blob: 2b58c753927e9cf568666ae0ddbef07428c406c0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Goma Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package backend;
option go_package = "";
message LocalBackend {
// address of exec server. default "exec-server:5050"
string exec_addr = 1;
// address of file server. default "file-server:5050"
string file_addr = 2;
// address of execlog server. default "execlog-server:5050"
string execlog_addr = 3;
bool enable_bytestream = 4;
// attributes for cloud tracing when handling this backend request.
message TraceOption {
string namespace = 1;
string cluster = 2;
TraceOption trace_option = 5;
message HttpRpcBackend {
// target URL (scheme + host).
// request query will be preserved.
// e.g. ""
string target = 1;
message RemoteBackend {
// target address.
// e.g. ""
string address = 1;
// api_key to access the backend.
// it is used to read api_key value in api-keys volume.
string api_key_name = 2;
message BackendMapping {
// id of group that uses the backend.
// group id matches with group id in ACL if not empty.
// empty group id will be used as default backend.
string group_id = 1;
// backend selection by query parameters, encoded form sorted by key
// as same as
// if specified, this backend will be used if all query parameters
// matches with query_params.
// if query_params is empty, any requests will match.
// it is not used for default backend (empty group id). i.e.
// if group_id is empty, query_params must be empty.
string query_params = 4;
// backend for the group.
oneof backend {
HttpRpcBackend http_rpc = 2;
RemoteBackend remote = 3;
message BackendRule {
repeated BackendMapping backends = 1;
message BackendConfig {
oneof backend {
// for frontend in backend cluster.
LocalBackend local = 1;
// debug only.
HttpRpcBackend http_rpc = 2;
RemoteBackend remote = 3;
// for frontend-mixer
BackendRule rule = 4;