Contributing to infra repositories.

Standard workflow

Starting with an configured checkout, here's the standard workflow to make a modification to the source code:

  1. Make sure your code is up-to-date: run gclient sync anywhere in infra.git.
  2. Create a new branch: git new-branch <branch-name>.
  3. Make modifications, commit them using git commit.
  4. Upload your modification for review by running git cl upload. This step runs the tests, which must pass. If they don‘t, go back to the previous step to fix any issue. You can use to run tests anytime. Make sure you’ve added reviewers for your modifications and sent an email.
  5. Once your code has been approved, you can commit it by clicking the “Commit” checkbox on the code review tool, or by running git cl land if you're a Chromium committer. For old SVN-based repos, use git cl dcommit instead of git cl land.


git-cl-dcommit fails

Try running git auto-svn to fix it. If that fails, ignore most of the error message, except the svn:// URL at the end. Take that URL and run svn --username ${USER?} ls ${SVN_URL?} ... and if it asks for a password, visit

If you get an error message like this:

Attempting to commit more than one change while --no-rebase is enabled. If
these changes depend on each other, re-running without --no-rebase may be
required. at /usr/lib/git-core/git-svn line 876.

Item already exists in filesystem: File already exists: filesystem
'/opt/repos/chromium/db', transaction '63626-1edr', path

Then do this:

git svn fetch

If that is insufficient, then do this:

rm -rf .git/svn
git checkout master
git svn fetch

See also