blob: 649c0beae8df3deacdc37accb2621c739851647e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Goma Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package remoteexec
import (
// TODO: share exec/clangcl.go ?
// longest first
var clangClPathFlags = []string{
func isClangclWarningFlag(arg string) bool {
if len(arg) < 2 || (arg[:2] != "/W" && arg[0:2] != "/w") {
return false
basicFlags := []string{
"/w", // Suppress all warnings
"/W0", "/W1", "/W2", "/W3", "/W4", // Warning levels 0-4
"/Wall", // Display all warnings
"/WX", // Treats warnings as errors
"/Wv", // Display only warnings added in current compiler version
for _, flag := range basicFlags {
if arg == flag {
return true
// Display warnings added in given compiler version
if strings.HasPrefix(arg, "/Wv:") {
return true
// All remaining possible warnings have the format /wXnnnn
if len(arg) != 7 {
return false
switch arg[2:3] {
case "1", "2", "3", "4": // Set warning level for numbered warning
case "d": // Suppress numbered warning
case "e": // Treat numbered warning as error
case "o": // Report numbered warning only once
// Possible warning values: 4000-5999:
warning, err := strconv.Atoi(arg[3:])
if err != nil {
return false
return warning >= 4000 && warning < 6000
return false
func isClangclOptimizationFlag(arg string) bool {
optFlags := []string{
"/O1", // Optimize for size
"/O2", // Optimize for speed
"/Ob0", "/Ob1", "/Ob2", "/Ob3", // Inline function expansino
"/Od", // Turn off optimization
"/Og", // Global optimization
"/Oi", "/Oi-", // Intrinsic functions
"/Os", "/Ot", // Favor small/fast code
"/Ox", // Enable most speed optimizations
"/Oy", "/Oy-", // Frame pointer omission
for _, flag := range optFlags {
if arg == flag {
return true
return false
// clangclRelocatableReq checks if the request (args, envs) uses relative
// paths only and doesn't use flags that generates output including cwd,
// so will generate cwd-agnostic outputs
// (files/stdout/stderr will not include cwd dependent paths).
// TODO: Combine some of this code with gccRelocatableReq.
func clangclRelocatableReq(filepath clientFilePath, args, envs []string) error {
var debugFlags []string
subArgs := map[string][]string{}
var subCmd string
pathFlag := false
winsysrootFlag := false
for _, arg := range args {
if pathFlag {
if filepath.IsAbs(arg) {
return fmt.Errorf("abs path: %s", arg)
pathFlag = false
if strings.HasPrefix(arg, "/winsysroot") || strings.HasPrefix(arg, "-imsvc") {
winsysrootFlag = true
for _, fp := range clangClPathFlags {
if arg != fp && strings.HasPrefix(arg, fp) {
if filepath.IsAbs(arg[len(fp):]) {
return fmt.Errorf("abs path: %s", arg)
continue Loop
switch {
case subCmd != "":
subArgs[subCmd] = append(subArgs[subCmd], arg)
subCmd = ""
case strings.HasPrefix(arg, "-g"):
if arg == "-g0" {
debugFlags = nil
debugFlags = append(debugFlags, arg)
case strings.HasPrefix(arg, "-Wa,"): // assembler arg
subArgs["as"] = append(subArgs["as"], strings.Split(arg[len("-Wa,"):], ",")...)
case strings.HasPrefix(arg, "-Wl,"): // linker arg
subArgs["ld"] = append(subArgs["ld"], strings.Split(arg[len("-Wl,"):], ",")...)
case strings.HasPrefix(arg, "-Wp,"): // preproc arg
subArgs["cpp"] = append(subArgs["cpp"], strings.Split(arg[len("-Wp,"):], ",")...)
case arg == "-Xclang":
subCmd = "clang"
case arg == "-mllvm":
subCmd = "llvm"
case strings.HasPrefix(arg, "-w"): // inhibit all warnings
case strings.HasPrefix(arg, "-W"): // warning
case strings.HasPrefix(arg, "-D"): // define
case strings.HasPrefix(arg, "-U"): // undefine
case strings.HasPrefix(arg, "-O"): // optimize
case strings.HasPrefix(arg, "-f"): // feature
case strings.HasPrefix(arg, "-m"):
// -m64, -march=x86-64
case arg == "-arch":
case strings.HasPrefix(arg, "--target="):
case strings.HasPrefix(arg, "-no"):
// -no-canonical-prefixes, -nostdinc++
case arg == "-integrated-as":
case arg == "-pedantic":
case arg == "-pipe":
case arg == "-pthread":
case arg == "-c":
case strings.HasPrefix(arg, "-std"):
case strings.HasPrefix(arg, "--param="):
case arg == "-MMD" || arg == "-MD" || arg == "-M":
case arg == "-Qunused-arguments":
case arg == "-o":
pathFlag = true
case arg == "-I" || arg == "-B" || arg == "-isystem" || arg == "-include":
pathFlag = true
case arg == "-MF":
pathFlag = true
case arg == "-isysroot":
pathFlag = true
// MSVC/clang-cl options are based on:
case arg == "/nologo":
case arg == "/Brepro", arg == "/Brepro-": // Emit an object file which can/cannot be reproduced over time
case arg == "/FS": // Forces serialization of all writes to the program database (PDB) file through MSPDBSRV.EXE
case arg == "/Gy", arg == "/Gy-": // Function-level linking
case arg == "/bigobj": // Support more sections in obj file
case arg == "/utf-8": // Set source and execution character set as UTF-8
case arg == "/X": // Ignore standard include paths
case arg == "/Z7", arg == "/Zi", arg == "/ZI": // Set debug format
case arg == "/MD", arg == "/MT", arg == "/LD": // Use normal runtime library
case arg == "/MDd", arg == "/MTd", arg == "/LDd": // Use debug runtime library
case arg == "/Tc", arg == "/Tp", arg == "/TC", arg == "/TP": // Source file type
case arg == "/Gd", arg == "/Gr", arg == "/Gv", arg == "/Gz": // Calling convention
case arg == "/GR", arg == "/GR-": // Specify RTTI
case arg == "/GS", arg == "/GS-": // Buffer security check
case arg == "/Gr", arg == "/Gr-": // Use __fastcall calling convention
case arg == "/Gw", arg == "/Gw-": // Optimize global data
case arg == "/GF": // Enables string pooling
case arg == "/c": // Compile without linking
case arg == "/showIncludes": // List include files
case strings.HasPrefix(arg, "/D"): // Preprocessor
case strings.HasPrefix(arg, "/EH"): // Specify error handling
case strings.HasPrefix(arg, "/Zc:"): // Specify compiler behavior
case strings.HasPrefix(arg, "/arch:"): // Specify CPU architecture
case strings.HasPrefix(arg, "/clang:"): // Clang-specific option
case strings.HasPrefix(arg, "/guard:cf"): // Control flow guard security checks
case strings.HasPrefix(arg, "/showIncludes:"): // List include files
case strings.HasPrefix(arg, "/std:c++"): // Specify C++ standard
case isClangclWarningFlag(arg): // Flags to handle warnings
case isClangclOptimizationFlag(arg): // Flags to handle optimization
case arg == "/FC": // Display full path of source code files passed to cl.exe in diagnostic text.
return errors.New("need full path of soruce code for /FC")
case strings.HasPrefix(arg, "-"), strings.HasPrefix(arg, "/"): // unknown flag?
return unknownFlagError{arg: arg}
default: // input file?
if filepath.IsAbs(arg) {
return fmt.Errorf("abs path: %s", arg)
if len(subArgs) > 0 {
for cmd, args := range subArgs {
switch cmd {
case "clang":
err := clangclArgRelocatable(filepath, args)
if err != nil {
return err
case "llvm":
err := llvmArgRelocatable(filepath, args)
if err != nil {
return err
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported subcommand args %s: %s", cmd, args)
// Don't check environment variables, if -imsvc or /winsysroot is set.
// Typically user sets `INCLUDE=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.16.27023\ATLMFC\include;...`
// so it makes always non-relocatble.
// in chromium build, clang-cl uses /winsysroot (or -imsvc in past)
// instead of relying on %INCLUDE%, so it would be ok to ignore
// environment variables.
// http://b/173755650
if winsysrootFlag {
return nil
// otherwise, check environment variables.
for _, env := range envs {
e := strings.SplitN(env, "=", 2)
if len(e) != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("bad environment variable: %s", env)
if e[0] == "PWD" {
// TODO: need to split by list separator
// for %INCLUDE% or so?
if filepath.IsAbs(e[1]) {
return fmt.Errorf("abs path in env %s=%s", e[0], e[1])
return nil
func clangclArgRelocatable(filepath clientFilePath, args []string) error {
pathFlag := false
skipFlag := false
for _, arg := range args {
switch {
case pathFlag:
if filepath.IsAbs(arg) {
return fmt.Errorf("clang-cl abs path: %s", arg)
pathFlag = false
case skipFlag:
skipFlag = false
case arg == "-fdebug-compilation-dir":
pathFlag = true
case strings.HasPrefix(arg, "-debug-info-kind"):
case arg == "-add-plugin", arg == "-mllvm":
// TODO: pass llvmArgRelocatable for -mllvm?
skipFlag = true
case strings.HasPrefix(arg, "-plugin-arg-"):
skipFlag = true
case strings.HasPrefix(arg, "-f"): // feature
return unknownFlagError{arg: fmt.Sprintf("clang-cl: %s", arg)}
return nil
// clangclOutputs returns output files from clang-cl command line.
// /Fo<obj> and /Fd<pdb> is used in Cross-compiling Chrome/win
// but clang-cl currently doesn't emit pdb.
// TODO: support output directory (ends in / or \)?
func clangclOutputs(args []string) []string {
var outputs []string
outputArg := false
for _, arg := range args {
switch {
case outputArg:
outputs = append(outputs, arg)
outputArg = false
case arg == "/o" || arg == "-o": // /o <file or directory>
outputArg = true
case len(arg) > 2 &&
(arg[0] == '-' || arg[0] == '/') &&
arg[1] == 'o':
outputs = append(outputs, arg[2:])
case len(arg) > 3 &&
(arg[0] == '-' || arg[0] == '/') &&
arg[1] == 'F' &&
(arg[2] == 'o' || // /Fo<obj>
arg[2] == 'i' || // /Fi<file> preproc output
arg[2] == 'a' || // /Fa<file> asm output
arg[2] == 'e' || // /Fe<exec>
arg[2] == 'p'): // /Fp<pch>
// TODO: /Fd<pdb> if clang-cl emits pdb.
outputs = append(outputs, arg[3:])
return outputs