blob: ccee387aaebd8f1b8498e45994f713d8093417e1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import os
import subprocess
from recipe_engine import recipe_api
from recipe_engine.recipe_api import Property
WIN_ADK_PACKAGE = 'infra/3pp/tools/win_adk/windows-amd64'
WIN_ADK_WINPE_PACKAGE = 'infra/3pp/tools/win_adk_winpe/windows-amd64'
class WindowsADKApi(recipe_api.RecipeApi):
"""API for using Windows ADK distributed via CIPD."""
def __init__(self, win_adk_refs, win_adk_winpe_refs, *args, **kwargs):
super(WindowsADKApi, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._win_adk_refs = win_adk_refs
self._win_adk_winpe_refs = win_adk_winpe_refs
self._3pp = None
self._logs = None
def ensure(self, install=True):
"""Ensure the presence of the Windows ADK."""
# Dir to store logs in
self._logs = self.m.path.cleanup_dir / 'logs'
# Dir to download cipd packages
self._3pp = self.m.path.start_dir.joinpath('cipd', '3pp')
with self.m.step.nest('ensure windows adk present'):
with self.m.context(infra_steps=True):
if install:
with self.m.step.nest('ensure win-pe add-on present'):
with self.m.context(infra_steps=True):
if install:
# TODO(actodd): reconfigure 3pp builder to preserve the software name
def ensure_win_adk(self, refs):
"""Downloads & Installs the Windows ADK."""
ensure_file = self.m.cipd.EnsureFile()
ensure_file.add_package(WIN_ADK_PACKAGE, refs)
cipd_dir = self._3pp / 'adk'
# Download the installer using cipd
self.m.cipd.ensure(cipd_dir, ensure_file)
logs_dir = self._logs / 'adk'
log_file = logs_dir / 'adk.log'
# Run the installer and install ADK. If ADK is already installed this
# does nothing. q: quiet, l: logs, features +: all features
results = self.m.powershell(
'Install ADK',
cipd_dir / 'raw_source_0.exe',
args=['/q', '/l', log_file, '/features', '+'])
if results and 'i007: Exit code: 0x0' not in results[str(log_file)]:
raise self.m.step.InfraFailure(
'ADK installation failed') # pragma: no cover
# TODO(actodd): reconfigure 3pp builder to preserve the software name
def ensure_win_adk_winpe(self, refs):
"""Ensures that the WinPE add-on is available."""
ensure_file = self.m.cipd.EnsureFile()
ensure_file.add_package(WIN_ADK_WINPE_PACKAGE, refs)
cipd_dir = self._3pp / 'winpe'
# Download the installer using cipd
self.m.cipd.ensure(cipd_dir, ensure_file)
logs_dir = self._logs / 'winpe'
log_file = logs_dir / 'winpe.log'
# Run the installer and install WinPE. If WinPE is already installed this
# does nothing. q: quiet, l: logs, features +: all features
results = self.m.powershell(
'Install WinPE',
cipd_dir / 'raw_source_0.exe',
args=['/q', '/l', log_file, '/features', '+'])
if results and 'i007: Exit code: 0x0' not in results[str(log_file)]:
raise self.m.step.InfraFailure(
'WinPE installation failed') # pragma: no cover
def cleanup_win_adk(self):
"""Cleanup the Windows ADK."""
cipd_dir = self._3pp / 'adk'
logs_dir = self._logs / 'adk-uninstall'
log_file = logs_dir / 'adk.log'
# Run the installer and uninstall ADK. q: quiet, l: logs,
# uninstall: remove all
results = self.m.powershell(
'Uninstall ADK',
cipd_dir / 'raw_source_0.exe',
args=['/q', '/l', log_file, '/uninstall'])
if results and 'i007: Exit code: 0x0' not in results[str(log_file)]:
raise self.m.step.InfraFailure(
'ADK uninstallation failed') # pragma: no cover
def cleanup_winpe(self):
"""Cleanup WinPE."""
cipd_dir = self._3pp / 'winpe'
logs_dir = self._logs / 'winpe-uninstall'
log_file = logs_dir / 'winpe.log'
# Run the installer and uninstall WinPE. q: quiet, l: logs, uninstall:
# remove all
results = self.m.powershell(
'Uninstall WinPE',
cipd_dir / 'raw_source_0.exe',
args=['/q', '/l', log_file, '/uninstall'])
if results and 'i007: Exit code: 0x0' not in results[str(log_file)]:
raise self.m.step.InfraFailure(
'WinPE uninstallation failed') # pragma: no cover
def cleanup(self):
"""Remove the ADK and WinPE."""