provides some helper methods for working with BigQuery. It is recommended you use this library over using the client API directly as it includes common logic for handling protobufs, formatting errors, safe guards, and handling edge cases.
Create a client:
from import bigquery from google.oauth2 import service_account service_account_file = ... bigquery_creds = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file( service_account_file) bigquery_client = bigquery.client.Client( project='example-project', credentials=bigquery_creds)
Send rows:
from infra_libs import bqh # ExampleRow is a protobuf Message rows = [ExampleRow(example_field='1'), ExampleRow(example_field='2')] try: bqh.send_rows(bigquery_client, 'example-dataset', 'example-table', rows) except bqh.BigQueryInsertError: # handle error except bqh.UnsupportedTypeError: # handle error
Please see BigQuery docs for the most updated limits for streaming inserts. It is expected that the client is responsible for ensuring their usage will not exceed these limits through infra_libs/biquery usage. A note on maximum rows per request: send_rows() batches rows per request, ensuring that no more than 10,000 rows are sent per request, and allowing for custom batch size. BigQuery recommends using 500 as a practical limit (so we use this as a default), and experimenting with your specific schema and data sizes to determine the batch size with the ideal balance of throughput and latency for your use case.
Authentication for the Cloud projects happens during client creation. What form this takes depends on the application.
infra_libs/bqh is available via vPython as a CIPD package. To update the available version, build and upload a new wheel with dockerbuild.
google-cloud-bigquery is required to create a BigQuery client. Unfortunately, google-cloud-bigquery has quite a few dependencies. Here is the Vpython spec you need to use infra_libs.bigquery and google-cloud-bigquery:
wheel: < name: "infra/python/wheels/requests-py2_py3" version: "version:2.13.0" > wheel: < name: "infra/python/wheels/google_api_python_client-py2_py3" version: "version:1.6.2" > wheel: < name: "infra/python/wheels/six-py2_py3" version: "version:1.10.0" > wheel: < name: "infra/python/wheels/uritemplate-py2_py3" version: "version:3.0.0" > wheel: < name: "infra/python/wheels/httplib2-py2_py3" version: "version:0.10.3" > wheel: < name: "infra/python/wheels/rsa-py2_py3" version: "version:3.4.2" > wheel: < name: "infra/python/wheels/pyasn1_modules-py2_py3" version: "version:0.0.8" > wheel: < name: "infra/python/wheels/pyasn1-py2_py3" version: "version:0.2.3" > wheel: < name: "infra/python/wheels/oauth2client/linux-arm64_cp27_cp27mu" version: "version:3.0.0" > wheel: < name: "infra/python/wheels/protobuf-py2_py3" version: "version:3.2.0" > wheel: < name: "infra/python/wheels/infra_libs-py2" version: "version:1.3.0" >
You can use ts_mon to track upload latency and errors.
from infra_libs import ts_mon upload_durations = ts_mon.CumulativeDistributionMetric( 'example/service/upload/durations', 'Time taken to upload an event to bigquery.', [ts_mon.StringField('status')], bucketer=ts_mon.GeometricBucketer(10**0.04), units=ts_mon.MetricsDataUnits.SECONDS) upload_errors = ts_mon.CounterMetric( 'example/service/upload/errors', 'Errors encountered upon uploading an event to bigquery.', [ts_mon.StringField('error type')]) with ts_mon.ScopedMeasureTime(upload_durations): try: bqh.send_rows(...) except UnsupportedTypeError: upload_errors.Add(...)