blob: 2ae45e267c55426e67015988264d70895a6c96b6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 The Goma Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <deque>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include <json/json.h>
#include "absl/base/call_once.h"
#include "absl/base/thread_annotations.h"
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_set.h"
#include "absl/time/time.h"
#include "basictypes.h"
#include "compile_service.h"
#include "compiler_info.h"
#include "compiler_specific.h"
#include "compiler_type_specific.h"
#include "deps_cache.h"
#include "file_stat.h"
#include "file_stat_cache.h"
#include "gtest/gtest_prod.h"
#include "http_rpc.h"
#include "simple_timer.h"
#include "subprocess_task.h"
#include "threadpool_http_server.h"
#include "worker_thread.h"
#include "worker_thread_manager.h"
#include "google/protobuf/repeated_field.h"
#include "prototmp/goma_data.pb.h"
#include "prototmp/subprocess.pb.h"
namespace devtools_goma {
class Closure;
class CompileStats;
class CompilerFlags;
class CompilerProxyHistogram;
class InputFileTask;
class LocalOutputFileTask;
struct OutputFileInfo;
class OutputFileTask;
// CompileTask handles single compile request from gomacc.
// It basically runs on the same thread it is created, but InputFileTask and
// OutputFileTask would run on other threads.
// Note that DumpToString() may be called on other threads.
class CompileTask {
enum State {
// running state, or state at response sent if abort_ is true.
INIT, // Initialize the task. Run subprocess for fast fallback/verify.
SETUP, // Setup the request. Run include processor.
FILE_REQ, // Upload input files.
CALL_EXEC, // Call Exec request.
LOCAL_OUTPUT, // LocalOutputCache lookup succeeded.
FILE_RESP, // Download output files.
// finished state: response sent.
FINISHED, // Finished.
LOCAL_RUN, // Local run started and didn't issue goma call.
LOCAL_FINISHED, // Local run finished for fast fallback.
CompileTask(CompileService* service, int id);
void Ref() LOCKS_EXCLUDED(refcnt_mu_);
void Deref() LOCKS_EXCLUDED(refcnt_mu_);
// Task ID, a serial number.
int id() const { return id_; }
const string& trace_id() const { return trace_id_; }
// Inits CompileTask.
// It takes ownership of rpc, req, resp and done.
void Init(RpcController* rpc,
std::unique_ptr<ExecReq> req,
ExecResp* resp,
OneshotClosure* done);
// It will run on other thread than current thread, but done closure will
// be called on the same thread where this method was called.
void Start();
bool failed() const;
bool canceled() const;
bool abort() const { return abort_; }
bool local_run() const { return local_run_; }
bool local_killed() const { return local_killed_; }
bool fail_fallback() const { return fail_fallback_; }
bool cache_hit() const;
bool local_cache_hit() const;
State state() const { return state_; }
const CompileStats& stats() const { return *stats_; }
CompileStats* mutable_stats() { return stats_.get(); }
void DumpToJson(bool need_detail, Json::Value* root) const;
// DumpRequest is called on finished task.
// A return value contains a message to show on a browser.
string DumpRequest() const;
void SetFrozenTimestamp(absl::Time frozen_timestamp) {
frozen_timestamp_ = frozen_timestamp;
absl::optional<absl::Time> GetFrozenTimestamp() const {
return frozen_timestamp_;
absl::Time GetLastReqTimestamp() const { return last_req_timestamp_; }
FRIEND_TEST(CompileTaskTest, DumpToJsonWithUnsuccessfulStart);
FRIEND_TEST(CompileTaskTest, DumpToJsonWithValidCallToServer);
FRIEND_TEST(CompileTaskTest, DumpToJsonWithHTTPErrorCode);
FRIEND_TEST(CompileTaskTest, DumpToJsonWithDone);
FRIEND_TEST(CompileTaskTest, UpdateStatsFinished);
FRIEND_TEST(CompileTaskTest, UpdateStatsFinishedCacheHit);
FRIEND_TEST(CompileTaskTest, UpdateStatsLocalFinished);
FRIEND_TEST(CompileTaskTest, UpdateStatsAborted);
FRIEND_TEST(CompileTask, OmitDurationFromUserError);
enum ErrDest {
// To log: write in log file, and show on status page.
// To user: may send back to gomacc, so user will see the message.
// including TO_LOG.
friend class InputFileTask;
friend class OutputFileTask;
friend class LocalOutputFileTask;
friend class CompilerProxyHistogram;
struct RenameParam;
struct ContentOutputParam;
struct IncludeProcessorRequestParam;
struct IncludeProcessorResponseParam;
bool BelongsToCurrentThread() const;
bool success() const { return resp_->result().exit_status() == 0; }
bool IsGomaccRunning();
// Notified from http server request of gomacc when the goma ipc is closed.
void GomaccClosed();
bool IsSubprocRunning() const;
// Copies env and requester env from req_, and clear requester env
// from req_.
void CopyEnvFromRequest();
// Initializes compiler flags from the request.
void InitCompilerFlags();
// Finds local compiler path from the request.
// Updates req_->command_spec().local_compiler_path() and local_path_.
bool FindLocalCompilerPath();
// Checks if we should fallback the request.
bool ShouldFallback() const;
// Checks if we should verify output.
bool ShouldVerifyOutput() const;
// Gets task weight.
SubProcessReq::Weight GetTaskWeight() const;
// Checks if we should stop goma and use local run only.
bool ShouldStopGoma() const;
// Sets up goma request. (e.g include processor).
// state_: INIT -> SETUP
void ProcessSetup();
// Processes file request. (runs InputFileTasks).
// state_: SETUP -> FILE_REQ
void TryProcessFileRequest();
void ProcessFileRequest();
void ProcessFileRequestDone();
void ProcessPendingFileRequest();
// state_: FILE_REQ -> CALL_EXEC (call Exec service).
void ProcessCallExec();
void ProcessCallExecDone();
// state_: CALL_EXEC -> FILE_RESP (runs OutputFileTasks).
void ProcessFileResponse();
void ProcessFileResponseDone();
// state_: -> FINISHED or abort_. (ready to send response)
// finished_ becomes true.
// joins in FinishSubProcess if subproc_ is active.
void ProcessFinished(const string& msg);
// Replies with goma result.
// state_: FINISHED && !abort_ && subprocess has been finished.
void ProcessReply();
// state_: !abort_, FINISHED.
// If use_remote is true, it renames remote outputs to real outputs.
// If use_remote is false, it just remove remote outputs.
void CommitOutput(bool use_remote);
// DoOutput will run closure to output in filename.
// It doesn't take ownership of closure and err.
// It is expected that closure will set error in *err, and
// after calling closure, err->empty() means success, otherwise failure.
// On Windows, it will retry several times, so closure must be permanent
// callback.
void DoOutput(const string& opname, const string& filename,
PermanentClosure* closure, string* err);
void RenameCallback(RenameParam* param, string* err);
void ContentOutputCallback(ContentOutputParam* param, string* err);
// If file is coff file, rewrite timestamp to the current time.
void RewriteCoffTimestamp(const string& filename);
// state_: FINISHED/LOCAL_FINISHED or abort_.
void ReplyResponse(const string& msg);
void ProcessLocalFileOutput();
void ProcessLocalFileOutputDone();
// Saves stats, clears proto messages and calls CompileTaskDone to make
// this CompileTask expired.
void Done();
// Methods used in state_: SETUP
void FillCompilerInfo();
void FillCompilerInfoDone(
std::unique_ptr<CompileService::GetCompilerInfoParam> param);
#ifndef _WIN32
bool MakeWeakRelativeInArgv();
void UpdateExpandedArgs();
void SetExpectedOutputs();
void ModifyRequestArgs();
void ModifyRequestEnvs();
void UpdateCommandSpec();
// Updates SubprogramSpec if send_subprogram_spec is enabled.
void MayUpdateSubprogramSpec();
// Fix SubprogramSpec if send_subprogram_spec is enabled.
void MayFixSubprogramSpec(
google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<SubprogramSpec>* subprogram_specs)
void UpdateRequiredFiles();
void UpdateRequiredFilesDone(bool ok);
void SetupRequestDone(bool ok);
void StartIncludeProcessor();
void RunIncludeProcessor(
std::unique_ptr<IncludeProcessorRequestParam> request_param);
void RunIncludeProcessorDone(
std::unique_ptr<IncludeProcessorResponseParam> response_param);
// Methods used state_: FILE_REQ
void SetInputFileCallback();
void StartInputFileTask();
void InputFileTaskFinished(InputFileTask* input_file_task);
void MaybeRunInputFileCallback(bool task_finished);
// Methods used in state_: CALL_EXEC
void CheckCommandSpec();
void CheckNoMatchingCommandSpec(const string& retry_reason);
void StoreEmbeddedUploadInformationIfNeeded();
// Methods used in state_: FILE_RESP
void SetOutputFileCallback();
void CheckOutputFilename(const string& filename);
void StartOutputFileTask();
void OutputFileTaskFinished(std::unique_ptr<OutputFileTask> output_file_task);
void MaybeRunOutputFileCallback(int index, bool task_finished);
bool VerifyOutput(const string& local_output_path,
const string& goma_output_path);
void ClearOutputFile();
// Methods used in state_: fail_fallback_, LOCAL_FINISHED or abort_
// (after local run finished)
void SetLocalOutputFileCallback();
void StartLocalOutputFileTask();
void LocalOutputFileTaskFinished(
std::unique_ptr<LocalOutputFileTask> local_output_file_task);
void MaybeRunLocalOutputFileCallback(bool task_finished);
// Methods used in state_: FINISHED/LOCAL_FINISHED or abort_.
void UpdateStats();
void SaveInfoFromInputOutput();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Sets subprocess for local run. The subprocess becomes ready to run.
void SetupSubProcess();
// Runs subprocess in high priority with reason.
void RunSubProcess(const string& reason);
// Kills subprocess. FinishSubProcess will be called later.
void KillSubProcess();
// Finished subprocess.
void FinishSubProcess();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Add error message to response and sets error exit status.
void AddErrorToResponse(
ErrDest dest, const string& error_message, bool set_error);
// Convert a log line with duration to without duration.
// Note that this function returns the string as-is, if unexpected format
// string is given.
// e.g.
// input: compiler_proxy [173.736822ms]: this is error
// output: compiler_proxy: this is error
static string OmitDurationFromUserError(absl::string_view str);
static void InitializeStaticOnce();
CompileService* service_;
const int id_; // A serial number.
string trace_id_;
// RPC between gomacc and compiler proxy.
// These are vaild until ReplyResponse().
RpcController* rpc_ = nullptr;
ExecResp* rpc_resp_ = nullptr;
WorkerThread::ThreadId caller_thread_id_;
OneshotClosure* done_ = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<CompileStats> stats_;
int response_code_ = 0;
State state_ = INIT;
bool abort_ = false; // local proc finished first.
bool finished_ = false; // remote call finished (no active remote calls).
std::unique_ptr<ExecReq> req_;
CommandSpec command_spec_;
ScopedCompilerInfoState compiler_info_state_;
string local_compiler_path_;
RequesterInfo requester_info_;
RequesterEnv requester_env_;
std::unique_ptr<CompilerFlags> flags_;
CompilerTypeSpecific* compiler_type_specific_ = nullptr;
// gomacc_pid_:
// gomacc_pid_ == SubprocessState::kInvalidPid if gomacc not running.
int gomacc_pid_ = SubProcessState::kInvalidPid;
// true if a connection to gomacc is lost, and the task is canceled.
bool canceled_ = false;
string orig_flag_dump_;
string flag_dump_;
std::set<string> required_files_;
// Caches all FileStat in this compilation unit, since creating FileStat is
// slow especially on Windows. So that FileStatCache doesn't need to have
// lock, 2 FileStatCache instances are used for input/output in CompileTask.
// TODO: Maybe we can merge this with |required_files_|.
std::unique_ptr<FileStatCache> input_file_stat_cache_;
std::unique_ptr<FileStatCache> output_file_stat_cache_;
// |system_library_paths_| is used only when flags_->is_linking() == true.
std::vector<string> system_library_paths_;
// list of interleave uploaded files_to confirm the mechanism works fine.
absl::flat_hash_set<string> interleave_uploaded_files_;
std::unique_ptr<ExecResp> resp_;
std::unique_ptr<ExecResp> exec_resp_;
std::vector<string> exec_output_files_;
std::vector<string> exec_error_message_;
// exit_status_ is an exit status of remote goma compilation.
// if this is 0, remote goma compilation might have finished successfully,
// or might not be executed.
// in other words, if this is not 0, remote goma compilation failed.
int exit_status_ = 0;
string stdout_;
string stderr_;
// Protects subproc_ and http_rpc_status_.
mutable Lock mu_;
// HttpRPC stt for ExecRequest.
std::unique_ptr<HttpRPC::Status> http_rpc_status_;
WorkerThread::CancelableClosure* delayed_setup_subproc_ = nullptr;
// local subprocess
string local_path_;
// PATHEXT environment variable in ExecReq for Windows.
string pathext_;
// subproc_ == NULL; subprocess is not ready to run or already finished.
// subproc_ != NULL; subprocess is ready to run or running.
SubProcessTask* subproc_ = nullptr;
SubProcessReq::Weight subproc_weight_ = SubProcessReq::LIGHT_WEIGHT;
// subproc_exit_status_ is an exit status of local compilation.
// if this is 0, local compilation might have finished successfully,
// might not be executed, or might have been killed because of fast goma.
// in other words, if this is not 0, local compilation failed.
// Note that local compilation might have been failed because of goma
// if goma failed to setup env, cwd to run local compiler.
// TODO: can we detect this kind of error?
int subproc_exit_status_ = 0;
string subproc_stdout_;
string subproc_stderr_;
// request fallback when exec call failed. initialized with
// requester_env_.fallback(), but might be changed for hermetic fallback.
bool want_fallback_ = false;
bool should_fallback_ = false; // do fallback because of setup failures etc.
bool verify_output_ = false;
bool fail_fallback_ = false;
bool local_run_ = false;
bool local_killed_ = false;
bool depscache_used_ = false;
bool gomacc_revision_mismatched_ = false;
// Mark this true in Done.
bool replied_ = false;
// Timers
SimpleTimer handler_timer_;
SimpleTimer compiler_info_timer_;
SimpleTimer include_timer_;
SimpleTimer include_wait_timer_;
SimpleTimer rpc_call_timer_;
SimpleTimer file_response_timer_;
SimpleTimer file_request_timer_;
// trace info.
string resp_cache_key_;
// Input file process.
OneshotClosure* input_file_callback_ = nullptr;
int num_input_file_task_ = 0;
bool input_file_success_ = false;
// Output file process.
OneshotClosure* output_file_callback_ = nullptr;
std::vector<OutputFileInfo> output_file_;
int num_output_file_task_ = 0;
bool output_file_success_ = false;
// Local output file process.
OneshotClosure* local_output_file_callback_ = nullptr;
int num_local_output_file_task_ = 0;
// DepsCache
DepsCache::Identifier deps_identifier_;
// Even if lookup failed, we'd like to keep key after calculation so that
// we can put cache later and at that time we don't need to recalculate
// the key.
std::string local_output_cache_key_;
mutable Lock refcnt_mu_;
int refcnt_ GUARDED_BY(refcnt_mu_) = 0;
PlatformThreadId thread_id_;
// Timestamp that this task transited to Finished or Failed.
absl::optional<absl::Time> frozen_timestamp_;
// Timestamp that this task transmitted the request to Goma.
absl::Time last_req_timestamp_;
static absl::once_flag init_once_;
static Lock global_mu_;
static std::deque<CompileTask*>* link_file_req_tasks_ GUARDED_BY(global_mu_);
} // namespace devtools_goma