tree: bcb9d91f80c605ee0a18c4d1dffc665e4bf2e80e [path history] [tgz]
  1. audio-data-serialization.any.js
  2. audio-data.any.js
  3. audio-data.crossOriginIsolated.https.any.js
  4. audio-data.crossOriginIsolated.https.any.js.headers
  5. audio-decoder.crossOriginIsolated.https.any.js
  6. audio-decoder.crossOriginIsolated.https.any.js.headers
  7. audio-decoder.https.any.js
  8. audio-encoder-codec-specific.https.any.js
  9. audio-encoder-config.https.any.js
  10. audio-encoder.https.any.js
  11. audioDecoder-codec-specific.https.any.js
  12. av1.mp4
  13. chunk-serialization.any.js
  14. encoded-audio-chunk.any.js
  15. encoded-audio-chunk.crossOriginIsolated.https.any.js
  16. encoded-audio-chunk.crossOriginIsolated.https.any.js.headers
  17. encoded-video-chunk.any.js
  18. encoded-video-chunk.crossOriginIsolated.https.any.js
  19. encoded-video-chunk.crossOriginIsolated.https.any.js.headers
  20. encodedVideoChunk-serialization.crossAgentCluster.helper.html
  21. encodedVideoChunk-serialization.crossAgentCluster.https.html
  22. four-colors-flip.avif
  23. four-colors-flip.gif
  24. four-colors-full-range-bt2020-pq-444-10bpc.avif
  25. four-colors-limited-range-420-8bpc.avif
  26. four-colors-limited-range-420-8bpc.jpg
  27. four-colors-limited-range-420-8bpc.webp
  28. four-colors-limited-range-422-8bpc.avif
  29. four-colors-limited-range-444-8bpc.avif
  30. four-colors.avif
  31. four-colors.gif
  32. four-colors.jpg
  33. four-colors.mp4
  34. four-colors.png
  35. four-colors.webp
  36. full-cycle-test.https.any.js
  37. h264.annexb
  38. h264.mp4
  39. h265.annexb
  40. h265.mp4
  41. idlharness.https.any.js
  42. image-decoder-disconnect-readable-stream-crash.https.html
  43. image-decoder-image-orientation-none.https.html
  44. image-decoder-utils.js
  45. image-decoder.crossOriginIsolated.https.any.js
  46. image-decoder.crossOriginIsolated.https.any.js.headers
  47. image-decoder.https.any.js
  48. META.yml
  49. pattern.png
  50. per-frame-qp-encoding.https.any.js
  52. reconfiguring-encoder.https.any.js
  53. serialization.crossAgentCluster.serviceworker.js
  54. sfx-aac.mp4
  55. sfx-alaw.wav
  56. sfx-mulaw.wav
  57. sfx-opus.ogg
  58. sfx.adts
  59. sfx.mp3
  60. temporal-svc-encoding.https.any.js
  61. transfering.https.any.js
  62. utils.js
  63. video-decoder.crossOriginIsolated.https.any.js
  64. video-decoder.crossOriginIsolated.https.any.js.headers
  65. video-decoder.https.any.js
  66. video-encoder-config.https.any.js
  67. video-encoder-content-hint.https.any.js
  68. video-encoder-flush.https.any.js
  69. video-encoder-h264.https.any.js
  70. video-encoder-utils.js
  71. video-encoder.https.any.js
  72. video-frame-serialization.any.js
  73. videoColorSpace.any.js
  74. videoDecoder-codec-specific.https.any.js
  75. videoFrame-alpha.any.js
  76. videoFrame-canvasImageSource.html
  77. videoFrame-construction.any.js
  78. videoFrame-construction.crossOriginIsolated.https.any.js
  79. videoFrame-construction.crossOriginIsolated.https.any.js.headers
  80. videoFrame-construction.crossOriginSource.sub.html
  81. videoFrame-construction.window.js
  82. videoFrame-copyTo.any.js
  83. videoFrame-copyTo.crossOriginIsolated.https.any.js
  84. videoFrame-copyTo.crossOriginIsolated.https.any.js.headers
  85. videoFrame-createImageBitmap.any.js
  86. videoFrame-createImageBitmap.https.any.js
  87. videoFrame-drawImage.any.js
  88. videoFrame-odd-size.any.js
  89. videoFrame-serialization.crossAgentCluster.helper.html
  90. videoFrame-serialization.crossAgentCluster.https.html
  91. videoFrame-serialization.https.html
  92. videoFrame-texImage.any.js
  93. videoFrame-utils.js
  94. vp8.webm
  95. vp9.mp4
  96. webgl-test-utils.js

WebCodecs Test Files


To add, update or remove a test file, please update the list below.

Please provide full reference and steps to generate the test file so that any people can regenerate or update the file in the future.


  • When updating the sample offsets and descriptions for tests using mp4 files, it's easiest to use mp4box.js.
    • Sample offsets can be copied from the “Sample View” tab after unchecking all but offset and size. Use a multi-line edit mode and clang-format to quickly format entries.
    • Description entries can be found under moov.trak.mdia.minf.stbl.stsd in box view.
      • avc1.avcC or hvc1.hvcC has an offset, size in the same view. Add 8 to offset and subtract 8 from the size to get the values the tests want.
    • If you use ffprobe -show_packets to get sample offsets, you may need to add 4 to each pos value. You can tell if you need to by whether or not tests pass.

List of Test Files


Generated using MSPaint like a true professional.


Lossless encoding must be used to ensure colors are perfect.

avifenc -l four-colors.png -o four-colors.avif


Lossless encoding must be used to ensure colors are perfect.

ffmpeg -i four-colors.png -lossless 1 -y four-colors.webp


ffmpeg -i four-colors.png -pix_fmt yuv420p four-colors-limited-range-420-8bpc.webp


High quality encoding must be used to ensure colors are perfect.

cp four-colors.png four-colors2.png
gifski -o four-colors.gif four-colors*.png


High quality encoding must be used to ensure colors are perfect.

ffmpeg -i four-colors.png -vf "rotate=PI" four-colors2.png
gifski -o four-colors-flip.gif four-colors*.png


ffmpeg -i four-colors-flip.gif -vcodec libaom-av1 -crf 16 four-colors-flip.mp4
mp4box -add-image ref:primary:tk=1:samp=1 -ab avis -ab avif -ab miaf -brand avis four-colors-flip.mp4 -out four-colors-flip.avif
mp4box -edits 1=r four-colors-flip.avif


avifenc -r l -d 8 -y 420 -s 0 four-colors.png four-colors-limited-range-420-8bpc.avif
avifenc -r l -d 8 -y 422 -s 0 four-colors.png four-colors-limited-range-422-8bpc.avif
avifenc -r l -d 8 -y 444 -s 0 four-colors.png four-colors-limited-range-444-8bpc.avif


avifenc -r f -d 10 -y 444 -s 0 --nclx 9/16/9 four-colors.png four-colors-full-range-bt2020-pq-444-10bpc.avif


Used with MozJPEG compression and RGB channels. exiftool was then used to add an orientation marker.

exiftool -Orientation=1 -n four-colors.jpg


Used with MozJPEG compression and YUV channels. exiftool was then used to add an orientation marker.

exiftool -Orientation=1 -n four-colors-limited-range-420-8bpc.jpg


Used a custom tool to convert four-colors.avif into a .mp4 file.


ffmpeg -f lavfi -i testsrc=rate=10:n=1 -t 1 -pix_fmt yuv420p -vcodec h264 -tune zerolatency h264.mp4


ffmpeg -i h264.mp4 -codec copy -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb -f h264 h264.annexb


ffmpeg -f lavfi -i testsrc=rate=10:n=1 -t 1 -pix_fmt yuv420p -vcodec hevc -tag:v hvc1 -tune zerolatency h265.mp4


ffmpeg -i h265.mp4 -codec copy -bsf:v hevc_mp4toannexb -f hevc h265.annexb


sox -n -r 48000 sfx.wav synth 1 sine 480
ffmpeg -i sfx.wav -frames:a 10 -acodec aac -b:a 96K sfx.adts


sox -n -r 48000 sfx.wav synth 1 sine 480
ffmpeg -i sfx.wav -frames:a 10 -acodec pcm_alaw sfx-alaw.wav


sox -n -r 48000 sfx.wav synth 1 sine 480
ffmpeg -i sfx.wav -frames:a 10 -acodec libmp3lame -b:a 96K sfx.mp3


sox -n -r 48000 sfx.wav synth 1 sine 480
ffmpeg -i sfx.wav -frames:a 10 -acodec aac -b:a 96K sfx-aac.mp4


sox -n -r 48000 sfx.wav synth 1 sine 480
ffmpeg -i sfx.wav -frames:a 10 -acodec pcm_mulaw sfx-mulaw.wav


sox -n -r 48000 sfx.wav synth 1 sine 480
ffmpeg -i sfx.wav -frames:a 10 -acodec libopus -b:a 96K sfx-opus.ogg


ffmpeg -f lavfi -i testsrc=rate=10:n=1 -t 1 -pix_fmt yuv420p -vcodec libaom-av1 av1.mp4


ffmpeg -f lavfi -i testsrc=rate=10:n=1 -t 1 -pix_fmt yuv420p -vcodec vp8 vp8.webm


ffmpeg -f lavfi -i testsrc=rate=10:n=1 -t 1 -pix_fmt yuv420p -vcodec vp9 vp9.mp4