blob: 107eb9a46df0914bc23e2fbf43fe76de54aeee56 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Feed Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for=LITE_RUNTIME;
option java_package = "";
option java_outer_classname = "BindingRefsProto";
option cc_enable_arenas = true;
// A BindingRef (binding reference) identifies a BindingValue of a specific type
// in a Binding. This is used when defining Templates, to bind to content.
// It is acceptable for multiple BindingRefs with the same binding_id to exist
// within the same binding context, e.g. if the same text were to be used more
// than once in the same Frame.
// It is NOT acceptable for multiple BindingValues in the same binding context
// to have the same binding_id; ERR_DUPLICATE_BINDING_VALUE will be raised.
// Some types of BindingRefs may be optional. If an optional binding is not
// provided, the element containing that binding will be omitted from the
// resulting view hierarchy. If a required binding is not provided,
message CustomBindingRef {
// The unique ID for this binding. See comments at the top of the file.
optional string binding_id = 1;
// Indicates whether this binding reference is optional.
optional bool is_optional = 2;
message ModuleBindingRef {
// The unique ID for this binding. See comments at the top of the file.
optional string binding_id = 1;
// Indicates whether this binding reference is optional.
optional bool is_optional = 2;
message ParameterizedTextBindingRef {
// The unique ID for this binding. See comments at the top of the file.
optional string binding_id = 1;
// Indicates whether this binding reference is optional.
optional bool is_optional = 2;
message ChunkedTextBindingRef {
// The unique ID for this binding. See comments at the top of the file.
optional string binding_id = 1;
// Indicates whether this binding reference is optional.
optional bool is_optional = 2;
message ImageBindingRef {
// The unique ID for this binding. See comments at the top of the file.
optional string binding_id = 1;
// Indicates whether this binding reference is optional.
optional bool is_optional = 2;
// GridCellWidthBindings are always optional. If not provided, the default is
// [width.weight = 1].
message GridCellWidthBindingRef {
// The unique ID for this binding. See comments at the top of the file.
optional string binding_id = 1;
message ElementBindingRef {
// The unique ID for this binding. See comments at the top of the file.
optional string binding_id = 1;
// Indicates whether this binding reference is optional.
optional bool is_optional = 2;
message TemplateBindingRef {
// The unique ID for this binding. See comments at the top of the file.
optional string binding_id = 1;
// Indicates whether this binding reference is optional.
optional bool is_optional = 2;
// Actions binding references are always optional.
message ActionsBindingRef {
// The unique ID for this binding. See comments at the top of the file.
optional string binding_id = 1;
// Style binding references are always optional.
message StyleBindingRef {
// The unique ID for this binding. See comments at the top of the file.
optional string binding_id = 1;
// Visibility bindings are always optional.
message VisibilityBindingRef {
// The unique ID for this binding. See comments at the top of the file.
optional string binding_id = 1;
// LogData binding references are always optional.
message LogDataBindingRef {
// The unique ID for this binding. See comments at the top of the file.
optional string binding_id = 1;