blob: 060389e1b11aaa44f2fff00ed9d90a46abc62233 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Goma Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <atomic>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include "absl/container/node_hash_map.h"
#include "absl/time/time.h"
#include "absl/types/optional.h"
#include "autolock_timer.h"
#include "cache_file.h"
#include "file_stat_cache.h"
#include "filename_id_table.h"
#include "goma_hash.h"
namespace devtools_goma {
class CompilerFlags;
class CompilerInfo;
class DepsCacheStats;
// DepsCache is a cache for dependent files.
// We make an 'identifier' which identifies compile command,
// and a map from 'identifier' to dependent files (and extra information).
// When we run the same command which has the same identifier,
// we check whether we can reuse the dependet files list.
// This is done by the following algorithm:
// For all dependent files:
// 1. Check FileStat. If it's the same, we think a file is not changed.
// 2. Check directive_hash, which is a hash value created from file's
// directive lines. If it's the same, dependant files won't be changed.
class DepsCache {
using Identifier = absl::optional<SHA256HashValue>;
static DepsCache* instance() { return instance_; }
static bool IsEnabled() { return instance_ != nullptr; }
// Initializes the DepsCache.
// When |cache_filename| is empty, this won't be enabled.
// When |cache_filename| file exists, we load it.
static void Init(const std::string& cache_filename,
absl::optional<absl::Duration> identifier_alive_duration,
size_t deps_table_size_threshold,
int max_proto_size_in_mega_bytes);
// Saves .goma_deps file is DepsCache is initialized.
static void Quit();
// Creates identifier to set/get dependencies.
static Identifier MakeDepsIdentifier(
const CompilerInfo& compiler_info,
const CompilerFlags& compiler_flags);
// Records a dependency; a compile command can be identified with
// |identifier|, and the command uses |input_file| as
// an input file (e.g. *.cc), also, the command requires
// |dependencies| files (e.g. *.h), can be relative.
// |cwd| should be absolute.
// |identifier| should not be empty.
// |input_file| can be relative.
bool SetDependencies(const Identifier& identifier,
const std::string& cwd,
const std::string& input_file,
const std::set<std::string>& dependencies,
FileStatCache* file_stat_cache);
// Gets dependent files using |identifer|.
// We check the dependecies are not changed. If changed, false will be
// returned and |dependecies| won't be changed.
// |input_file| is removed from the result of |dependencies|.
// |input_file| can be relative.
// |cwd| should be absolute.
// path in |dependencies| can be relative.
bool GetDependencies(const Identifier& identifier,
const std::string& cwd,
const std::string& input_file,
std::set<std::string>* dependencies,
FileStatCache* file_stat_cache);
void RemoveDependency(const Identifier& identifier);
// Dump internal stats.
void DumpStatsToProto(DepsCacheStats* stats) const;
friend class DepsCacheTest;
// DepsHashId is used to check whether an include file is updated.
// |directive_hash| is a hash value of the file's directive lines.
struct DepsHashId {
DepsHashId() {}
DepsHashId(FilenameIdTable::Id id,
const FileStat& file_stat,
const SHA256HashValue& directive_hash)
: id(id), file_stat(file_stat), directive_hash(directive_hash) {}
bool IsValid() const {
return id != FilenameIdTable::kInvalidId && file_stat.IsValid();
FilenameIdTable::Id id;
FileStat file_stat;
SHA256HashValue directive_hash;
struct DepsTableData {
DepsTableData() : last_used_time(0) {
// We need to keep this as a time_t to preserve the std::atomic behavior.
std::atomic<time_t> last_used_time;
std::vector<DepsHashId> deps_hash_ids;
typedef SHA256HashValue Key;
typedef absl::node_hash_map<Key, DepsTableData> DepsTable;
DepsCache(const string& cache_filename,
absl::optional<absl::Duration> identifier_alive_duration,
size_t deps_table_size_threshold,
int max_proto_size_in_mega_bytes);
void Clear();
bool SaveGomaDeps();
bool LoadGomaDeps();
void IncrMissedCount();
void IncrMissedByUpdatedCount();
void IncrHitCount();
static bool IsDirectiveModified(const string& filename,
const FileStat& old_file_stat,
const SHA256HashValue& old_directive_hash,
FileStatCache* file_stat_cache);
// Used for test.
bool UpdateLastUsedTime(const Identifier& identifier,
absl::optional<absl::Time> last_used_time);
size_t deps_table_size() const {
AUTO_SHARED_LOCK(lock, &mu_);
return deps_table_.size();
bool GetDepsHashId(const Identifier& identifier,
const FilenameIdTable::Id& id,
DepsHashId* deps_hash_id) const;
static DepsCache* instance_;
const CacheFile cache_file_;
// When an identifier is older than this value (in second), it won't be
// removed in save/load. If unset, we don't dispose of old cache.
const absl::optional<absl::Duration> identifier_alive_duration_;
// When lots of DepsTable exist, we'd like to remove older DepsTable entry
// when saving.
const size_t deps_table_size_threshold_;
// If the proto for cache exceeds this size, loading will fail.
// In that case, cache is just ignored.
const int max_proto_size_in_mega_bytes_;
mutable ReadWriteLock mu_;
DepsTable deps_table_ GUARDED_BY(mu_);
// Instead of using a filename, we alternatively use an id for
// performance and memory space. So, we manage this table to convert
// between filename and id.
FilenameIdTable filename_id_table_;
mutable Lock count_mu_;
unsigned int hit_count_ GUARDED_BY(count_mu_);
unsigned int missed_count_ GUARDED_BY(count_mu_);
unsigned int missed_by_updated_count_ GUARDED_BY(count_mu_);
} // namespace devtools_goma