| /** |
| * @license |
| * Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| * found in the LICENSE file. |
| */ |
| |
| import {PluginApi} from '@gerritcodereview/typescript-api/plugin'; |
| import {PopupPluginApi} from '@gerritcodereview/typescript-api/popup'; |
| |
| import { |
| ActionType, |
| ChangeActionsPluginApi, |
| } from '@gerritcodereview/typescript-api/change-actions'; |
| |
| import { |
| ChangeReplyPluginApi, |
| LabelsChangedDetail, |
| } from '@gerritcodereview/typescript-api/change-reply'; |
| |
| import { |
| AccountInfo, |
| ChangeInfo, |
| } from '@gerritcodereview/typescript-api/rest-api'; |
| |
| import {html, LitElement} from 'lit'; |
| |
| import {customElement, property, state} from 'lit/decorators'; |
| |
| import { |
| getChangeDrafts, |
| getChangeObj, |
| getLabelMaxValue, |
| isLabelVotePermitted, |
| getApprovalsForLabel, |
| isLabelApproved, |
| } from './common'; |
| |
| const AS_LABEL_MAX_VALUE = 1; |
| const AUTOSUBMIT_LABEL = 'Auto-Submit'; |
| |
| let AUTOSUBMIT_POPUP: PopupPluginApi | null; |
| let CUSTOM_QUICK_APPROVE_KEY: string | null = null; |
| let CQ_LABEL_MAX_VALUE = 0; |
| let CHANGE: ChangeInfo | null = null; |
| |
| /** |
| * There are two main flows that need to handle the AS+1 vote: |
| * 1. CR+1 in reply dialog should automatically set CQ+2 label without |
| * submitting. An info msg should be displayed to the user in the dialog. |
| * 2. CR+1 button on the main page should display a popup asking if CQ+2 |
| * should be set since AS+1 is set. |
| * |
| * This function adds both behaviors. See crbug.com/631551 for more context. |
| */ |
| export async function installAutoSubmit(plugin: PluginApi, change: ChangeInfo) { |
| if (!change || !change.permitted_labels) { |
| // Could happen if the user is not logged in. |
| return; |
| } |
| if (change.status === STATUS_SUBMITTED) { |
| // Do not need autosubmit behavior for already submitted changes. |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| // Save the change's CR and CQ label max values for easy access from |
| // different functions. |
| REVIEW_LABEL_MAX_VALUE = getLabelMaxValue(change, REVIEW_LABEL); |
| CQ_LABEL_MAX_VALUE = getLabelMaxValue(change, CQ_LABEL); |
| CHANGE = change; |
| |
| if ( |
| CQ_LABEL_MAX_VALUE === 0 || |
| getLabelMaxValue(change, AUTOSUBMIT_LABEL) !== AS_LABEL_MAX_VALUE |
| ) { |
| // Exit early if project does not have the expected labels with expected |
| // max values. |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if ( |
| !isLabelVotePermitted(change, CQ_LABEL, `+${CQ_LABEL_MAX_VALUE}`) || |
| !isLabelVotePermitted(change, REVIEW_LABEL, `+${REVIEW_LABEL_MAX_VALUE}`) |
| ) { |
| // Exit early if user does not have necessary permissions to CR+1 |
| // and CQ+2. |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| // Check to see if we are still waiting for any other reviewers to |
| // approve. |
| await checkIfApprovedByAllOtherReviewers(plugin, change); |
| |
| // Replace the CR+1 button with a custom handler on the main page. |
| await replaceQuickApproveButton(plugin, change); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Checks to see if any reviewer, other than the current user and the |
| * change owner, has not approved the change yet. Updates the |
| * APPROVED_BY_ALL_OTHER_REVIEWERS global var with the result. |
| */ |
| async function checkIfApprovedByAllOtherReviewers( |
| plugin: PluginApi, |
| change: ChangeInfo |
| ) { |
| const allApprovals = getApprovalsForLabel(change, REVIEW_LABEL); |
| if (change.reviewers.REVIEWER && allApprovals.length) { |
| // Gather account_emails of all approvers. |
| const approverEmails = []; |
| for (let i = 0; i < allApprovals.length; i++) { |
| if (allApprovals[i].value === REVIEW_LABEL_MAX_VALUE) { |
| approverEmails.push(allApprovals[i].email); |
| } |
| } |
| // Get the account_email of the current user and use that to determine |
| // if any other reviewer has not approved the change yet. |
| try { |
| const resp: AccountInfo = await plugin |
| .restApi() |
| .get('/accounts/self/detail'); |
| let approvedByAllOtherReviewers = true; |
| const currentUserEmail = resp.email; |
| // Check to see if any reviewer, other than the current user and the |
| // change owner, has not approved the change yet. |
| for (let i = 0; i < change.reviewers.REVIEWER.length; i++) { |
| const reviewerEmail = change.reviewers.REVIEWER[i].email; |
| if ( |
| reviewerEmail !== currentUserEmail && |
| reviewerEmail !== change.owner.email && |
| !approverEmails.includes(reviewerEmail) |
| ) { |
| approvedByAllOtherReviewers = false; |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| APPROVED_BY_ALL_OTHER_REVIEWERS = approvedByAllOtherReviewers; |
| } catch (err) { |
| const changeActions = plugin.changeActions(); |
| changeActions |
| .ensureEl() |
| .dispatchEvent( |
| new CustomEvent('show-alert', {detail: {message: err}, bubbles: true}) |
| ); |
| throw err; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Sets CR+1 and optionally CQ+2 on the current change. |
| * |
| * @param sendToCQ - Whether the change should also be sent to the CQ. |
| * @returns Promise from the POST call. |
| */ |
| async function setApprovalLabels( |
| plugin: PluginApi, |
| change: ChangeInfo, |
| sendToCQ: boolean |
| ) { |
| // TODO(rmistry): Add getChangeNum to GrChangeActionsInterface? |
| const url = `/changes/${change._number}/revisions/current/review`; |
| const body: {labels: {[k: string]: string}; drafts: string} = { |
| labels: { |
| }, |
| drafts: 'PUBLISH', |
| }; |
| if (sendToCQ) { |
| body['labels'][CQ_LABEL] = `+${CQ_LABEL_MAX_VALUE}`; |
| } |
| const changeActions = plugin.changeActions(); |
| try { |
| await plugin.restApi().post(url, body); |
| // TODO(http://crbug.com/gerrit/6689): Use real plugin API to reload |
| // change when available. |
| changeActions |
| .ensureEl() |
| .dispatchEvent( |
| new CustomEvent('reload', { |
| detail: {clearPatchset: true}, |
| bubbles: false, |
| composed: true, |
| }) |
| ); |
| } catch (err) { |
| changeActions |
| .ensureEl() |
| .dispatchEvent( |
| new CustomEvent('show-alert', {detail: {message: err}, bubbles: true}) |
| ); |
| throw err; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * This is the callback used when label values change. Labels can change |
| * from either the reply dialog box or by 'x'ing labels on the main page. |
| * There is no page reload when labels change. |
| * |
| * Algorithm used by the callback: |
| * |
| * If label name == Code-Review: |
| * Re-evaluate the quick approve button |
| * If CR+1 and AS+1: |
| * Set CQ+2 |
| * Inform user that CQ+2 was automatically set |
| * If label name == Auto-Submit: |
| * Set ownerSelectedAutoSubmit value |
| * If CR+1 and ownerSelectedAutoSubmit: |
| * Set CQ+2 |
| * Inform user that CQ+2 was automatically set |
| */ |
| export function installLabelValuesCallbackAutosubmit(plugin: PluginApi) { |
| const replyApi = plugin.changeReply(); |
| replyApi.addLabelValuesChangedCallback( |
| async (labelDetail: LabelsChangedDetail, change?: ChangeInfo) => { |
| if (!change) { |
| return; |
| } |
| const reviewApproved = |
| replyApi.getLabelValue(REVIEW_LABEL) === `+${REVIEW_LABEL_MAX_VALUE}`; |
| const autoSubmitApproved = isAutoSubmitApproved(change, replyApi); |
| replyApi.showMessage(''); |
| |
| if (labelDetail.name === REVIEW_LABEL) { |
| // Always re-evaluate the quick approve button when Code-Review label |
| // changes. Get the latest change object from the server to be sure we |
| // are making the right decisions when displaying the quick approve |
| // button (see crbug.com/820117). |
| const refreshedChangeObj = await getChangeObj(plugin, change); |
| await replaceQuickApproveButton(plugin, refreshedChangeObj); |
| // If CR+1 and AS+1 then set CQ+2 if there are no unresolved |
| // comments and/or drafts. |
| if ( |
| labelDetail.value === `+${REVIEW_LABEL_MAX_VALUE}` && |
| autoSubmitApproved |
| ) { |
| const unresolvedMsg = |
| 'This change has unresolved comments ' + |
| 'and/or drafts. Not triggering ' + |
| 'AutoSubmit.'; |
| if (refreshedChangeObj.unresolved_comment_count !== 0) { |
| replyApi.showMessage(unresolvedMsg); |
| } else { |
| const drafts = (await getChangeDrafts(plugin, change)) as { |
| [k: string]: object[]; |
| }; |
| if (Object.keys(drafts).length === 0) { |
| replyApi.setLabelValue(CQ_LABEL, `+${CQ_LABEL_MAX_VALUE}`); |
| replyApi.showMessage(getSendToCQReplyDialogMsg()); |
| } else { |
| replyApi.showMessage(unresolvedMsg); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } else if (labelDetail.name === AUTOSUBMIT_LABEL) { |
| // The change owner has changed the vote of the Auto-Submit label. |
| const ownerSelectedAutoSubmit = |
| labelDetail.value === `+${AS_LABEL_MAX_VALUE}`; |
| if (ownerSelectedAutoSubmit && reviewApproved) { |
| // If AS+1 and CR+1 then set CQ+2. |
| replyApi.setLabelValue(CQ_LABEL, `+${CQ_LABEL_MAX_VALUE}`); |
| replyApi.showMessage(getSendToCQReplyDialogMsg()); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Returns the autosubmit msg that should be displayed in the reply dialog. |
| */ |
| function getSendToCQReplyDialogMsg() { |
| let sendToCQMsg = |
| "This change's owner has enabled Auto-Submit. " + |
| 'Your approval will also set CQ+' + |
| String(CQ_LABEL_MAX_VALUE) + |
| ". Unselect that if you don't want to trigger it."; |
| sendToCQMsg += '\nNote: Not all reviewers have approved this change!'; |
| } |
| return sendToCQMsg; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Looks at both the replyApi and the change object to determine if |
| * AS+1 is set. This checks the replyApi for the case where the owner sets |
| * their own AS+1 and CR+1 at the same time. In that case we want to also |
| * go ahead and set CQ+1. |
| */ |
| function isAutoSubmitApproved( |
| change: ChangeInfo, |
| replyApi: ChangeReplyPluginApi |
| ) { |
| if (replyApi.getLabelValue(AUTOSUBMIT_LABEL) === `+${AS_LABEL_MAX_VALUE}`) { |
| return true; |
| } |
| return isLabelApproved(change, AUTOSUBMIT_LABEL); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * This function replaces the quick approve button with a new button with |
| * a custom handler that prompts if AS+1 is set. |
| */ |
| async function replaceQuickApproveButton( |
| plugin: PluginApi, |
| change: ChangeInfo |
| ) { |
| const changeActions = plugin.changeActions(); |
| |
| // Make sure the old quick approve button is hidden. |
| changeActions.hideQuickApproveAction(); |
| |
| try { |
| const resp: AccountInfo = await plugin |
| .restApi() |
| .get('/accounts/self/detail'); |
| // See if the current user has approved the change. |
| let approvedByCurrentUser = false; |
| const allApprovals = getApprovalsForLabel(change, REVIEW_LABEL); |
| if (allApprovals.length) { |
| for (let i = 0; i < allApprovals.length; i++) { |
| if ( |
| allApprovals[i].value === REVIEW_LABEL_MAX_VALUE && |
| resp._account_id === allApprovals[i]._account_id |
| ) { |
| approvedByCurrentUser = true; |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (isLabelApproved(change, REVIEW_LABEL) && approvedByCurrentUser) { |
| if (CUSTOM_QUICK_APPROVE_KEY !== null) { |
| // The custom button is visible but should be now removed because |
| // the user set CR+1. |
| changeActions.remove(CUSTOM_QUICK_APPROVE_KEY); |
| changeActions.removeTapListener(CUSTOM_QUICK_APPROVE_KEY, () => {}); |
| } |
| // Do not create a new button because this user already set CR+1. |
| return; |
| } else if (CUSTOM_QUICK_APPROVE_KEY !== null) { |
| // There is already a button no need to create a new one. |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| // Create the custom quick approve button. |
| const key = changeActions.add( |
| ActionType.CHANGE, |
| `Code-Review+${REVIEW_LABEL_MAX_VALUE}` |
| ); |
| changeActions.setEnabled(key, true); |
| changeActions.addTapListener( |
| key, |
| quickApproveHandler(plugin, change, changeActions, key) |
| ); |
| changeActions.setActionPriority(ActionType.CHANGE, key, -3); |
| } catch (err) { |
| const changeActions = plugin.changeActions(); |
| changeActions |
| .ensureEl() |
| .dispatchEvent( |
| new CustomEvent('show-alert', {detail: {message: err}, bubbles: true}) |
| ); |
| throw err; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| function quickApproveHandler( |
| plugin: PluginApi, |
| change: ChangeInfo, |
| changeActions: ChangeActionsPluginApi, |
| key: string |
| ) { |
| return async function () { |
| const refreshedChangeObj = await getChangeObj(plugin, change); |
| // Disable the auto approve button. |
| changeActions.setEnabled(key, false); |
| if ( |
| !isLabelApproved(refreshedChangeObj, AUTOSUBMIT_LABEL) || |
| isLabelApproved(refreshedChangeObj, CQ_LABEL) |
| ) { |
| // Do not automatically set CQ+2 if AS+1 is not set or if CQ+2 |
| // is already set. |
| try { |
| await setApprovalLabels(plugin, change, false); |
| } catch (err) { |
| console.error(err); |
| // Re-enable the quick approve button if there was an error. |
| changeActions.setEnabled(key, true); |
| } |
| } else { |
| await openAutosubmitPopup(plugin); |
| // Re-enable the key in case the user clicks outside the popup. |
| changeActions.setEnabled(key, true); |
| } |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| async function openAutosubmitPopup(plugin: PluginApi) { |
| // Make sure the popup is completely closed before we open it. |
| await AUTOSUBMIT_POPUP.open(); |
| } else { |
| AUTOSUBMIT_POPUP = await plugin.popup('autosubmit-popup'); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @customElement('autosubmit-popup') |
| export class AutosubmitPopup extends LitElement { |
| // Guaranteed to be provided by the 'popup'. |
| @property() |
| plugin!: PluginApi; |
| |
| @state() |
| unresolvedCommentsOrDrafts = false; |
| |
| override render() { |
| return html`<gr-dialog |
| id="autosubmitDialog" |
| confirm-label="Trigger Autosubmit" |
| @confirm=${this.handleConfirm} |
| cancel-label="Approve without Autosubmit" |
| @cancel=${this.handleCancel} |
| > |
| <div class="header" slot="header"> |
| This change's owner has enabled Auto-Submit |
| </div> |
| <div class="main" slot="main"> |
| Click "Trigger Autosubmit" if you would like to send this<br /> |
| change to the CQ, or "Approve without Autosubmit" if not.<br /> |
| ${this.isApprovedByAllOtherReviewers() |
| ? '' |
| : html`<br /> |
| <b>Note:</b> Not all reviewers have approved this change!`} |
| ${this.unresolvedCommentsOrDrafts |
| ? html`<br /> |
| <b>Note:</b> This change has unresolved comments and/or drafts!` |
| : ''} |
| </div> |
| </gr-dialog>`; |
| } |
| |
| init() { |
| this._setUnresolvedCommentsOrDrafts(); |
| } |
| |
| private handleConfirm() { |
| this.setApprovalLabels(true); |
| AUTOSUBMIT_POPUP?.close(); |
| } |
| |
| private handleCancel() { |
| this.setApprovalLabels(false); |
| AUTOSUBMIT_POPUP?.close(); |
| } |
| |
| private async setApprovalLabels(sendToCQ: boolean) { |
| if (!CHANGE) { |
| console.error('Change is not set'); |
| return; |
| } |
| try { |
| await setApprovalLabels(this.plugin, CHANGE, sendToCQ); |
| } catch (err) { |
| // Re-enable the quick approve button if there was an error. |
| console.error(err); |
| this.plugin.changeActions().setEnabled(CUSTOM_QUICK_APPROVE_KEY, true); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private isApprovedByAllOtherReviewers() { |
| } |
| |
| async _setUnresolvedCommentsOrDrafts() { |
| if (!CHANGE) { |
| console.error('Change is not set'); |
| return; |
| } |
| const change = await getChangeObj(this.plugin, CHANGE); |
| if (change.unresolved_comment_count !== 0) { |
| this.unresolvedCommentsOrDrafts = true; |
| return; |
| } |
| const drafts = (await getChangeDrafts(this.plugin, CHANGE)) as { |
| [k: string]: object; |
| }; |
| this.unresolvedCommentsOrDrafts = Object.keys(drafts).length !== 0; |
| } |
| } |