blob: e814c2e91396682d95a988d9bb7c2ab0384b84b7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 The Goma Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
using std::string;
namespace devtools_goma {
// Gets username who execute this program from environment variable.
// Note: it won't return correct username in gomacc/win, or gomacc
// under scons, etc.
// Returns empty string if not found.
string GetUsernameEnv();
// Get username who execute this program without environment variable.
// Returns empty string if not found.
string GetUsernameNoEnv();
// Get username who execute this program from environment variable,
// or system call. It will set username in $USER.
// Returns "unknown" if not found.
string GetUsername();
// Gets nodename/hostname which this program runs on.
string GetNodename();
// Gets this executable's path name.
string GetMyPathname();
// Gets directory in which this executable is.
string GetMyDirectory();
// Get temporary directory to be used by gomacc and compiler_proxy.
// Temporary files, cache and an ipc socket file should be made under this
// directory for security. Note that since an ipc socket file is created
// under this directory, the result of this function must be the same
// between gomacc and compiler_proxy.
// Note that we must ensure the directory is owned by the user who runs
// gomacc or compiler_proxy by CheckTempDirectory.
// (Once at the beginning of a program should be enough.)
string GetGomaTmpDir();
// Check temp directory is directory, owned only by self.
void CheckTempDirectory(const string& tmpdir);
// Get a directory name to store a crash dump.
string GetCrashDumpDirectory();
// Get a directory name to store a cache.
string GetCacheDirectory();
// Get current directory
string GetCurrentDirNameOrDie();
} // namespace devtools_goma