
The configuration of the @PLUGIN@ plugin is done on project level in the project.config file of the project.

Project owners can do the configuration in the Gerrit web UI from project info screen.

  [plugin "@PLUGIN@"]
    validate-disabled-refglob = refs/heads/infra/config
    validate-enabled-refglob = refs/heads/main
    validate-enabled-refglob = refs/branch-heads/*
    # Generation *should* normally be enabled only on refs on
    # which validation is also enabled.
    generate-disabled-refglob = refs/heads/infra/config
    generate-enabled-refglob = refs/heads/main
    generate-enabled-refglob = refs/branch-heads/*
    # Generation should treat the following sets of branches as equal
    equal-branches-list = refs/heads/master,refs/heads/main

plugin.@PLUGIN@.validate-disabled-refglob : refs on which no verification will be done.

validate-disabled-refglob(s) are *not* inherited by child projects.

plugin.@PLUGIN@.validate-enabled-refglob : refs on which verification will be done unless also matching validate-disabled-refglob.

validate-enabled-refglob(s) are *not* inherited by child projects.

plugin.@PLUGIN@.generate-disabled-refglob : refs on which no generation will be done.

generate-disabled-refglob(s) are *not* inherited by child projects.

plugin.@PLUGIN@.generate-enabled-refglob : refs on which generation will be done unless also matching generate-disabled-refglob.

generate-enabled-refglob(s) are *not* inherited by child projects.

plugin.@PLUGIN@.equal-branches-list : refs sets (as csv) that are to be treated as equal for the purposes of numbering.

equa-branches-list(s) are *not* inherited by child projects.

Plugin @PLUGIN@ validates commits on some ref if and only if all conditions below are met:

  • ref is not a magic ref refs/for/*
  • ref is not used for Gerrit project config refs/meta/config
  • ref is not matched by any validate-disabled-globs
  • ref is matched by at least one validate-enabled-globs.

Thus, even if this plugin is misconfigured, developers can still upload new changes and administrator can still fix the config.

The same applies for generation of commit footers on a specific ref, which is controlled by generate-enabled-globs and generate-disabled-globs.