blob: 2bca96c7043db34b9cd4a60156019b7f870100a2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Changing the body after it have been passed to Response/Request
// should not change the outcome of the consumed body
const url = 'http://a';
const method = 'post';
promise_test(async t => {
const body = new FormData();
body.set('a', '1');
const res = new Response(body);
const req = new Request(url, { method, body });
body.set('a', '2');
assert_true((await res.formData()).get('a') === '1');
assert_true((await req.formData()).get('a') === '1');
}, 'FormData is cloned');
promise_test(async t => {
const body = new URLSearchParams({a: '1'});
const res = new Response(body);
const req = new Request(url, { method, body });
body.set('a', '2');
assert_true((await res.formData()).get('a') === '1');
assert_true((await req.formData()).get('a') === '1');
}, 'URLSearchParams is cloned');
promise_test(async t => {
const body = new Uint8Array([97]); // a
const res = new Response(body);
const req = new Request(url, { method, body });
body[0] = 98; // b
assert_true(await res.text() === 'a');
assert_true(await req.text() === 'a');
}, 'TypedArray is cloned');
promise_test(async t => {
const body = new Uint8Array([97]); // a
const res = new Response(body.buffer);
const req = new Request(url, { method, body: body.buffer });
body[0] = 98; // b
assert_true(await res.text() === 'a');
assert_true(await req.text() === 'a');
}, 'ArrayBuffer is cloned');
promise_test(async t => {
const body = new Blob(['a']);
const res = new Response(body);
const req = new Request(url, { method, body });
assert_true(await res.blob() !== body);
assert_true(await req.blob() !== body);
}, 'Blob is cloned');