blob: 9b83df74ef2a74831d0c31264fa9e896e63a6f71 [file] [log] [blame]
(function() {
// Test is initiated from body.onload, so explicit done() call is required.
setup({ explicit_done: true });
function checkSubtreeExpectedValues(t, parent, prefix)
var checkedLayout = checkExpectedValues(t, parent, prefix);, function(node) {
checkedLayout |= checkSubtreeExpectedValues(t, node, prefix);
return checkedLayout;
function checkAttribute(output, node, attribute)
var result = node.getAttribute && node.getAttribute(attribute);
output.checked |= !!result;
return result;
function assert_tolerance(actual, expected, message)
if (isNaN(expected) || Math.abs(actual - expected) >= 1) {
assert_equals(actual, Number(expected), message);
function checkExpectedValues(t, node, prefix)
var output = { checked: false };
var expectedWidth = checkAttribute(output, node, "data-expected-width");
if (expectedWidth) {
assert_tolerance(node.offsetWidth, expectedWidth, prefix + "width");
var expectedHeight = checkAttribute(output, node, "data-expected-height");
if (expectedHeight) {
assert_tolerance(node.offsetHeight, expectedHeight, prefix + "height");
var expectedOffset = checkAttribute(output, node, "data-offset-x");
if (expectedOffset) {
assert_tolerance(node.offsetLeft, expectedOffset, prefix + "offsetLeft");
var expectedOffset = checkAttribute(output, node, "data-offset-y");
if (expectedOffset) {
assert_tolerance(node.offsetTop, expectedOffset, prefix + "offsetTop");
var expectedWidth = checkAttribute(output, node, "data-expected-client-width");
if (expectedWidth) {
assert_tolerance(node.clientWidth, expectedWidth, prefix + "clientWidth");
var expectedHeight = checkAttribute(output, node, "data-expected-client-height");
if (expectedHeight) {
assert_tolerance(node.clientHeight, expectedHeight, prefix + "clientHeight");
var expectedWidth = checkAttribute(output, node, "data-expected-scroll-width");
if (expectedWidth) {
assert_tolerance(node.scrollWidth, expectedWidth, prefix + "scrollWidth");
var expectedHeight = checkAttribute(output, node, "data-expected-scroll-height");
if (expectedHeight) {
assert_tolerance(node.scrollHeight, expectedHeight, prefix + "scrollHeight");
var expectedWidth = checkAttribute(output, node, "data-expected-bounding-client-rect-width");
if (expectedWidth) {
assert_tolerance(node.getBoundingClientRect().width, expectedWidth, prefix + "getBoundingClientRect().width");
var expectedOffset = checkAttribute(output, node, "data-total-x");
if (expectedOffset) {
var totalLeft = node.clientLeft + node.offsetLeft;
assert_tolerance(totalLeft, expectedOffset, prefix +
"clientLeft+offsetLeft (" + node.clientLeft + " + " + node.offsetLeft + ")");
var expectedOffset = checkAttribute(output, node, "data-total-y");
if (expectedOffset) {
var totalTop = node.clientTop + node.offsetTop;
assert_tolerance(totalTop, expectedOffset, prefix +
"clientTop+offsetTop (" + node.clientTop + " + " + node.offsetTop + ")");
var expectedDisplay = checkAttribute(output, node, "data-expected-display");
if (expectedDisplay) {
var actualDisplay = getComputedStyle(node).display;
assert_equals(actualDisplay, expectedDisplay, prefix + "display");
var expectedPaddingTop = checkAttribute(output, node, "data-expected-padding-top");
if (expectedPaddingTop) {
var actualPaddingTop = getComputedStyle(node).paddingTop;
// Trim the unit "px" from the output.
actualPaddingTop = actualPaddingTop.slice(0, -2);
assert_equals(actualPaddingTop, expectedPaddingTop, prefix + "padding-top");
var expectedPaddingBottom = checkAttribute(output, node, "data-expected-padding-bottom");
if (expectedPaddingBottom) {
var actualPaddingBottom = getComputedStyle(node).paddingBottom;
// Trim the unit "px" from the output.
actualPaddingBottom = actualPaddingBottom.slice(0, -2);
assert_equals(actualPaddingBottom, expectedPaddingBottom, prefix + "padding-bottom");
var expectedPaddingLeft = checkAttribute(output, node, "data-expected-padding-left");
if (expectedPaddingLeft) {
var actualPaddingLeft = getComputedStyle(node).paddingLeft;
// Trim the unit "px" from the output.
actualPaddingLeft = actualPaddingLeft.slice(0, -2);
assert_equals(actualPaddingLeft, expectedPaddingLeft, prefix + "padding-left");
var expectedPaddingRight = checkAttribute(output, node, "data-expected-padding-right");
if (expectedPaddingRight) {
var actualPaddingRight = getComputedStyle(node).paddingRight;
// Trim the unit "px" from the output.
actualPaddingRight = actualPaddingRight.slice(0, -2);
assert_equals(actualPaddingRight, expectedPaddingRight, prefix + "padding-right");
var expectedMarginTop = checkAttribute(output, node, "data-expected-margin-top");
if (expectedMarginTop) {
var actualMarginTop = getComputedStyle(node).marginTop;
// Trim the unit "px" from the output.
actualMarginTop = actualMarginTop.slice(0, -2);
assert_equals(actualMarginTop, expectedMarginTop, prefix + "margin-top");
var expectedMarginBottom = checkAttribute(output, node, "data-expected-margin-bottom");
if (expectedMarginBottom) {
var actualMarginBottom = getComputedStyle(node).marginBottom;
// Trim the unit "px" from the output.
actualMarginBottom = actualMarginBottom.slice(0, -2);
assert_equals(actualMarginBottom, expectedMarginBottom, prefix + "margin-bottom");
var expectedMarginLeft = checkAttribute(output, node, "data-expected-margin-left");
if (expectedMarginLeft) {
var actualMarginLeft = getComputedStyle(node).marginLeft;
// Trim the unit "px" from the output.
actualMarginLeft = actualMarginLeft.slice(0, -2);
assert_equals(actualMarginLeft, expectedMarginLeft, prefix + "margin-left");
var expectedMarginRight = checkAttribute(output, node, "data-expected-margin-right");
if (expectedMarginRight) {
var actualMarginRight = getComputedStyle(node).marginRight;
// Trim the unit "px" from the output.
actualMarginRight = actualMarginRight.slice(0, -2);
assert_equals(actualMarginRight, expectedMarginRight, prefix + "margin-right");
return output.checked;
var testNumber = 0;
window.checkLayout = function(selectorList, callDone = true)
if (!selectorList) {
console.error("You must provide a CSS selector of nodes to check.");
var nodes = document.querySelectorAll(selectorList);
nodes =;
var checkedLayout = false;, function(node) {
test(function(t) {
var container = node.parentNode.className == 'container' ? node.parentNode : node;
var prefix = "\n" + container.outerHTML + "\n";
var passed = false;
try {
checkedLayout |= checkExpectedValues(t, node.parentNode, prefix);
checkedLayout |= checkSubtreeExpectedValues(t, node, prefix);
passed = true;
} finally {
checkedLayout |= !passed;
}, selectorList + ' ' + String(++testNumber));
if (!checkedLayout) {
console.error("No valid data-* attributes found in selector list : " + selectorList);
if (callDone)