
inputOperandName = inputOperandName ? inputOperandName : Object.keys(resources.inputs)[0];
const inputResources = resources.inputs[inputOperandName];
return builder.input(inputOperandName, {type: inputResources.type, dimensions: inputResources.shape});
* Create multi input operands for a graph.
* @param {MLGraphBuilder} builder - A ML graph builder
* @param {Object} resources - Resources used for building a graph
* @returns {MLOperand[]} Input operands array
const createMultiInputOperands = (builder, resources) => {
let inputOperands = [];
const inputOperandNameArray = Object.keys(resources.inputs);
inputOperandNameArray.forEach(inputOperandName => {
const inputOperand = createSingleInputOperand(builder, resources, inputOperandName);
return inputOperands;
* Build an operation which has a single input.
* @param {String} operationName - An operation name
* @param {MLGraphBuilder} builder - A ML graph builder
* @param {Object} resources - Resources used for building a graph
* @returns {MLNamedOperands}
const buildOperationWithSingleInput = (operationName, builder, resources) => {
const namedOutputOperand = {};
const inputOperand = createSingleInputOperand(builder, resources);
const outputOperand = resources.options ?
builder[operationName](inputOperand, resources.options) : builder[operationName](inputOperand);
namedOutputOperand[] = outputOperand;
return namedOutputOperand;
* Build an operation which has two inputs.
* @param {String} operationName - An operation name
* @param {MLGraphBuilder} builder - A ML graph builder
* @param {Object} resources - Resources used for building a graph
* @returns {MLNamedOperands}
const buildOperationWithTwoInputs= (operationName, builder, resources) => {
// For example: MLOperand matmul(MLOperand a, MLOperand b);
const namedOutputOperand = {};
const [inputOperandA, inputOperandB] = createMultiInputOperands(builder, resources);
const outputOperand = resources.options ?
builder[operationName](inputOperandA, inputOperandB, resources.options) : builder[operationName](inputOperandA, inputOperandB);
namedOutputOperand[] = outputOperand;
return namedOutputOperand;
* Build a graph.
* @param {String} operationName - An operation name
* @param {MLGraphBuilder} builder - A ML graph builder
* @param {Object} resources - Resources used for building a graph
* @param {Function} buildFunc - A build function for an operation
* @returns [namedOperands, inputs, outputs]
const buildGraph = (operationName, builder, resources, buildFunc) => {
const namedOperands = buildFunc(operationName, builder, resources);
let inputs = {};
if (Array.isArray(resources.inputs)) {
// the inputs of concat() is a sequence
for (let subInput of resources.inputs) {
inputs[] = new TypedArrayDict[subInput.type](;
} else {
for (let inputName in resources.inputs) {
const subTestByName = resources.inputs[inputName];
inputs[inputName] = new TypedArrayDict[subTestByName.type](;
let outputs = {};
if (Array.isArray(resources.expected)) {
// the outputs of split() or gru() is a sequence
for (let i = 0; i < resources.expected.length; i++) {
const subExpected = resources.expected[i];
outputs[] = new TypedArrayDict[subExpected.type](sizeOfShape(subExpected.shape));
} else {
// matmul 1D with 1D produces a scalar which doesn't have its shape
const shape = resources.expected.shape ? resources.expected.shape : [1];
outputs[] = new TypedArrayDict[resources.expected.type](sizeOfShape(shape));
return [namedOperands, inputs, outputs];
* Build a graph, synchronously compile graph and execute, then check computed results.
* @param {String} operationName - An operation name
* @param {MLContext} context - A ML context
* @param {MLGraphBuilder} builder - A ML graph builder
* @param {Object} resources - Resources used for building a graph
* @param {Function} buildFunc - A build function for an operation
const runSync = (operationName, context, builder, resources, buildFunc) => {
// build a graph
const [namedOutputOperands, inputs, outputs] = buildGraph(operationName, builder, resources, buildFunc);
// synchronously compile the graph up to the output operand
const graph = builder.buildSync(namedOutputOperands);
// synchronously execute the compiled graph.
context.computeSync(graph, inputs, outputs);
checkResults(operationName, namedOutputOperands, outputs, resources);
* Build a graph, asynchronously compile graph and execute, then check computed results.
* @param {String} operationName - An operation name
* @param {MLContext} context - A ML context
* @param {MLGraphBuilder} builder - A ML graph builder
* @param {Object} resources - Resources used for building a graph
* @param {Function} buildFunc - A build function for an operation
const run = async (operationName, context, builder, resources, buildFunc) => {
// build a graph
const [namedOutputOperands, inputs, outputs] = buildGraph(operationName, builder, resources, buildFunc);
// asynchronously compile the graph up to the output operand
const graph = await;
// asynchronously execute the compiled graph
await context.compute(graph, inputs, outputs);
checkResults(operationName, namedOutputOperands, outputs, resources);
* Run WebNN operation tests.
* @param {(String[]|String)} operationName - An operation name array or an operation name
* @param {Function} buildFunc - A build function for an operation
const testWebNNOperation = (operationName, buildFunc) => {
let operationNameArray;
if (typeof operationName === 'string') {
operationNameArray = [operationName];
} else if (Array.isArray(operationName)) {
operationNameArray = operationName;
ExecutionArray.forEach(executionType => {
const isSync = executionType === 'sync';
if (self.GLOBAL.isWindow() && isSync) {
let context;
let builder;
if (isSync) {
// test sync
operationNameArray.forEach((subOperationName) => {
const tests = loadTests(subOperationName);
DeviceTypeArray.forEach(deviceType => {
setup(() => {
context ={deviceType});
builder = new MLGraphBuilder(context);
for (const subTest of tests) {
test(() => {
runSync(subOperationName, context, builder, subTest, buildFunc);
}, `${} / ${deviceType} / ${executionType}`);
} else {
// test async
operationNameArray.forEach((subOperationName) => {
const tests = loadTests(subOperationName);
DeviceTypeArray.forEach(deviceType => {
promise_setup(async () => {
context = await{deviceType});
builder = new MLGraphBuilder(context);
for (const subTest of tests) {
promise_test(async () => {
await run(subOperationName, context, builder, subTest, buildFunc);
}, `${} / ${deviceType} / ${executionType}`);