blob: 0fd87de04a1ad5346fb28e493f2dd42a64b69a21 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Goma Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "absl/time/time.h"
#include "absl/types/optional.h"
#include "compiler_flags.h"
#include "compiler_specific.h"
#include "sha256_hash_cache.h"
#include "prototmp/compiler_info_data.pb.h"
using std::string;
namespace devtools_goma {
// CompilerInfoBuilder provides methods to construct CompilerInfoData.
// For each compiler type, derive own CompilerInfoBuilder from this class.
class CompilerInfoBuilder {
virtual ~CompilerInfoBuilder() = default;
// Creates new CompilerInfoData* from compiler outputs.
// if found is true and error_message in it is empty,
// it successfully gets compiler info.
// if found is true and error_message in it is not empty,
// it finds local compiler but failed to get some information, such as
// system include paths.
// if found is false if it fails to find local compiler.
// Caller should take ownership of returned CompilerInfoData.
std::unique_ptr<CompilerInfoData> FillFromCompilerOutputs(
const CompilerFlags& flags,
const string& local_compiler_path,
const std::vector<string>& compiler_info_envs);
virtual void SetCompilerPath(const CompilerFlags& flags,
const string& local_compiler_path,
const std::vector<string>& compiler_info_envs,
CompilerInfoData* data) const;
virtual void SetLanguageExtension(CompilerInfoData* data) const = 0;
virtual void SetTypeSpecificCompilerInfo(
const CompilerFlags& flags,
const string& local_compiler_path,
const string& abs_local_compiler_path,
const std::vector<string>& compiler_info_envs,
CompilerInfoData* data) const = 0;
// Returns compiler name to be used in ExecReq's CompilerSpec.
// If it fails to identify the compiler name, it returns empty string.
virtual string GetCompilerName(const CompilerInfoData& data) const;
// Adds error message to CompilerInfo. When |failed_at| is not 0,
// it's also updated.
static void AddErrorMessage(const std::string& message,
CompilerInfoData* compiler_info);
// Overrides the current error message.
// if |message| is not empty, |failed_at| must be valid.
static void OverrideError(const std::string& message,
absl::optional<absl::Time> failed_at,
CompilerInfoData* compiler_info);
static bool ResourceInfoFromPath(const string& cwd,
const string& path,
CompilerInfoData::ResourceType type,
CompilerInfoData::ResourceInfo* r);
CompilerInfoBuilder() = default;
SHA256HashCache hash_cache_;
} // namespace devtools_goma