blob: 6daa7de3381f4800905dcda0ca2e4f172c69c188 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Goma Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package descriptor
import (
pb ""
// FilePath provides client's filepath.
type FilePath interface {
// IsAbs reports whether the path is absolute.
IsAbs(path string) bool
// Base returns the last element of path, typically
// the filename.
Base(string) string
// Dir returns all but the last element of path, typically
// the path's directory.
// Different filepath.Dir, it won't clean "..".
Dir(string) string
// Join joins any number of path elements into a single path.
// Different filepath.Dir, it won't clean "..".
Join(...string) string
// Rel returns a relative path that is lexically equivalent
// to targpath when joined to basepath with an intervening separator.
Rel(basepath, targpath string) (string, error)
// Clean returns the shortest path name equivalent to path by purely lexical processing.
Clean(path string) string
// SplitElem splits path by path separator.
SplitElem(path string) []string
// PathSep returns the path separator.
PathSep() string
// FilePathOf returns FilePath of path type.
func FilePathOf(pt pb.CmdDescriptor_PathType) (FilePath, error) {
switch pt {
case pb.CmdDescriptor_POSIX:
return posixpath.FilePath{}, nil
case pb.CmdDescriptor_WINDOWS:
return winpath.FilePath{}, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("bad path type: %s", pt)
// IsRelocatable returns true if this setup can be relocated to where client
// put a compiler or a subprogram.
// setup must have valid path type.
func IsRelocatable(setup *pb.CmdDescriptor_Setup) (bool, error) {
filepath, err := FilePathOf(setup.GetPathType())
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("setup %s: %v", setup, err)
if filepath.IsAbs(setup.CmdFile.Path) {
return false, nil
return true, nil
// AbsCmdPath returns absolute command path of the setup.
func AbsCmdPath(setup *pb.CmdDescriptor_Setup) (string, error) {
filepath, err := FilePathOf(setup.GetPathType())
if err != nil {
return "", err
cmdpath := setup.CmdFile.Path
if !filepath.IsAbs(setup.CmdFile.Path) {
cmdpath = filepath.Join(setup.CmdDir, setup.CmdFile.Path)
return cmdpath, nil
// Relocate relocates cmdpath and setup files.
func Relocate(setup *pb.CmdDescriptor_Setup, cmdpath string) (*pb.CmdDescriptor_Setup, error) {
filepath, err := FilePathOf(setup.GetPathType())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
s := proto.Clone(setup).(*pb.CmdDescriptor_Setup)
origin := filepath.Dir(cmdpath)
s.CmdFile.Path = cmdpath
for _, f := range s.Files {
if filepath.IsAbs(f.Path) {
f.Path = filepath.Join(origin, f.Path)
return s, nil
// relocateCommands returns relocated command files.
// cmdPath is a command path (relative client path).
// cs is (main) command setup.
// cmdseen is used to filter out the existing files from the result.
func relocateCommands(cmdseen map[string]bool, cmdPath string, cs *pb.CmdDescriptor_Setup) ([]*pb.FileSpec, error) {
// Note: paths in cmdseen is a client form, and can be a relative path.
// So, this code cannot dedup the subprograms exhaustively.
var result []*pb.FileSpec
cs, err := Relocate(cs, cmdPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !cmdseen[cs.CmdFile.Path] {
result = append(result, cs.CmdFile)
cmdseen[cs.CmdFile.Path] = true
for _, f := range cs.Files {
if cmdseen[f.Path] {
result = append(result, f)
cmdseen[f.Path] = true
return result, nil
// RelocateCmd relocates main program and subprograms if necessary.
// subprogSetups is a map from subprogram client path to subprogram setup.
// It returns commands' FileSpec to be used.
// Actual command path will be first FileSpec's Path.
func RelocateCmd(cmdPath string, setup *pb.CmdDescriptor_Setup, subprogSetups map[string]*pb.CmdDescriptor_Setup) ([]*pb.FileSpec, error) {
// If relocatable, set up filespecs so that the command is installed in the command path.
// If not relocatable, rewrite command itself.
cmdseen := make(map[string]bool)
var allRelocatedFileSpecs []*pb.FileSpec
// Relocate the main binary
relocatable, err := IsRelocatable(setup)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if relocatable {
relocatedFileSpecs, err := relocateCommands(cmdseen, cmdPath, setup)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
allRelocatedFileSpecs = append(allRelocatedFileSpecs, relocatedFileSpecs...)
} else {
cmdfile := proto.Clone(setup.CmdFile).(*pb.FileSpec)
cmdfile.Path = cmdPath
allRelocatedFileSpecs = append(allRelocatedFileSpecs,
allRelocatedFileSpecs = append(allRelocatedFileSpecs,
// Relocate subprograms.
for sPath, subprogSetup := range subprogSetups {
relocatable, err := IsRelocatable(subprogSetup)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if relocatable {
relocatedFileSpecs, err := relocateCommands(cmdseen, sPath, subprogSetup)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
allRelocatedFileSpecs = append(allRelocatedFileSpecs, relocatedFileSpecs...)
} else {
// Since the subprogram is invoked from the main program, it's hard to support it.
// We cannot change the command line in the main program.
// Not sure there is a case that the main program calls subprogram with the fixed path.
// If not, we can return an error here.
// However, usually the subprogram is called with relative path, or called based on
// -B (e.g. objcopy from clang).
cmdfile := proto.Clone(subprogSetup.CmdFile).(*pb.FileSpec)
cmdfile.Path = sPath
allRelocatedFileSpecs = append(allRelocatedFileSpecs,
allRelocatedFileSpecs = append(allRelocatedFileSpecs,
return allRelocatedFileSpecs, nil