blob: 609f3c3fd765bf3b2b313c1ba08e62b86ed89b17 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Goma Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
package devtools_goma;
// CompilerInfoData is a serializable format of CompilerInfo.
message CompilerInfoData {
// Type of file in ResouceInfo.
enum ResourceType {
// Files under clang's --resource-dir.
// Files to represents GCC installation in clang.
// FileId of the compiler or subprogram.
message FileId {
option deprecated = true;
optional uint32 DEPRECATED_volume_serial_number = 5 [deprecated = true];
optional uint32 DEPRECATED_file_index_high = 6 [deprecated = true];
optional uint32 DEPRECATED_file_index_low_DEPRECATED = 7
[deprecated = true];
optional uint64 DEPRECATED_dev = 1 [deprecated = true];
optional uint64 DEPRECATED_inode = 2 [deprecated = true];
optional int64 mtime = 3;
optional int64 size = 4;
optional bool is_directory = 8;
// FileStat of the compiler, subprogram or other resource files.
message FileStat {
optional int64 mtime = 1;
optional int64 size = 2;
optional bool is_directory = 3;
message SubprogramInfo {
optional string name = 1;
optional string hash = 2;
optional FileId DEPRECATED_file_id = 3 [deprecated = true];
optional FileStat file_stat = 4;
// Implicit input files used for the compile.
// We should upload following files in additon to header files etc.
// For example, default blacklist files for clang sanitizer does not show up
// in its command line. However, lack of such files may make goma server
// create broken object files. It need to be set to ResourceInfo.
message ResourceInfo {
// A relative path name of the file.
optional string name = 1;
// A type of the file.
optional ResourceType type = 2;
// SHA256 of the file. It is used for detecting update.
optional string hash = 3;
// FileStat of the file. It is used for detecting update.
optional FileStat file_stat = 4;
// compiler name.
optional string name = 1;
// compiler version.
optional string version = 2;
// compiler target
optional string target = 3;
// compiler language
optional string lang = 4;
// some compiler command is just a wrapper for real compiler, and the command
// doesn't change when the real compiler is updated.
// TODO:
// Make only compiler info cache key has |cwd| and |local_compiler_path|
// so that duplicate compiler infos are merged.
optional FileId DEPRECATED_local_compiler_id = 5 [deprecated = true];
optional FileStat local_compiler_stat = 34;
optional string local_compiler_path = 28;
optional string cwd = 32;
optional string local_compiler_hash = 29;
// Real compiler's FileStat if real_compiler_path != local_compiler_path.
// Otherwise, real_compiler_stat must be the same as local_compiler_stat.
optional FileId DEPRECATED_real_compiler_id = 6 [deprecated = true];
optional FileStat real_compiler_stat = 35;
optional string real_compiler_path = 8;
// hash is sha256 hash of real compiler.
// TODO: better to rename this to real_compiler_hash?
optional string hash = 7;
// Additional command line flags to be sent to backends.
// (for example, -fuse-init-arrary).
repeated string additional_flags = 20;
// A list of subprograms, which a compiler can invoke during the compile.
// For example, subprograms specified by -B flag ("objdump", "as"), and clang
// plugins.
repeated SubprogramInfo subprograms = 21;
// A list of resource files.
repeated ResourceInfo resource = 36;
// When taking compiler info is failed, |failed_at| is not 0.
// The error reason should be set in error_message.
optional int64 failed_at = 23;
optional string error_message = 24;
// if found is false, failed_at should be > 0, and error_message should not be
// empty.
optional bool found = 25;
// Timestamp this cache is used recently.
optional int64 last_used_at = 30;
oneof language_extension {
// C/C++ extension.
CxxCompilerInfoData cxx = 37;
// Javac extension
JavacCompilerInfoData javac = 38;
// Java extension
JavaCompilerInfoData java = 39;
reserved 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 26, 27, 31, 33;
// CxxCompilerInfoData contains C/C++ related CompilerInfoData.
message CxxCompilerInfoData {
message MacroValue {
optional string key = 1;
optional int64 value = 2;
repeated string quote_include_paths = 1;
repeated string cxx_system_include_paths = 2;
repeated string system_include_paths = 3;
repeated string system_framework_paths = 4;
optional string predefined_macros = 5;
// unordered map.
repeated string supported_predefined_macros = 6;
repeated string hidden_predefined_macros = 7;
// unordered map.
// use map<string, int64>? b/21859856
repeated MacroValue has_feature = 8;
repeated MacroValue has_extension = 9;
repeated MacroValue has_attribute = 10;
repeated MacroValue has_cpp_attribute = 11;
repeated MacroValue has_declspec_attribute = 12;
repeated MacroValue has_builtin = 13;
// Path to compiler resource directory.
optional string resource_dir = 14;
// Automatically prepend this path before system include paths.
// This is required for Windows NaCl toolchain because all system include
// paths are relative paths from the toolchain root.
optional string toolchain_root = 15;
// JavacCompilerInfoData contains Javac related CompilerInfoData.
message JavacCompilerInfoData {
// currently no extension
// JavaCompilerInfoData contains Javac related CompilerInfoData.
message JavaCompilerInfoData {
// currently no extension
// CompilerInfoDataTable is a table of CompilerInfoData indexed by
// compiler_info_key.
message CompilerInfoDataTable {
message Entry {
repeated string keys = 1;
optional CompilerInfoData data = 2;
// CompilerInfoData per its hash.
repeated Entry compiler_info_data = 1;
optional int32 DEPRECATED_version = 2 [deprecated=true];
// When this revision is different, all cache will be disposed.
optional string built_revision = 3;