Processing command-line arguments (aka flags) is done using the standard Python argparse module, with a very thin convenience layer on top of it.
One design principle is that flags are defined per-package. To be consistent across the codebase, it is recommended that each package defines the top-level functions add_argparse_options
and process_argparse_options
. The first is supposed to define flags by calling methods like ArgumentParser.add_argument()
, plus do some minor processing without any side-effect. The second function does some package-level processing based on the result of the parsed command-line.
Example usage from a top-level script, with the infra_libs.logs
import argparse import infra_libs.logs parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() infra_libs.logs.add_argparse_options(parser) options = parser.parse_args() infra_libs.logs.process_argparse_options(options)
As more packages add their own flags, the output of --help
can quickly become unreadable. To help with that, it is recommended that
Example (from the infra_libs.ts_mon
def add_argparse_options(parser): parser = parser.add_argument_group('Timeseries Monitoring Options') parser.add_argument( '--ts-mon-endpoint', default='', help='url (including file://) to post monitoring metrics to.' ' (default: %(default)s)') parser.add_argument( '--ts-mon-flush-interval-secs', type=int, default=60, help=('automatically push metrics on this interval if ' '--ts-mon-flush=auto.')) # ... other arguments below ...