blob: 24d2512cc1686842149ece04e92510222f356509 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2010 The Goma Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Put this in the private: declarations for a class to be uncopyable.
#define DISALLOW_COPY(TypeName) \
TypeName(const TypeName&) = delete;
// Put this in the private: declarations for a class to be unassignable.
#define DISALLOW_ASSIGN(TypeName) \
void operator=(const TypeName&) = delete;
// A macro to disallow the copy constructor and operator= functions
// This should be used in the private: declarations for a class
TypeName(const TypeName&) = delete; \
void operator=(const TypeName&) = delete;
// A macro to disallow all the implicit constructors, namely the
// default constructor, copy constructor and operator= functions.
// This should be used in the private: declarations for a class
// that wants to prevent anyone from instantiating it. This is
// especially useful for classes containing only static methods.
TypeName() = delete; \