.buckconfig no longer required.

Change-Id: I335b1af619fa6e3737c8c0ddc27753e79d820eaf
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/621107
Reviewed-by: Andrii Shyshkalov <tandrii@chromium.org>
1 file changed
tree: a5134493bd0a50b466b662dc5d93478f1d617220
  1. src/
  2. .gitignore
  3. BUILD
  4. codereview.settings
  6. README.md

Git Numberer Gerrit Plugin

This plugin ensures commit footers in a repository comply with rules of Git number footers for Chromium and is part of the Git Numberer for Chromium system.


For every new commit C that is about to be pushed with git push or landed using Gerrit API/UI (called merged in Gerrit), this plugin ensures:

  1. commit C having exactly at most one parent, namely commit P.
  2. commit P contains footer Cr-Commit-Position: refs/foo/bar@{#X}, where X is positive integer.
  3. commit C contains footer Cr-Commit-Position: refs/foo/bar@{#Y} such that Y = X+1.

There is more to it in the doc Git number footers for Chromium.

Plugin structure

This plugin consists of verification and generation parts, each working independently of each other, but share common libraries. While each part can be enabled on specific refs independently of another, it's recommended that verifier is enabled on all refs on which generation is enabled.


Safety comes first. This plugin installs a verifier that ensures that all new commits on enabled refs comply with the numbering scheme. The new commits may be created as a result of landing (merging) a Gerrit changelist, or as a result of a git push operation.

NOTE This is a Gerrit plugin and thus it only works for operations done through Gerrit. Thus, this plugin won‘t protect from bad commits being pushed by someone with direct access to Git repository filesystem on Gerrit’s server. Google's deployment of Gerrit internally calls such access _direct push. Such access could be useful to administrators when pushing humongous histories as in during Chromium + Blink merge, but then administrators are responsible for verification.


TODO(Tandrii): implement and document.

See also:

  • git cl and its fork in Commit Queue which generate footers for Rietveld issues.


Get Ready, only once.

Follow this general Gerrit guide first to get basic set up correctly.


NB BUCK used with Gerrit no longer has symlinking issues as of September 2016. TODO(tandrii): consider reworking these instructions and making CI possible.

To avoid wasting hours with Buck‘s symlinking issues, I don’t symlink the plugin into gerrit/plugins, but instead add it as a submodule. I also add plugin under development to custom list of core plugins, which integrates well with existing gerrit tooling. See this CL for this integration.

These 3 vars are assumed to be set in instructions below:

export GERRIT_SRC=<path to where you cloned gerrit repo>
export PLUGIN=git-numberer
# Optional. See general Gerrit developer guide above to learn more.
export GERRIT_TEST=<path where you initialized and run gerrit locally>

Get plugin source to a hackable state:

git new-branch do-not-commit-$PLUGIN
git fetch https://gerrit.googlesource.com/gerrit refs/changes/84/89684/1
git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD
git submit init
git submodule update --recursive
./tools/eclipse/project.py  # For Eclipse users.
cd plugins/$PLUGIN
git new-branch hacking
# Hack hack hack, commit, upload, etc.

Build plugin:

cd $GERRIT_SRC && buck build //plugins/$PLUGIN:$PLUGIN

Optionally, make use of new version in your local Gerrit server:

cp $GERRIT_SRC/buck-out/gen/plugins/$PLUGIN/$PLUGIN.jar \
               $GERRIT_TEST/plugins/ && \
   $GERRIT_TEST/bin/gerrit.sh restart
# You may want to keep watching log file in advance in case of errors.
tail -F $GERRIT_TEST/logs/error_log

Test plugin:

cd $GERRIT_SRC && buck test //plugins/$PLUGIN:$PLUGIN-test

You can also test directly from Eclipse if you ran $GERRIT_SRC/tools/eclipse/project.py command.
