blob: 46b5df96d9fb2a725224f46c6e082d7a1f57ad13 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Goma Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
package devtools_goma;
message ErrorNotices {
// if we need to change message format, repeated field allows us to return
// multiple versions.
repeated ErrorNotice notice = 1;
message ErrorNotice {
// if gomacc returned non-zero exit status, CompileError is used for
// distinguish it is caused by goma error or not.
enum CompileError {
// set this if gomacc cannot find compiler_proxy
// set this if compiler_proxy_failures > 0 or
// failed to find exact match executable under GOMA_HERMETIC=error.
required int32 version = 1;
// The value is set only on compile error caused by goma.
optional CompileError compile_error = 2;
// Infrastructure status let the caller know the status of compiler_proxy
// and backend. The caller should judge it safe to continue or not.
optional InfraStatus infra_status = 3;
// Message to store goma infrastructure status.
// It includes status inside compiler_proxy, that of network to goma server,
// and that in goma server.
message InfraStatus {
// CompilerInfo
optional int32 num_compiler_info_miss = 1;
optional int32 num_compiler_info_fail = 2;
// HttpClient
optional int32 ping_status_code = 3;
repeated HttpStatusCode http_status_code = 4;
optional int32 num_http_sent = 5;
optional int32 num_http_active = 6;
optional int32 num_http_retry = 7;
optional int32 num_http_timeout = 8;
optional int32 num_http_error = 9;
optional int32 num_network_error = 12;
optional int32 num_network_recovered = 13;
// CompileService
optional int32 num_exec_fail_fallback = 10;
optional int32 num_exec_compiler_proxy_failure = 11;
optional int32 num_active_tasks = 16;
// error.
optional int32 num_user_error = 14;
optional int32 num_user_warning = 15 [deprecated=true];
// Protobuf message for showing HTTP status code and its count.
message HttpStatusCode {
required int32 status_code = 1;
required int32 count = 2;