blob: 3f489aec846f8f4dc67ebabd22bb22fe0e346271 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Goma Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "directive_filter.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/strings/match.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "content.h"
#include "glog/logging.h"
using std::string;
namespace devtools_goma {
// static
std::unique_ptr<Content> DirectiveFilter::MakeFilteredContent(
const Content& content) {
const size_t content_length = content.size();
std::unique_ptr<char[]> buffer(new char[content_length + 1]);
size_t length = RemoveComments(content.buf(), content.buf_end(),
length = FilterOnlyDirectives(buffer.get(), buffer.get() + length,
length = RemoveEscapedNewLine(buffer.get(), buffer.get() + length,
length = RemoveDeadDirectives(buffer.get(), buffer.get() + length,
return Content::CreateFromBuffer(buffer.get(), length);
// static
const char* DirectiveFilter::SkipSpaces(const char* pos, const char* end) {
while (pos != end) {
if (*pos == ' ' || *pos == '\t') {
int newline_byte = IsEscapedNewLine(pos, end);
if (newline_byte > 0) {
pos += newline_byte;
return pos;
return end;
/* static */
const char* DirectiveFilter::NextLineHead(const char* pos, const char* end) {
while (pos != end) {
if (*pos == '\n')
return pos + 1;
int newline_byte = IsEscapedNewLine(pos, end);
if (newline_byte)
pos += newline_byte;
pos += 1;
return end;
// static
int DirectiveFilter::CopyStringLiteral(const char* pos, const char* end,
char* dst) {
const char* initial_pos = pos;
DCHECK_EQ(*pos, '\"');
DCHECK(pos != end);
// Copy '\"'
*dst++ = *pos++;
while (pos != end) {
// String literal ends.
if (*pos == '\"') {
*dst++ = *pos++;
// Corresponding " was not found. Keep this as is.
if (*pos == '\n') {
*dst++ = *pos++;
int newline_byte = IsEscapedNewLine(pos, end);
if (newline_byte > 0) {
while (newline_byte--) {
*dst++ = *pos++;
// \" does not end string literal.
// I don't think we need to support trigraph. So, we don't consider "??/",
// which means "\".
if (*pos == '\\' && pos + 1 != end && *(pos + 1) == '\"') {
*dst++ = *pos++;
*dst++ = *pos++;
*dst++ = *pos++;
return pos - initial_pos;
// static
int DirectiveFilter::IsEscapedNewLine(const char* pos, const char* end) {
if (*pos != '\\')
return 0;
if (pos + 1 < end && *(pos + 1) == '\n')
return 2;
if (pos + 2 < end && *(pos + 1) == '\r' && *(pos + 2) == '\n')
return 3;
return 0;
// Copied |src| to |dst| with removing comments.
// TODO: We assume '"' is not in include pathname.
// When such pathname exists, this won't work well. e.g. #include <foo"bar>
// static
size_t DirectiveFilter::RemoveComments(const char* src, const char* end,
char* dst) {
const char* original_dst = dst;
while (src != end) {
// String starts.
if (*src == '\"') {
int num_copied = CopyStringLiteral(src, end, dst);
src += num_copied;
dst += num_copied;
// Check a comment does not start.
if (*src != '/' || src + 1 == end) {
*dst++ = *src++;
// Block comment starts.
if (*(src + 1) == '*') {
const char* end_comment = nullptr;
const char* pos = src + 2;
while (pos + 2 <= end) {
if (*pos == '*' && *(pos + 1) == '/') {
end_comment = pos;
// When block comment end is not found, we don't skip them.
if (end_comment == nullptr) {
while (src < end)
*dst++ = *src++;
return dst - original_dst;
src = end_comment + 2;
*dst++ = ' ';
// One-line comment starts.
if (*(src + 1) == '/') {
src = DirectiveFilter::NextLineHead(src + 2, end);
*dst++ = '\n';
*dst++ = *src++;
return dst - original_dst;
// static
size_t DirectiveFilter::RemoveEscapedNewLine(
const char* src, const char* end, char* dst) {
const char* initial_dst = dst;
while (src != end) {
int newline_bytes = IsEscapedNewLine(src, end);
if (newline_bytes == 0) {
*dst++ = *src++;
} else {
src += newline_bytes;
return dst - initial_dst;
// static
size_t DirectiveFilter::FilterOnlyDirectives(
const char* src, const char* end, char* dst) {
const char* const original_dst = dst;
while (src != end) {
src = DirectiveFilter::SkipSpaces(src, end);
if (src != end && *src == '#') {
*dst++ = *src++;
// Omit spaces after '#' in directive.
src = DirectiveFilter::SkipSpaces(src, end);
const char* next_line_head = DirectiveFilter::NextLineHead(src, end);
memmove(dst, src, next_line_head - src);
dst += next_line_head - src;
src = next_line_head;
} else {
src = DirectiveFilter::NextLineHead(src, end);
return dst - original_dst;
// static
size_t DirectiveFilter::RemoveDeadDirectives(
const char* src, const char* end, char* dst) {
const char* const original_dst = dst;
std::vector<absl::string_view> directive_stack;
while (src != end) {
const char* next_line_head = DirectiveFilter::NextLineHead(src, end);
absl::string_view current_directive_line(src, next_line_head - src);
src = next_line_head;
// Drop "#error" support for performance.
// We assume "#error" almost never happens,
// so let compiler detect #error failure instead of goma preprocessor.
if (absl::StartsWith(current_directive_line, "#error")) {
// Drop pragma support other than once.
// "#pragma once" is only supported pragma in goma preprocessor.
if (absl::StartsWith(current_directive_line, "#pragma") &&
current_directive_line.find("once") == absl::string_view::npos) {
// Drop #else and #elif until we see something else because
// such #else of #elif does not change control flow.
// e.g. code like following is removed because it has no effect
// to included files.
// std::cerr << "some error" << std::endl;
// #else
// std::cout << "some error" << std::endl;
// #endif
if (absl::StartsWith(current_directive_line, "#endif")) {
while (!directive_stack.empty() &&
(absl::StartsWith(directive_stack.back(), "#else") ||
absl::StartsWith(directive_stack.back(), "#elif"))) {
if (!directive_stack.empty() &&
absl::StartsWith(directive_stack.back(), "#if")) {
} else {
} else {
for (const auto& directive : directive_stack) {
memmove(dst, directive.begin(), directive.size());
dst += directive.size();
return dst - original_dst;
} // namespace devtools_goma