blob: a19059d5615f3950dfd8e3f50df69dc7d8bd004b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 The Goma Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "basictypes.h"
using std::string;
namespace devtools_goma {
class LibraryPathResolverTest;
class LinkerInputProcessorTest;
// Expands library name to full path name (e.g. -lfoo => /usr/lib/
class LibraryPathResolver {
explicit LibraryPathResolver(string cwd);
// for -lfoo flag, value is "foo".
string ExpandLibraryPath(const string& value) const;
// e.g. soname = ""
string FindBySoname(const string& soname) const;
string FindByFullname(const string& fullname) const;
void PreventSharedLibrary() { static_link_ = true; }
void SetSyslibroot(const string& path) { syslibroot_ = path; }
void SetSysroot(const string& path) { sysroot_ = path; }
void AppendSearchdirs(const std::vector<string>& paths);
void AddSearchdir(const string& path);
const std::vector<string>& searchdirs() const { return searchdirs_; }
const string& cwd() const { return cwd_; }
const string& sysroot() const { return sysroot_; }
const string& syslibroot() const { return syslibroot_; }
friend class LibraryPathResolverTest;
friend class LinkerInputProcessorTest;
string FindByName(const string& so_name, const string& ar_name) const;
string ResolveLibraryFilePath(
const string& syslibroot, const string& dirname,
const string& so_name, const string& ar_name) const;
string ResolveFilePath(const string& syslibroot, const string& dirname,
const string& filename) const;
std::vector<string> searchdirs_;
std::vector<string> fallback_searchdirs_;
const string cwd_;
bool static_link_;
// For mac -syslibroot option.
string syslibroot_;
string sysroot_;
static const char* fakeroot_;
} // namespace devtools_goma