blob: faee50358b1260b68d383b60e72b0f3ed89a070e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2010 The Goma Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "basictypes.h"
#include "lockhelper.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#include "named_pipe_server_win.h"
#include "scoped_fd.h"
#include "simple_timer.h"
#include "worker_thread_manager.h"
using std::string;
namespace devtools_goma {
class TrustedIpsManager;
class ThreadpoolHttpServer {
typedef int RegisteredClosureID;
enum SocketType {
SOCKET_TCP, // for http of status page etc.
SOCKET_IPC, // for IPC between gomacc and compiler_proxy.
class Stat {
: req_size(0),
write_resp_time_msec(0) {}
~Stat() {}
SimpleTimer timer;
size_t req_size;
size_t resp_size;
// Time (in ms).
int waiting_time_msec;
int read_req_time_msec;
int handler_time_msec;
int write_resp_time_msec;
class Monitor {
Monitor() {}
virtual ~Monitor() {}
virtual void FinishHandle(const Stat& stat) = 0;
class HttpServerRequest;
class HttpHandler {
HttpHandler() {}
virtual ~HttpHandler() {}
// HandleHttpRequest is responsible for freeing http_server_request by
// calling http_server_request->SendReply()
virtual void HandleHttpRequest(HttpServerRequest* http_server_request) = 0;
virtual bool shutting_down() = 0;
class HttpServerRequest {
HttpServerRequest(WorkerThreadManager* wm,
ThreadpoolHttpServer* server,
const Stat& stat,
Monitor* monitor);
// Checks credential of peer.
virtual bool CheckCredential() = 0;
virtual bool IsTrusted() = 0;
// Send response and delete this object.
virtual void SendReply(const string& response) = 0;
// Full request string with all the headers and body.
const string& request() const { return request_; }
absl::string_view header() const {
absl::string_view h(, request_offset_);
return h;
size_t header_size() const { return request_offset_; }
// Request body data.
const char* request_content() const {
return + request_offset_;
size_t request_content_length() const {
return request_content_length_;
// "GET", "POST", etc.
const string& method() const { return method_; }
const string& req_path() const { return req_path_; }
// The string after ?
const string& query() const { return query_; }
pid_t peer_pid() const { return peer_pid_; }
// if the HTTP Request was valid.
bool ParsedValidHttpRequest() const { return parsed_valid_http_request_; }
const ThreadpoolHttpServer& server() const { return *server_; }
// Sets callback for request close.
// It may be called on other thread than request's thread.
// callback will be called on the thread where this method was called.
virtual void NotifyWhenClosed(OneshotClosure* callback) = 0;
virtual ~HttpServerRequest() {}
WorkerThreadManager* wm_;
WorkerThreadManager::ThreadId thread_id_;
ThreadpoolHttpServer* server_;
Monitor* monitor_;
size_t request_offset_;
size_t request_content_length_;
size_t request_len_;
string request_;
string method_;
string req_path_;
string query_;
string response_;
// true if it got valid http request.
bool parsed_valid_http_request_;
pid_t peer_pid_;
Stat stat_;
static const RegisteredClosureID kInvalidClosureId = 0;
ThreadpoolHttpServer(string listen_addr,
int port,
int num_find_ports,
WorkerThreadManager* wm,
int num_threads,
HttpHandler* http_handler,
int max_num_sockets);
void HandleIncoming(HttpServerRequest* request);
// Starts the main loop waiting for HTTP connections.
int Loop();
// Waits for all http requests process.
void Wait();
// Sets monitor. Doesn't take ownership.
void SetMonitor(Monitor* monitor);
// Sets TrustedIpsManager. Doesn't take ownership.
void SetTrustedIpsManager(TrustedIpsManager* trustedipsmanager);
// Starts IPC handlers on addr. Must call before Loop.
// num_threads and max_overcommit_incoming_sockets are used
// to calculate max num incoming requests for IPC handlers.
void StartIPC(const string& addr, int num_threads,
int max_overcommit_incoming_sockets);
// Stops IPC handlers.
void StopIPC();
// Utility function: Parse HTTP request string and extract method,
// path, and query string.
static bool ParseRequestLine(
absl::string_view request, string* method, string* path, string* query);
int port() const { return port_; }
const string& un_socket_name() const { return un_socket_name_; }
// Registers idle closure. closure must be permanent callback.
// closure will be called after idle counter reaches "count".
// Takes ownership of closure.
RegisteredClosureID RegisterIdleClosure(
SocketType socket_type, int count,
std::unique_ptr<PermanentClosure> closure);
// Unregisters idle closure.
void UnregisterIdleClosure(RegisteredClosureID id);
// Idle counter for socket_type.
int idle_counter(SocketType socket_type) const;
void SuspendIdleCounter();
void ResumeIdleCounter();
class RequestFromSocket;
class IdleClosure;
#ifdef _WIN32
class PipeHandler;
class RequestFromNamedPipe;
// Opens unix domain socket to serve. Must call before Loop().
// Returns true if unix domain socket is successully opened.
// On Windows, the path is actually the port number for socket IPC.
bool OpenUnixDomainSocket(const string& path);
void CloseUnixDomainSocket();
// Sets limits of accepting sockets for "socket_type".
void SetAcceptLimit(int n, SocketType socket_type);
void AddAccept(SocketType socket_type);
void RemoveAccept(SocketType socket_type);
void WaitPortReady();
#ifdef _WIN32
void SendNamedPipeJobToWorkerThread(NamedPipeServer::Request* req);
void SendJobToWorkerThread(ScopedSocket&& socket, SocketType socket_type);
void UpdateSocketIdleUnlocked(SocketType socket_type)
const string listen_addr_;
int port_;
int port_ready_ GUARDED_BY(mu_);
int num_find_ports_;
WorkerThreadManager* wm_;
int pool_;
int num_http_threads_;
HttpHandler* http_handler_;
Monitor* monitor_;
TrustedIpsManager* trustedipsmanager_;
ScopedSocket un_socket_;
string un_socket_name_;
const int max_num_sockets_;
mutable Lock mu_;
ConditionVariable cond_;
int max_sockets_[NUM_SOCKET_TYPES] GUARDED_BY(mu_);
int num_sockets_[NUM_SOCKET_TYPES] GUARDED_BY(mu_);
int idle_counter_[NUM_SOCKET_TYPES] GUARDED_BY(mu_);
bool idle_counting_ GUARDED_BY(mu_);
std::vector<IdleClosure*> idle_closures_ GUARDED_BY(mu_);
RegisteredClosureID last_closure_id_ GUARDED_BY(mu_);
#ifdef _WIN32
std::unique_ptr<PipeHandler> pipe_handler_;
std::unique_ptr<NamedPipeServer> pipe_server_;
} // namespace devtools_goma