blob: ef913562306cc00c790831d188023b693b090d2d [file] [log] [blame]
<link rel="import" href="../polymer/polymer.html">
<dom-module id="chops-tree-status">
.closed {
background-color: #E98080;
.maintenance {
background-color: #ff80ff;
.open {
background-color: #8FDF5F;
.throttled {
background-color: #fffc6c;
.tree-banner {
box-sizing: border-box;
color: #222;
margin: 0.5em auto;
padding: 0.5em 8px;
width: 100%;
<div class="error" hidden$="[[!_hasError]]">
Error fetching tree status from <a href$="[[statusUrl]]" target="_blank">[[statusUrl]]</a>
<div class$="treeStatus [[_status]]" hidden$="[[_hasError]]">
Tree status: [[_message]] by
<a href$="mailto:[[_email]]">[[_username]]</a>
on [[_time]]
(<a href$="[[statusUrl]]" target="_blank">More</a>)
'use strict';
* `<chops-tree-status>` is an element used for displaying the tree status
* available via the statusUrl.
* Provide a statusUrl like '' or
* ''
* @customElement
* @polymer
* @demo /demo/chops-tree-status_demo.html
class ChopsTreeStatus extends Polymer.Element {
static get is() { return 'chops-tree-status'; }
static get properties() {
return {
* The url where the tree's status can be found.
* @type String
statusUrl: {
type: String,
value: '',
* The error data json. This property should only be passed in if
* there was an error getting the status.
* @type Object{error}
statusErrorJson: {
type: Object,
value: () => { return {}; },
* The tree status data json. This can be taken directly from the
* 'current?format=json' page and passed directly to <chops-tree-status>
* @type Object{username, generatl_status, date, message}
statusJson: {
type: Object,
value: () => {
return {message: 'Unknown', date: 'Unknown', general_state: '', username: ''};
_hasError: {
type: Boolean,
computed: '_computeHasError(statusErrorJson)',
value: false,
// Processed JSON data
_email: {
type: String,
computed: '_computeEmail(statusJson)',
_message: {
type: String,
computed: '_computeMessage(statusJson)',
_status: {
type: String,
computed: '_computeStatus(statusJson)',
_time: {
type: String,
computed: '_computeTime(statusJson)',
_username: {
type: String,
computed: '_computeUsername(_email)',
_computeHasError(errorJson) {
return !!errorJson && Object.keys(errorJson).length > 0;
_computeEmail(json) {
return json ? json.username : '';
_computeStatus(json) {
return json ? json.general_state : ''
_computeMessage(json) {
return json ? json.message : 'Unknown';
_computeTime(json) {
return json ? `${".")[0]} GMT`: 'Unknown';
_computeUsername(email) {
let cutoff = email.indexOf('@');
return (cutoff < 0) ? 'Unknown' : email.substring(0, cutoff);
customElements.define(, ChopsTreeStatus);