[chops-announcements]Add cookies for closed announcements.


+ Add a button to close banner and closeBanner() to handle creating
  cookies for each announcement displayed in the banner page refreshes
  or future calls to chopsdash won't result in previous seen (and closed)
  announcements to show up again.
+ update updateBanner()
  - moved formatting announcements' messageContents from chops-announcements to updateBanner
  - updateBanner fetches announcements and filters out any announcements with cookies
+ announcements are now fetched in chromium-review and chrome-internal-review (+canary versions)

Before merging, I will retire and delete all announcements:

Bug: 977692
Change-Id: I036b4b5b68114a86fa27a8530ff219fa8f8975c0
2 files changed
tree: 0ca170b88af5068ff6632274251640d1e9a3dbf5
  1. src/
  2. BUILD
  3. codereview.settings
  5. README.md

Chrome/Chromium style theme for Gerrit

To use with the local testsite

ln -s /path/to/chromium-style.html plugins/