blob: 06991ef5efa8f0c08d0c1d2a85a921c0a06655c2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef TreeSynchronizer_h
#define TreeSynchronizer_h
#include <wtf/HashMap.h>
#include <wtf/Noncopyable.h>
#include <wtf/OwnPtr.h>
#include <wtf/PassOwnPtr.h>
namespace cc {
class CCLayerImpl;
class CCLayerTreeHostImpl;
class LayerChromium;
class TreeSynchronizer {
// Accepts a LayerChromium tree and returns a reference to a CCLayerImpl tree that duplicates the structure
// of the LayerChromium tree, reusing the CCLayerImpls in the tree provided by oldCCLayerImplRoot if possible.
static PassOwnPtr<CCLayerImpl> synchronizeTrees(LayerChromium* layerRoot, PassOwnPtr<CCLayerImpl> oldCCLayerImplRoot, CCLayerTreeHostImpl*);
TreeSynchronizer(); // Not instantiable.
typedef HashMap<int, OwnPtr<CCLayerImpl> > OwnPtrCCLayerImplMap;
typedef HashMap<int, CCLayerImpl*> RawPtrCCLayerImplMap;
// Declared as static member functions so they can access functions on LayerChromium as a friend class.
static PassOwnPtr<CCLayerImpl> reuseOrCreateCCLayerImpl(RawPtrCCLayerImplMap& newLayers, OwnPtrCCLayerImplMap& oldLayers, LayerChromium*);
static void collectExistingCCLayerImplRecursive(OwnPtrCCLayerImplMap& oldLayers, PassOwnPtr<CCLayerImpl>);
static PassOwnPtr<CCLayerImpl> synchronizeTreeRecursive(RawPtrCCLayerImplMap& newLayers, OwnPtrCCLayerImplMap& oldLayers, LayerChromium*, CCLayerTreeHostImpl*);
static void updateScrollbarLayerPointersRecursive(const RawPtrCCLayerImplMap& newLayers, LayerChromium*);
} // namespace cc
#endif // TreeSynchronizer_h