blob: db8798b75ca3801cd29a3097663afa7ba3ca718b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Goma Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "absl/time/time.h"
namespace devtools_goma {
struct OAuth2Config {
std::string auth_uri;
std::string token_uri;
std::string scope;
std::string client_id;
std::string client_secret;
std::string refresh_token;
// "type": "authorized_user" is used in gRPC GoogleDefaultCredentials.
// TODO: Stop to use OAuth2Config with ServiceAccountConfig.
std::string type;
bool enabled() const {
return !auth_uri.empty() && !token_uri.empty() && !scope.empty() &&
!client_id.empty() && !client_secret.empty();
bool valid() const {
return enabled() && !refresh_token.empty();
void clear() {
// ServiceAccountConfig has fields in service account json
// generated by google cloud console.
// Json file should have type field, which value must be "service_account".
struct ServiceAccountConfig {
// required for GoogleOAuth2AccessTokenRefreshTask
std::string private_key; // to sign JWT.
std::string client_email; // claim set iss.
// optional. goma client doesn't use these fields.
// (some of them are used only for logging.)
std::string project_id;
std::string private_key_id;
std::string client_id;
std::string auth_uri;
std::string token_uri;
std::string auth_provider_x509_cert_url;
std::string client_x509_cert_url;
// Parse OAuth2 Access Token in refresh token response.
// Returns true on success, and token_type is set to |token_type|,
// access_token is set to |access_token|, and expires_in filed in json is
// set to |expires_in|.
bool ParseOAuth2AccessToken(const std::string& json,
std::string* token_type,
std::string* access_token,
absl::Duration* expires_in);
// Returns default OAuth2 config.
void DefaultOAuth2Config(OAuth2Config* config);
// Parse OAuth2 config file.
// Returns true on success and all OAuth2Config fields are ready to use.
bool ParseOAuth2Config(const std::string& str, OAuth2Config* config);
// Format OAuth2 config for OAuth2 config file.
std::string FormatOAuth2Config(const OAuth2Config& config);
bool SaveOAuth2Config(const std::string& filename, const OAuth2Config& config);
// Parse ServiceAccount JSON file.
bool ParseServiceAccountJson(const std::string& str,
ServiceAccountConfig* config);
const char kGoogleAuthURI[] =
const char kGoogleTokenURI[] = "";
const char kGoogleTokenInfoURI[] = "";
const char kGoogleTokenAudienceURI[] =
const char kGomaAuthScope[] = "";
} // namespace devtools_goma