blob: 66153f3e9b1266625b74209acbcd6040170835d5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package cros
import (
func init() {
execs.Register("cros_audit_cellular_modem", auditCellularModemExec)
execs.Register("cros_collect_supported_carriers", collectSupportedCarriersExec)
execs.Register("cros_update_cellular_modem_labels", updateCellularModemLabelsExec)
execs.Register("cros_update_cellular_sim_labels", updateCellularSIMLabelsExec)
execs.Register("cros_has_only_one_sim_profile", hasOnlyOneSIMProfileExec)
execs.Register("cros_audit_cellular_connection", auditCellularConnectionExec)
execs.Register("cros_has_mmcli", hasModemManagerCLIExec)
execs.Register("cros_has_modemmanager_job", hasModemManagerJobExec)
execs.Register("cros_modemmanager_running", modemManagerRunningExec)
execs.Register("cros_modem_state_not_in", modemStateNotInExec)
execs.Register("cros_sim_info_empty", simInfoEmptyExec)
execs.Register("cros_imei_empty", modemIMEImptyExec)
execs.Register("cros_restart_modemmanager", restartModemManagerExec)
execs.Register("set_cellular_modem_state", setCellularModemStateExec)
execs.Register("has_cellular_info", hasCellularInfoExec)
// hasModemManagerCLIExec validates that mmcli is present on the DUT
func hasModemManagerCLIExec(ctx context.Context, info *execs.ExecInfo) error {
if !cellular.HasModemManagerCLI(ctx, info.DefaultRunner(), info.GetExecTimeout()) {
return errors.Reason("has modem manager cli: mmcli is not found on device").Err()
return nil
// hasModemManagerJobExec validates that modemmanager job is known by upstart and present on the DUT.
func hasModemManagerJobExec(ctx context.Context, info *execs.ExecInfo) error {
if !cellular.HasModemManagerJob(ctx, info.DefaultRunner(), info.GetExecTimeout()) {
return errors.Reason("has modem manager job: modemmanager is not found on device").Err()
return nil
// modemManagerRunningExec ensures modemmanager is running on the DUT and starts it if it's not already.
func modemManagerRunningExec(ctx context.Context, info *execs.ExecInfo) error {
runner := info.DefaultRunner()
argsMap := info.GetActionArgs(ctx)
waitTimeout := argsMap.AsDuration(ctx, "wait_timeout", 10, time.Second)
startTimeout := argsMap.AsDuration(ctx, "start_timeout", 30, time.Second)
if cellular.WaitForModemManager(ctx, runner, waitTimeout) == nil {
return nil
if err := cellular.StartModemManager(ctx, runner, startTimeout); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "start modemmanager").Err()
if err := cellular.WaitForModemManager(ctx, runner, waitTimeout); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "wait for modemmanager to start").Err()
return nil
// restartModemManagerExec restarts modemmanagr on the DUT.
func restartModemManagerExec(ctx context.Context, info *execs.ExecInfo) error {
runner := info.DefaultRunner()
argsMap := info.GetActionArgs(ctx)
waitTimeout := argsMap.AsDuration(ctx, "wait_timeout", 10, time.Second)
restartTimeout := argsMap.AsDuration(ctx, "restart_timeout", 30, time.Second)
if err := cellular.RestartModemManager(ctx, runner, restartTimeout); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "restart modemmanager").Err()
if err := cellular.WaitForModemManager(ctx, runner, waitTimeout); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "wait for modemmanager to start").Err()
return nil
// hasCellularInfoExec validates that cellular data is populated in the dut info.
func hasCellularInfoExec(ctx context.Context, info *execs.ExecInfo) error {
if c := info.GetChromeos().GetCellular(); c == nil {
return errors.Reason("has cellular info: cellular data is not present in dut info").Err()
return nil
// setCellularModemStateExec sets the DUT's modem state to the requested value.
func setCellularModemStateExec(ctx context.Context, info *execs.ExecInfo) error {
c := info.GetChromeos().GetCellular()
if c == nil {
return errors.Reason("set cellular modem state: cellular data is not present in dut info").Err()
actionMap := info.GetActionArgs(ctx)
state := strings.ToUpper(actionMap.AsString(ctx, "state", ""))
if state == "" {
return errors.Reason("set cellular modem state: state is not provided").Err()
s, ok := tlw.HardwareState_value[state]
if !ok {
return errors.Reason("set cellular modem state state: state %q is invalid", state).Err()
c.ModemState = tlw.HardwareState(s)
return nil
// modemStateNotInExec verifies that the modem state exported by ModemManager is not in the provided list.
func modemStateNotInExec(ctx context.Context, info *execs.ExecInfo) error {
c := info.GetChromeos().GetCellular()
if c == nil {
return errors.Reason("modem state not in: cellular data is not present in dut info").Err()
argsMap := info.GetActionArgs(ctx)
timeout := argsMap.AsDuration(ctx, "wait_modem_timeout", 15, time.Second)
modemInfo, err := cellular.WaitForModemInfo(ctx, info.DefaultRunner(), timeout)
if err != nil {
return errors.Reason("modem state not in: no modem exported by ModemManager").Err()
if modemInfo.GetState() == "" {
return errors.Reason("modem state not in: modem state is empty").Err()
modemState := modemInfo.GetState()
states := argsMap.AsStringSlice(ctx, "states", []string{})
for _, state := range states {
if strings.EqualFold(state, modemState) {
return errors.Reason("modem state not in: modem state %q is in the provided list", modemState).Err()
return nil
// reportCellularConnectionInfo reports relevant connection info after an action.
func reportCellularConnectionInfo(ctx context.Context, info *execs.ExecInfo, timeout time.Duration, pi *tlw.Cellular_SIMProfileInfo) error {
runner := info.DefaultRunner()
modemInfo, err := cellular.WaitForModemInfo(ctx, runner, timeout)
if err != nil {
info.AddObservation(metrics.NewStringObservation("cellularModemHWState_"+pi.GetIccid(), "MISSING"))
return err
pi.State = modemInfo.GetSIMState()
connectionState := "UNKNOWN"
if modemInfo.GetState() != "" {
connectionState = strings.ToUpper(modemInfo.GetState())
info.AddObservation(metrics.NewStringObservation("cellularModemHWState_"+pi.GetIccid(), "AVAILABLE"))
info.AddObservation(metrics.NewStringObservation("cellularConnectionState_"+pi.GetIccid(), connectionState))
// Signal strength may not always be available by the modem so only report if there's no error.
if signalStrength, err := cellular.GetSignalStrength(ctx, runner, timeout); err == nil {
for _, strength := range signalStrength {
prefix := fmt.Sprintf("cellular%vSignal", strength.Technology)
if strength.RSRP != nil {
info.AddObservation(metrics.NewFloat64Observation(prefix+"RSRP+_"+pi.GetIccid(), *strength.RSRP))
if strength.RSSI != nil {
info.AddObservation(metrics.NewFloat64Observation(prefix+"RSSI_"+pi.GetIccid(), *strength.RSSI))
if strength.SNR != nil {
info.AddObservation(metrics.NewFloat64Observation(prefix+"SNR_"+pi.GetIccid(), *strength.SNR))
return nil
// auditCellularConnectionExec verifies that the device is able to connect to the provided cellular network.
func auditCellularConnectionExec(ctx context.Context, info *execs.ExecInfo) error {
c := info.GetChromeos().GetCellular()
if c == nil {
return errors.Reason("imei empty: cellular data is not present in dut info").Err()
runner := info.DefaultRunner()
argsMap := info.GetActionArgs(ctx)
waitTimeout := argsMap.AsDuration(ctx, "wait_connected_timeout", 120, time.Second)
// Action requires at least 1 minute more than wait_connected_timeout to successfully complete the action.
if waitTimeout+time.Minute > info.GetExecTimeout() {
return errors.Reason("audit cellular connection: exec timeout must be >= wait_connected_timeout + 60s").Err()
for _, si := range c.GetSimInfos() {
if len(si.GetProfileInfos()) != 1 {
// Only support SIMs with 1 profile for now since we don't support profile activation.
log.Debugf(ctx, "Skipping slot: %d, more than 1 profile detected, only 1 supported", si.GetSlotId())
pi := si.GetProfileInfos()[0]
if pi.GetIccid() == "" {
// Don't try to connect to any profiles with empty ICCIDs.
log.Debugf(ctx, "Skipping profile: empty ICCID")
if err := cellular.SwitchSIMSlot(ctx, runner, si.GetSlotId()); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "audit cellular connection").Err()
if err := cellular.ConnectToDefaultService(ctx, runner, waitTimeout); err != nil {
log.Debugf(ctx, "Failed to connect to SIM profile", pi.GetIccid())
if err := reportCellularConnectionInfo(ctx, info, 15*time.Second, pi); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "audit cellular connection").Err()
return nil
// modemIMEImptyExec verifies that the modem IMEI has not been populated yet.
func modemIMEImptyExec(ctx context.Context, info *execs.ExecInfo) error {
c := info.GetChromeos().GetCellular()
if c == nil {
return errors.Reason("imei empty: cellular data is not present in dut info").Err()
if c.GetModemInfo().GetImei() != "" {
return errors.Reason("imei empty: cellular modem info already populated").Err()
return nil
// updateCellularModemLabelsExec sets the cellular modem labels in swarming to match those available on the DUT.
func updateCellularModemLabelsExec(ctx context.Context, info *execs.ExecInfo) error {
c := info.GetChromeos().GetCellular()
if c == nil {
return errors.Reason("audit cellular modem labels: cellular data is not present in dut info").Err()
// Get labels directly from modem hardware.
argsMap := info.GetActionArgs(ctx)
timeout := argsMap.AsDuration(ctx, "wait_modem_timeout", 15, time.Second)
modemInfo, err := cellular.WaitForModemInfo(ctx, info.DefaultRunner(), timeout)
if err != nil {
return errors.Reason("audit cellular modem labels: no modem exported by ModemManager").Err()
if modemInfo.GetImei() == "" {
return errors.Reason("audit cellular modem labels: failed to get modem imei").Err()
// Get labels from cros_config.
variant := cellular.GetModelVariant(ctx, info.DefaultRunner())
if variant == "" {
return errors.Reason("audit cellular modem labels: cellular variant not present on device").Err()
// First try to get modem type from config otherwise fall-back to inferring from variant.
modemType := cellular.GetModemTypeFromConfig(ctx, info.DefaultRunner())
if modemType == tlw.Cellular_MODEM_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED || modemType == tlw.Cellular_MODEM_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED {
log.Infof(ctx, "audit cellular modem labels: failed to get modem type from config, falling back to variant")
modemType = cellular.GetModemTypeFromVariant(variant)
if modemType == tlw.Cellular_MODEM_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED && (c.ModemInfo.Type == tlw.Cellular_MODEM_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED || c.ModemInfo.Type == tlw.Cellular_MODEM_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED) {
// If unknown modem type and no modem was previously specified then just log as its a new device.
log.Errorf(ctx, "audit cellular modem labels: unknown modem type for variant: %q", variant)
} else if modemType == tlw.Cellular_MODEM_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED {
// If unknown modem type and modem was previously specified, then we should error out
// without updating anything as something has gone wrong and the device can't be trusted.
return errors.Reason("audit cellular modem labels: unknown modem type for variant: %q", variant).Err()
// Update properties at end once everything has been verified.
c.ModemInfo.Type = modemType
c.ModelVariant = variant
c.ModemInfo.Imei = modemInfo.GetImei()
return nil
// Ensures that the SIM labels only contain references to at most one profile.
func hasOnlyOneSIMProfileExec(ctx context.Context, info *execs.ExecInfo) error {
c := info.GetChromeos().GetCellular()
if c == nil {
return errors.Reason("audit cellular sim labels: cellular data is not present in dut info").Err()
// It is possible that some SIMs have more than one profile installed on them.
// If this happens, then we should fail and require the SIM labels to be manually
// added or wiped first. As updating these would require activating/deactivating
// SIM profiles, which could have unintended consequences if there is an inactive
// profile installed on the DUT.
for _, s := range c.GetSimInfos() {
if len(s.GetProfileInfos()) > 1 {
return errors.Reason("audit cellular sim labels: expected <= 1 profiles for each SIM, got %d", len(s.ProfileInfos)).Err()
return nil
// simInfoEmptyExec verifies that the device SIM info has not been populated.
func simInfoEmptyExec(ctx context.Context, info *execs.ExecInfo) error {
c := info.GetChromeos().GetCellular()
if c == nil {
return errors.Reason("sim info empty: cellular data is not present in dut info").Err()
if len(c.GetSimInfos()) != 0 {
return errors.Reason("sim info empty: SIM info already populated, found %d SIMs", len(c.GetSimInfos())).Err()
return nil
// updateCellularSIMLabelsExec queries the available SIM cards on the DUT and updates their information.
func updateCellularSIMLabelsExec(ctx context.Context, info *execs.ExecInfo) error {
c := info.GetChromeos().GetCellular()
if c == nil {
return errors.Reason("audit cellular sim labels: cellular data is not present in dut info").Err()
// Fetch available SIMs on device, if we fail to fetch any required information for a SIM then
// we should fail without updating as we would still want to know which SIM are not being properly
// populated.
simInfos, err := cellular.GetAllSIMInfo(ctx, info.DefaultRunner())
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "audit cellular sim labels: failed to query sim info").Err()
simInfosBySlot := make(map[int32]*tlw.Cellular_SIMInfo)
for _, si := range c.SimInfos {
if _, ok := simInfosBySlot[si.SlotId]; ok {
return errors.Reason("audit cellular sim labels: duplicate SIM slot ID found: %d", si.SlotId).Err()
simInfosBySlot[si.SlotId] = si
for _, newSI := range simInfos {
if oldSI, ok := simInfosBySlot[newSI.SlotId]; ok {
oldSI.Type = newSI.Type
oldSI.Eid = newSI.Eid
// Technically it's possible that old SimInfo has no profiles.
var oldProfile *tlw.Cellular_SIMProfileInfo
if len(oldSI.ProfileInfos) > 0 {
oldProfile = oldSI.ProfileInfos[0]
} else {
oldProfile = &tlw.Cellular_SIMProfileInfo{}
oldSI.ProfileInfos = append(oldSI.ProfileInfos, oldProfile)
// newSI always has exactly 1 profile since we just created it.
newProfile := newSI.ProfileInfos[0]
oldProfile.Iccid = newProfile.Iccid
oldProfile.CarrierName = newProfile.CarrierName
// OwnNumber may not be available from the DUT directly, and may instead
// have been added directly to swarming via shivas, so don't overwrite it if it's missing.
if newProfile.OwnNumber != "" {
oldProfile.OwnNumber = newProfile.OwnNumber
delete(simInfosBySlot, newSI.SlotId)
} else {
c.SimInfos = append(c.SimInfos, newSI)
// Check that we are not failing to detect any previously detected SIMs, if
// we are, then fail the action after updating the SIMs that we did manage to detect.
// We don't want to clear the missing SIMs since it may be helpful to know which SIMs
// we are failing to find.
if len(simInfosBySlot) != 0 {
return errors.Reason("audit cellular sim labels: failed to find SIM info for %d slots", len(simInfosBySlot)).Err()
return nil
// auditCellularModem will validate cellular modem hardware state.
func auditCellularModemExec(ctx context.Context, info *execs.ExecInfo) error {
c := info.GetChromeos().GetCellular()
if c == nil {
return errors.Reason("audit cellular modem: cellular data is not present in dut info").Err()
expected := cellular.HasCellularVariant(ctx, info.DefaultRunner())
// if no cellular is expected then set total timeout to be much lower otherwise we will add
// ~2 minutes to every repair even ones that don't require a modem.
argsMap := info.GetActionArgs(ctx)
timeout := argsMap.AsDuration(ctx, "wait_manager_when_not_expected", 120, time.Second)
if !expected {
timeout = argsMap.AsDuration(ctx, "wait_manager_when_expected", 15, time.Second)
modemInfo, err := cellular.WaitForModemInfo(ctx, info.DefaultRunner(), timeout)
if err == nil {
// found modem, try to get connection status.
connectionState := "UNKNOWN"
if modemInfo.Modem.Generic != nil && modemInfo.Modem.Generic.State != "" {
connectionState = strings.ToUpper(modemInfo.Modem.Generic.State)
// only report connection state for devices where modem was found.
info.AddObservation(metrics.NewStringObservation("cellularConnectionState", connectionState))
c.ModemState = tlw.HardwareState_HARDWARE_NORMAL
return nil
err = errors.Annotate(err, "audit cellular modem").Err()
if execs.SSHErrorInternal.In(err) {
c.ModemState = tlw.HardwareState_HARDWARE_UNSPECIFIED
return err
if expected {
// no modem detected but was expected by setup info
// then we set needs_replacement as it is probably a hardware issue.
c.ModemState = tlw.HardwareState_HARDWARE_NEED_REPLACEMENT
return err
// not found and not expected, don't report an error, instead just log it
log.Errorf(ctx, err.Error())
c.ModemState = tlw.HardwareState_HARDWARE_NOT_DETECTED
return nil
// collectSupportedCarriersExec populates schedulable labels that are deduced based on other device labels.
func collectSupportedCarriersExec(ctx context.Context, info *execs.ExecInfo) error {
c := info.GetChromeos().GetCellular()
if c == nil {
return errors.Reason("collect supported carriers: cellular data is not present in dut info").Err()
// If the DUT is a "starfish" device then this DUT supports multiple carriers and its
// supported_carriers just a list of all the SIM network operators on the device.
// Otherwise, we only support 1 carrier and it is the default one on the device.
var carriers []string
if strings.EqualFold(c.GetCarrier(), "STARFISH") || strings.EqualFold(c.GetCarrier(), "STARFISHPLUS") {
seen := make(map[string]bool)
for _, s := range c.GetSimInfos() {
for _, p := range s.GetProfileInfos() {
name := strings.TrimPrefix(p.GetCarrierName().String(), "NETWORK_")
if seen[name] {
log.Infof(ctx, "collect supported carriers: skipping duplicate carrier: %q", name)
seen[name] = true
carriers = append(carriers, name)
} else if c.GetCarrier() != "" {
carriers = []string{c.GetCarrier()}
} else {
log.Infof(ctx, "collect supported carriers: carrier is empty")
c.SupportedCarriers = carriers
return nil