blob: 574c9846ba7f926018515fa876fd767948a241f7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Goma Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "mypath.h"
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "file_dir.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "ioutil.h"
#include "path.h"
#include "path_resolver.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "unittest_util.h"
TEST(Util, GetUsername) {
const string& user = devtools_goma::GetUsername();
// smoke test.
EXPECT_NE(user, "root");
EXPECT_NE(user, "unknown");
TEST(Util, GetUsernameWithoutEnv) {
devtools_goma::SetEnv("SUDO_USER", "");
devtools_goma::SetEnv("USERNAME", "");
devtools_goma::SetEnv("USER", "");
devtools_goma::SetEnv("LOGNAME", "");
EXPECT_EQ(devtools_goma::GetEnv("USER"), "");
const string username = devtools_goma::GetUsernameNoEnv();
EXPECT_NE(username, "root");
EXPECT_NE(username, "unknown");
EXPECT_EQ(username, devtools_goma::GetUsername());
EXPECT_EQ(username, devtools_goma::GetUsernameEnv());
TEST(Util, GetMyPathname) {
// Make sure that GetMyPathname is resolved.
TEST(Util, GetMyDirectory) {
// Make sure that GetMyDirectory is resolved.
TEST(Util, CheckTempDiretoryNotDirectory) {
const string& tmpdir = devtools_goma::GetGomaTmpDir();
file::RecursivelyDelete(tmpdir, file::Defaults());
CHECK(file::CreateDir(tmpdir.c_str(), file::CreationMode(0700)).ok())
<< tmpdir;
const string& tmpdir_file =
file::JoinPath(tmpdir, "tmpdir_is_not_dir");
devtools_goma::WriteStringToFileOrDie("", tmpdir_file, 0700);
#ifndef _WIN32
// TODO: enable CheckTempDiretoryNotDirectory on win.
// EXPECT_DEATH doesn't work well on windows?
// it failed to capture fatal message, but got
// *** Check failure stack trace: ***.
"private goma tmp dir is not dir");
EXPECT_DEATH(devtools_goma::CheckTempDirectory(tmpdir_file), "");
file::RecursivelyDelete(tmpdir, file::Defaults());
#ifndef _WIN32
TEST(Util, CheckTempDiretoryBadPermission) {
const string& tmpdir = devtools_goma::GetGomaTmpDir();
file::RecursivelyDelete(tmpdir, file::Defaults());
mode_t omask = umask(022);
PCHECK(mkdir(tmpdir.c_str(), 0744) == 0) << tmpdir;
"private goma tmp dir is not owned only by you.");
file::RecursivelyDelete(tmpdir, file::Defaults());
#ifndef _WIN32
TEST(Util, GetCurrentDirNameOrDie) {
using devtools_goma::GetCurrentDirNameOrDie;
// NOTE: '1' in setenv mean overwrite.
std::unique_ptr<char, decltype(&free)> original_env_pwd(nullptr, free);
std::unique_ptr<char, decltype(&free)> original_cwd(nullptr, free);
const char* pwd = getenv("PWD");
if (pwd != nullptr) {
// Assuming we can obtain the resolved absolute cwd.
original_cwd.reset(getcwd(nullptr, 0));
ASSERT_NE(original_cwd.get(), nullptr);
// When PWD is invalid place, it should not be used.
ASSERT_EQ(setenv("PWD", "/somewhere/invalid/place", 1), 0);
std::string cwd = GetCurrentDirNameOrDie();
EXPECT_NE("/somewhere/invalid/place", cwd);
// should be the same as getcwd.
EXPECT_EQ(original_cwd.get(), cwd);
// When PWD is /proc/self/cwd, it should not be used.
// Since the meaning of /proc/self/cwd is different among gomacc and
// compiler_proxy, we should not use /proc/self/cwd.
ASSERT_EQ(setenv("PWD", "/proc/self/cwd", 1), 0);
std::string cwd = GetCurrentDirNameOrDie();
EXPECT_NE("/proc/self/cwd", cwd);
// should be the same as getcwd.
EXPECT_EQ(original_cwd.get(), cwd);
devtools_goma::TmpdirUtil tmpdir("ioutil_tmpdir");
// TODO: TmpdirUtil does not make cwd. why?
tmpdir.MkdirForPath(tmpdir.cwd(), true);
// Make a symlink $tmpdir_cwd/cwd --> real cwd.
std::string newpath = tmpdir.FullPath("cwd");
ASSERT_EQ(symlink(original_cwd.get(), newpath.c_str()), 0)
<< "from=" << newpath << " to=" << original_cwd.get();
ASSERT_NE(original_cwd.get(), newpath);
// set PWD as new path. Then the new path should be taken.
setenv("PWD", newpath.c_str(), 1);
std::string cwd = GetCurrentDirNameOrDie();
EXPECT_EQ(cwd, newpath);
// Need to unlink symlink. Otherwise. TmpdirUtil will recursively delete
// the current working directory. Awful (>x<).
ASSERT_EQ(unlink(newpath.c_str()), 0);
// ----- tear down the test for the safe.
if (original_env_pwd) {
setenv("PWD", original_cwd.get(), 1);
} else {