blob: 4def9fb333f41ecb82d8895f206785af97ffe1d9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from recipe_engine import recipe_api
from recipe_engine.recipe_api import Property
from textwrap import dedent
QEMU_PKG = 'infra/3pp/tools/qemu/linux-amd64'
QMP_HOST = 'localhost:4444'
SERIAL_HOST = 'localhost:4445'
QMP_SOCKET = 'tcp:' + QMP_HOST + ',server,nowait'
SERIAL_SOCKET = 'tcp:' + SERIAL_HOST + ',server,nowait'
PARTED = 'infra/3pp/tools/parted/linux-amd64'
class QEMUError(Exception):
""" Base QEMU exception class """
class QEMUAPI(recipe_api.RecipeApi):
"""API to manage qemu VMs"""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(QEMUAPI, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._install_dir = None
self._workdir = None
def path(self):
return self._install_dir / 'bin'
def disks(self):
return self._workdir / 'disks'
def init(self, version):
""" Initialize the module, ensure that qemu exists on the system
- QEMU is installed in cache/qemu
- Virtual disks are stored in cleanup/qemu/disks
* version: the cipd version tag for qemu
# create a directory to store qemu tools
self._install_dir = self.m.path.cache_dir / 'qemu'
# directory to store qemu workdata
self._workdir = self.m.path.cleanup_dir.joinpath('qemu', 'workdir')
name='Ensure {}'.format(self.disks), dest=self.disks)
# download the binaries to the install directory
e = self.m.cipd.EnsureFile()
# download latest if nothing is given
e.add_package(QEMU_PKG, version if version else 'latest')
e.add_package(PARTED, 'latest')
self.m.cipd.ensure(self._install_dir, e, name="Download qemu")
def cleanup_disks(self): # pragma: nocover
""" cleanup_disks deletes all the disks in the disks dir. This is meant to
be used for cleanup after using the VM"""
d_list = self.m.file.listdir('List all the disks', source=self.disks)
for d in d_list:
self.m.file.remove('Delete {}'.format(d), source=d)
def create_disk(self, disk_name, fs_format='fat', min_size=0, include=None):
""" create_disk creates a virtual disk with the given name, format and size.
Optionally it is possible to specify a list of paths to copy to the disk.
If the size is deemed to be too small to copy the files it might be
increased to fit all the files.
* disk_name: name of the disk image file
* fs_format: one of [exfat, ext3, fat, msdos, vfat, ext2, ext4, ntfs]
* min_size: minimum size of the disk in Megabytes(1048576 bytes)
(bigger size used if required)
* include: sequence of files and directories to copy to image
# Get the number of bytes
min_size = min_size * 1048576
if include:
# mock output for testing
test_res = dedent('''
123567 /usr/local/bin/fortune
123448 /usr/local/lib/
123565 /usr/local/lib/
13245243 total
# use ls to estimate the size of all files
res = self.m.step(
name='Estimate size required for {}'.format(disk_name),
# Use ls to get file size
# s: print allocated size for each file
# 1: list one file per line
# R: list sub directories recursively
# L: deference symbolic links
# A: list all files, except implied . and ..
# block-size: List size in bytes
cmd=['ls', '-s1RLA', '--block-size=1'] + list(include.keys()),
step_test_data=lambda: self.m.raw_io.test_api.stream_output(test_res))
# Add stdout back to output
res.presentation.logs['stdout'] = res.stdout
calculations = ''
failures = ''
# Get list of file sizes, Ignore total at the end
oplines = res.stdout.strip().splitlines()
# Max FAT32 sector size is 32KB. Assume this is the case. Align to 32KB
f32_sector = 32768
total_size = 0
for idx, op in enumerate(oplines):
op = op.strip()
# skip empty lines
if op == b'':
# skip the total count
if op.startswith(b'total'):
if op.endswith(b':'):
# can be the dir name followed by total
if (idx + 1) < len(oplines) and oplines[idx + 1]:
next_line = oplines[idx + 1].strip()
if next_line.startswith(b'total'):
tokens = op.split()
if len(tokens) > 1:
# must be a file listing of 'size name'
file_size, file_name = tokens[0], tokens[1]
f_size = int(file_size)
# Assign the required number of sectors
assigned_size = ((f_size // f32_sector) + 1) * f32_sector
total_size += assigned_size
calculations += '{}: {}\n'.format(
file_name.decode('utf-8'), assigned_size)
except Exception as err:
failures += 'Cannot parse {}: {}'.format(op.decode('utf-8'), err)
if len(tokens) != 2:
failures += 'Unsure about {}'.format(op.decode('utf-8'))
# bump up the size by 100% to ensure that all files can be copied
total_size += total_size
min_size = max(total_size, min_size)
# Write back the logs to the list step
calculations += 'Total size for disk: {}'.format(total_size)
res.presentation.logs['calculations'] = calculations
res.presentation.logs['failures'] = failures
# create an empty disk
self.create_empty_disk(disk_name, fs_format, min_size)
if include:
# copy files to the disk
with self.m.step.nest(name='Copy files to {}'.format(disk_name)):
loop_file, mount_loc = self.mount_disk_image(self.disks / disk_name)
for src, dest in include.items():
dest = mount_loc[0] + '/' + dest
# Check if the path being copied is a dir
is_dir_path = self.m.path.isdir(src)
src = src if is_dir_path else self.m.path.dirname(src)
dest = dest if is_dir_path else self.m.path.dirname(dest)
name='Copy {}'.format(src), source=src, dest=dest)
def create_empty_disk(self, disk_name, fs_format, size):
""" create_empty_disk creates an empty disk image and formats it
* disk_name: name of the disk image file
* fs_format: one of [ext3, fat, ntfs]
* size: size of the disk image in bytes
bs = 1024
res = self.m.step(
name='Check free space on disk for {}'.format(disk_name),
cmd=['df', '--output=avail', '-B', bs, self.disks],
res.presentation.logs['stdout'] = res.stdout
free_disk = int(res.stdout.splitlines()[-1].strip()) * bs
if size > free_disk:
raise self.m.step.StepFailure(
'No space on the bot. Required {}, available {}'.format(
size, free_disk))
# Create disk of minimum 100 MiB. We can't create less than 32763.5 KiB
# Because we can't format FAT32 on it. Use a minimum of 100 MiB drive. Just
# so that we don't have to worry about overhead-space/data ratio. I didn't
# come up with that number. That is the minimum partition size that
# microsoft recommends for any partition.
if size < 104857600: # pragma: no cover
size = 104857600
# replace the periods "." with underscore marks "_". This will be used to
# create a powershell var later
partition_name = disk_name.replace(".", "_")
# First create a blank image for given size, We create a msdos style
# partition table with one partition only
name='Create blank image {}/{}'.format(self.disks, disk_name),
' 4MiB',
'type=primary,fs={},size={},name={}'.format(fs_format, size,
# pass path to the parted binary
self._install_dir.joinpath('sbin', 'parted'),
self.disks / disk_name
def mount_disk_image(self, disk, partitions=[1]):
""" mount_disk_image mounts the given image and returns the mount location
and loop file used for mounting
* disk: name of the disk image file
* partitions: list of partitions to mount, If None attempt to mount the
whole image
Returns: loop file used for the disk and list of mount locations
# setup a loop device for the given disk image
cmd = ['udisksctl', 'loop-setup', '-f', disk]
if str(disk).endswith('iso') or str(disk).endswith('ISO'):
# Cannot mount isos as rw
cmd.append('-r') # mount readonly
res = self.m.step(
name='Setup loop',
step_test_data=lambda: self.m.raw_io.test_api.stream_output(
'Mapped file {} to /dev/loop6'.format(disk)))
loop_file = res.stdout.split()[-1].decode('UTF-8').strip('.')
mounted_partitions = []
mount_loc = []
if partitions:
for partition in partitions:
res = self.m.step(
name='Mount loop',
'udisksctl', 'mount', '-b',
loop_file + 'p{}'.format(partition)
# Might be a iso image. Mount the loop itself
res = self.m.step(
name='Mount loop',
cmd=['udisksctl', 'mount', '-b', loop_file],
except Exception as e:
self.unmount_disk_image(loop_file, mounted_partitions)
raise e
return loop_file, mount_loc
def unmount_disk_image(self, loop_file, partitions=[1]):
""" unmount_disk_image unmounts the disk mounted using the given loop_file
* loop_file: Loop device used to mount the image
if partitions:
for partition in partitions:
# unmount the loop device
name='Unmount loop',
'udisksctl', 'unmount', '-b',
loop_file + 'p{}'.format(partition)
# unmount the loop device
name='Unmount loop', cmd=['udisksctl', 'unmount', '-b', loop_file])
# delete the loop device
name='Delete loop', cmd=['udisksctl', 'loop-delete', '-b', loop_file])
def start_vm(self, arch, qemu_vm, kvm=False):
""" start_vm starts a qemu vm
QEMU is started with qemu_monitor running a qmp service. It also connects
the serial port of the machine to a tcp port.
* arch: The arch that the VM should be based on
* qemu_vm: QEMU_VM proto object containing all the config for starting
the vm
* kvm: If true then VM is run on hardware. It's emulated otherwise
host_arch = self.m.platform.arch
if kvm:
if (host_arch == 'arm' and (arch == 'amd64' or arch == 'x86')) or \
(host_arch == 'intel' and arch == 'aarch64'):
raise QEMUError('Cannot enable {} kvm on {}'.format(arch, host_arch))
# Map the WIB config arch to qemu arch
ARCH_TO_QEMU_ARCH = {'amd64': 'x86_64', 'aarch64': 'aarch64', 'x86': 'i386'}
cmd = [
self.path / 'qemu-system-{}'.format(ARCH_TO_QEMU_ARCH[arch]),
QMP_SOCKET, # start a qmp service
SERIAL_SOCKET, # serial over tcp
'-daemonize', # run in background
'-name', # name the vm
if kvm:
# Enable kvm if it was asked for
cmd += ['--enable-kvm']
if qemu_vm.memory:
# Add ram size if given
cmd += ['-m', '{}M'.format(qemu_vm.memory)]
if qemu_vm.cpu:
# Add cpu config if given
cmd += ['-cpu', qemu_vm.cpu]
if qemu_vm.machine:
# Add machine config if given
cmd += ['-machine', qemu_vm.machine]
if qemu_vm.smp:
# Add smp config if given
cmd += ['-smp', qemu_vm.smp]
for dev in qemu_vm.device:
# Add device configs if given
cmd += ['-device', dev]
for drive in qemu_vm.drives:
# Add the file to be used for the drive
drive_opts = 'file={},'.format(self.disks /
# Add an id to the drive. Useful in specifying device for it
drive_opts += 'id={},'.format(
if drive.interface:
# Add interface if given
drive_opts += 'if={},'.format(drive.interface)
# Add media if given
drive_opts += 'media={},'.format(
if drive.fmt:
# Add format if given
drive_opts += 'format={},'.format(drive.fmt)
if drive.readonly:
# Add readonly if set
drive_opts += 'readonly=on,'
# Add drive to the cmd
cmd += ['-drive', drive_opts]
for extra_arg in qemu_vm.extra_args:
# Add any extra args given
cmd += [extra_arg]
# Start the vm
self.m.step(name='Start vm {}'.format(, cmd=cmd)
def powerdown_vm(self, name):
""" powerdown_vm sends a shutdown signal to the given VM. Similar to power
button on a physical device
* name: name of the vm to shutdown
Returns: True if powerdown signal was sent to VM. False otherwise
res = self.m.step(
name='Powerdown {}'.format(name),
self.resource(''), '-c', 'system_powerdown', '-s', QMP_HOST
resp = res.stdout
if 'Error' in resp['return'] and \
'Connection refused' in resp['return']['Error']:
# If we cannot connect to the VM. The response would be
# {
# "return": {
# "Error": "[Errno 111] Connection refused"
# }
# }
# The VM has powered down.
return True
if not resp['return']:
# If we send the powerdown signal successfully. The response will be
# {
# "return": {}
# }
return True
# return False in all other cases
return False
except Exception:
# Failed to power down. Is it already powered down?
# avoid raising exception
return False
def quit_vm(self, name):
""" quit_vm sends a quit signal to the qemu process. Use this if your VM
doesn't respond to powerdown signal.
* name: name of the vm to quit
Returns: True if quit signal was sent to VM. False otherwise
res = self.m.step(
name='Quit {}'.format(name),
self.resource(''), '-c', 'quit', '-s', QMP_HOST
resp = res.stdout
if 'Error' in resp['return'] and \
'Connection refused' in resp['return']['Error']:
# If we cannot connect to the VM. The response would be
# {
# "return": {
# "Error": "[Errno 111] Connection refused"
# }
# }
# The VM has powered down.
return True
if not resp['return']:
# If we send the kill signal successfully. The response will be
# {
# "return": {}
# }
return True
# return false for all other cases
return False
except Exception:
# Failed to power down. Is it already powered down?
# avoid raising exception
return False
def vm_status(self, name):
""" vm_status returns a dict describing the status of the vm. The return
value is the QMP response to `query-status`
* name: name of the vm
Returns: QMP json response for status query
res = self.m.step(
name='Status {}'.format(name),
self.resource(''), '-c', 'query-status', '-s', QMP_HOST
return res.stdout
except Exception as e:
raise QEMUError(e)