blob: c91556d4aa650e93af4259c846ab6aa992defff1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package gerrit
import (
. ""
ds ""
tq ""
gr ""
const (
host = ""
// mockPollRestAPI allows for modification of change state returned by QueryChanges.
type mockPollRestAPI struct {
changes map[string][]gr.ChangeInfo
func (m *mockPollRestAPI) QueryChanges(c context.Context, host, project string, ts time.Time) ([]gr.ChangeInfo, bool, error) {
defer m.Unlock()
if m.changes == nil {
m.changes = make(map[string][]gr.ChangeInfo)
id := gerritProjectID(host, project)
changes, _ := m.changes[id]
return changes, false, nil
func (*mockPollRestAPI) PostRobotComments(c context.Context, host, change, revision string, runID int64, comments []*track.Comment) error {
// not used by the poller
return nil
func (m *mockPollRestAPI) GetChangedLines(c context.Context, host, change, revision string) (ChangedLinesInfo, error) {
// not used by the poller
return ChangedLinesInfo{}, nil
func (m *mockPollRestAPI) addChanges(host, project string, c []gr.ChangeInfo) {
defer m.Unlock()
if m.changes == nil {
m.changes = make(map[string][]gr.ChangeInfo)
id := gerritProjectID(host, project)
changes, _ := m.changes[id]
changes = append(changes, c...)
m.changes[id] = changes
type mockConfigProvider struct {
Projects map[string]*tricium.ProjectConfig
func (*mockConfigProvider) GetServiceConfig(c context.Context) (*tricium.ServiceConfig, error) {
return nil, nil // not used by the poller
func (m *mockConfigProvider) GetProjectConfig(c context.Context, p string) (*tricium.ProjectConfig, error) {
pc, ok := m.Projects[p]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("nonexistent project")
return pc, nil
// GetAllProjectConfigs implements the ProviderAPI.
func (m *mockConfigProvider) GetAllProjectConfigs(c context.Context) (map[string]*tricium.ProjectConfig, error) {
return m.Projects, nil
func numEnqueuedAnalyzeRequests(ctx context.Context) int {
return len(tq.GetTestable(ctx).GetScheduledTasks()[common.AnalyzeQueue])
func TestPollAllProjectsBehavior(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Test Environment", t, func() {
ctx := triciumtest.Context()
cp := &mockConfigProvider{
Projects: map[string]*tricium.ProjectConfig{
"a-project": {
Repos: []*tricium.RepoDetails{
Source: &tricium.RepoDetails_GerritProject{
GerritProject: &tricium.GerritProject{
Host: host,
Project: "infra",
GitUrl: "",
"b-project": {
Repos: []*tricium.RepoDetails{
Source: &tricium.RepoDetails_GerritProject{
GerritProject: &tricium.GerritProject{
Host: host,
Project: "project/tricium-gerrit",
GitUrl: "",
Convey("Poll puts a poll project request in the task queue for each project", func() {
So(poll(ctx, cp), ShouldBeNil)
tasks := tq.GetTestable(ctx).GetScheduledTasks()[common.PollProjectQueue]
var projects []string
for _, task := range tasks {
request := &admin.PollProjectRequest{}
So(proto.Unmarshal(task.Payload, request), ShouldBeNil)
projects = append(projects, request.Project)
So(projects, ShouldResemble, []string{"a-project", "b-project"})
func TestPollProjectBasicBehavior(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Test Environment", t, func() {
ctx := triciumtest.Context()
now := time.Date(2017, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
ctx, tc := testclock.UseTime(ctx, now)
ctx = auth.WithState(ctx, &authtest.FakeState{
Identity: identity.AnonymousIdentity,
cp := &mockConfigProvider{
Projects: map[string]*tricium.ProjectConfig{
"infra": {
Repos: []*tricium.RepoDetails{
Source: &tricium.RepoDetails_GerritProject{
GerritProject: &tricium.GerritProject{
Host: host,
Project: "infra",
GitUrl: "",
Source: &tricium.RepoDetails_GerritProject{
GerritProject: &tricium.GerritProject{
Host: host,
Project: "project/tricium-gerrit",
GitUrl: "",
projects, err := cp.GetAllProjectConfigs(ctx)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
gerritProjects := []*tricium.GerritProject{
flaggedRevisions := revisionGenerator(
"Hello\nThis is a revision message\nWith some footers\nTricium:disable\nAnother=value",
unflaggedRevisions := revisionGenerator(
"Hello\nThis is a revision message\nWith some footers\nSomething: value",
uppercaseFlaggedRevisions := revisionGenerator("TRICIUM: disable")
lowercaseFlaggedRevisions := revisionGenerator("tricium: disable")
noFlaggedRevisions := revisionGenerator("Tricium: no")
noneFlaggedRevisions := revisionGenerator("Tricium: none")
skipFlaggedRevisions := revisionGenerator("Tricium: skip")
falseFlaggedRevisions := revisionGenerator("Tricium: false")
enableFlaggedRevisions := revisionGenerator("Tricium: enable")
Convey("First poll, no changes", func() {
api := &mockPollRestAPI{}
So(pollProject(ctx, "infra", api, cp), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Creates tracking entries for Gerrit projects", func() {
for _, gd := range gerritProjects {
p := &Project{ID: gerritProjectID(gd.Host, gd.Project)}
So(ds.Get(ctx, p), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Does not enqueue analyze requests", func() {
So(numEnqueuedAnalyzeRequests(ctx), ShouldEqual, 0)
Convey("Second poll, no changes", func() {
api := &mockPollRestAPI{}
So(pollProject(ctx, "infra", api, cp), ShouldBeNil)
// Store last poll timestamps from first poll.
lastPolls := make(map[string]time.Time)
for _, gd := range gerritProjects {
p := &Project{ID: gerritProjectID(gd.Host, gd.Project)}
So(ds.Get(ctx, p), ShouldBeNil)
lastPolls[p.ID] = p.LastPoll
So(pollProject(ctx, "infra", api, cp), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Does not update timestamp of last poll", func() {
for _, gd := range gerritProjects {
p := &Project{ID: gerritProjectID(gd.Host, gd.Project)}
So(ds.Get(ctx, p), ShouldBeNil)
t, _ := lastPolls[p.ID]
So(t.Equal(p.LastPoll), ShouldBeTrue)
Convey("Does not enqueue analyze requests", func() {
So(numEnqueuedAnalyzeRequests(ctx), ShouldEqual, 0)
Convey("First poll, with changes", func() {
api := &mockPollRestAPI{}
lastChangeTs := clock.Now(ctx)
// Fill up with one change per project.
for _, gd := range gerritProjects {
api.addChanges(gd.Host, gd.Project, []gr.ChangeInfo{
Project: gd.Project,
Updated: gr.TimeStamp(lastChangeTs),
Owner: &gr.AccountInfo{Email: ""},
So(pollProject(ctx, "infra", api, cp), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Does not enqueue analyze requests", func() {
So(numEnqueuedAnalyzeRequests(ctx), ShouldEqual, 0)
Convey("Second poll, with new changes adding files", func() {
api := &mockPollRestAPI{}
lastChangeTs := tc.Now().UTC()
// Fill up with one change per project.
for _, gd := range gerritProjects {
revisions := map[string]gr.RevisionInfo{
"abcdef": {Files: map[string]*gr.FileInfo{"": {}}},
api.addChanges(gd.Host, gd.Project, []gr.ChangeInfo{
ID: "project~branch~Ideadc0de",
Project: gd.Project,
Status: "NEW",
CurrentRevision: "abcdef",
Updated: gr.TimeStamp(lastChangeTs),
Revisions: revisions,
Owner: &gr.AccountInfo{Email: ""},
So(pollProject(ctx, "infra", api, cp), ShouldBeNil)
So(pollProject(ctx, "infra", api, cp), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Updates last poll timestamp to last change timestamp", func() {
for _, gd := range gerritProjects {
p := &Project{ID: gerritProjectID(gd.Host, gd.Project)}
So(ds.Get(ctx, p), ShouldBeNil)
So(lastChangeTs.Equal(p.LastPoll), ShouldBeTrue)
Convey("Enqueues analyze requests for each repo in the project", func() {
So(numEnqueuedAnalyzeRequests(ctx), ShouldEqual, len(gerritProjects))
tasks := tq.GetTestable(ctx).GetScheduledTasks()[common.AnalyzeQueue]
var projects []string
var repos []string
for _, task := range tasks {
ar := &tricium.AnalyzeRequest{}
So(proto.Unmarshal(task.Payload, ar), ShouldBeNil)
projects = append(projects, ar.Project)
repos = append(repos, ar.GetGerritRevision().GitUrl)
So(projects, ShouldResemble, []string{"infra", "infra"})
So(repos, ShouldResemble, []string{
Convey("Adds change tracking entities", func() {
for _, gd := range gerritProjects {
So(ds.Get(ctx, &Change{
ID: "project~branch~Ideadc0de",
Parent: ds.NewKey(ctx, "GerritProject", gerritProjectID(gd.Host, gd.Project), 0, nil),
}), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Poll with changes that include deleted and binary files", func() {
api := &mockPollRestAPI{}
lastChangeTs := tc.Now().UTC()
// Fill up with one change per project.
for _, gd := range gerritProjects {
revisions := map[string]gr.RevisionInfo{
"abcdef": {
Files: map[string]*gr.FileInfo{
"changed.txt": {},
"deleted.txt": {Status: "D"},
"binary.png": {Binary: true},
api.addChanges(gd.Host, gd.Project, []gr.ChangeInfo{
ID: "project~branch~Ideadc0de",
Project: gd.Project,
Status: "NEW",
CurrentRevision: "abcdef",
Updated: gr.TimeStamp(lastChangeTs),
Revisions: revisions,
Owner: &gr.AccountInfo{Email: ""},
So(pollProject(ctx, "infra", api, cp), ShouldBeNil)
So(pollProject(ctx, "infra", api, cp), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Enqueued analyze requests do not include deleted files", func() {
tasks := tq.GetTestable(ctx).GetScheduledTasks()[common.AnalyzeQueue]
So(len(tasks), ShouldEqual, len(gerritProjects))
for _, task := range tasks {
ar := &tricium.AnalyzeRequest{}
err := proto.Unmarshal(task.Payload, ar)
// Sorting files according to their paths to account for random
// enumeration in go maps.
sort.Slice(ar.Files, func(i, j int) bool {
return ar.Files[i].Path < ar.Files[j].Path
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(ar.Files, ShouldResemble, []*tricium.Data_File{
Path: "binary.png",
IsBinary: true,
Status: tricium.Data_MODIFIED,
Path: "changed.txt",
IsBinary: false,
Status: tricium.Data_MODIFIED,
Convey("Poll when there is a change with no files", func() {
api := &mockPollRestAPI{}
lastChangeTs := tc.Now().UTC()
// Fill up with one change per project.
for _, gd := range gerritProjects {
revisions := map[string]gr.RevisionInfo{
"abcdef": {Files: make(map[string]*gr.FileInfo)},
api.addChanges(gd.Host, gd.Project, []gr.ChangeInfo{
ID: "project~branch~Ideadc0de",
Project: gd.Project,
Status: "NEW",
CurrentRevision: "abcdef",
Updated: gr.TimeStamp(lastChangeTs),
Revisions: revisions,
Owner: &gr.AccountInfo{Email: ""},
So(pollProject(ctx, "infra", api, cp), ShouldBeNil)
So(pollProject(ctx, "infra", api, cp), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Does not enqueue analyze requests", func() {
So(numEnqueuedAnalyzeRequests(ctx), ShouldEqual, 0)
Convey("Poll with many changes, so paging is used", func() {
api := &mockPollRestAPI{}
// The first poll stores the timestamp.
So(pollProject(ctx, "infra", api, cp), ShouldBeNil)
// Fill up each project with multiple changes.
numChanges := 6
revBase := "abcdef"
branch := "master"
changeIDFooter := "Ideadc0de"
for _, gd := range gerritProjects {
var changes []gr.ChangeInfo
for i := 0; i < numChanges; i++ {
changeID := fmt.Sprintf("%s~%s~%s%d", gd.Project, branch, changeIDFooter, i)
rev := fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", revBase, i)
files := map[string]*gr.FileInfo{"": {}}
revisions := make(map[string]gr.RevisionInfo)
revisions[rev] = gr.RevisionInfo{Files: files}
changes = append(changes, gr.ChangeInfo{
ID: changeID,
Project: gd.Project,
Status: "NEW",
CurrentRevision: rev,
Updated: gr.TimeStamp(tc.Now().UTC()),
Revisions: revisions,
Owner: &gr.AccountInfo{Email: ""},
api.addChanges(gd.Host, gd.Project, changes)
So(pollProject(ctx, "infra", api, cp), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Enqueues analyze requests", func() {
So(numEnqueuedAnalyzeRequests(ctx), ShouldEqual, len(gerritProjects)*numChanges)
Convey("Adds change tracking entities", func() {
for _, gd := range gerritProjects {
for i := 0; i < numChanges; i++ {
So(ds.Get(ctx, &Change{
ID: fmt.Sprintf("%s~%s~%s%d", gd.Project, branch, changeIDFooter, i),
Parent: ds.NewKey(ctx, "GerritProject", gerritProjectID(gd.Host, gd.Project), 0, nil),
}), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Poll when changes have Tricium:disable description flag", func() {
api := &mockPollRestAPI{}
lastChangeTs := clock.Now(ctx)
for _, gd := range gerritProjects {
api.addChanges(gd.Host, gd.Project, generateChangeInfo(gd.Project, lastChangeTs, flaggedRevisions))
So(pollProject(ctx, "infra", api, cp), ShouldBeNil)
So(pollProject(ctx, "infra", api, cp), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Removes all flagged changes", func() {
So(numEnqueuedAnalyzeRequests(ctx), ShouldEqual, 0)
Convey("Poll when changes have tricium:disable description flag", func() {
api := &mockPollRestAPI{}
lastChangeTs := clock.Now(ctx)
for _, gd := range gerritProjects {
generateChangeInfo(gd.Project, lastChangeTs, lowercaseFlaggedRevisions),
So(pollProject(ctx, "infra", api, cp), ShouldBeNil)
So(pollProject(ctx, "infra", api, cp), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Removes all flagged changes", func() {
So(numEnqueuedAnalyzeRequests(ctx), ShouldEqual, 0)
Convey("Poll when changes have TRICIUM:disable description flag", func() {
api := &mockPollRestAPI{}
lastChangeTs := clock.Now(ctx)
for _, gd := range gerritProjects {
generateChangeInfo(gd.Project, lastChangeTs, uppercaseFlaggedRevisions),
So(pollProject(ctx, "infra", api, cp), ShouldBeNil)
So(pollProject(ctx, "infra", api, cp), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Removes all flagged changes", func() {
So(numEnqueuedAnalyzeRequests(ctx), ShouldEqual, 0)
Convey("Poll when changes have Tricium:no description flag", func() {
api := &mockPollRestAPI{}
lastChangeTs := clock.Now(ctx)
for _, gd := range gerritProjects {
generateChangeInfo(gd.Project, lastChangeTs, noFlaggedRevisions),
So(pollProject(ctx, "infra", api, cp), ShouldBeNil)
So(pollProject(ctx, "infra", api, cp), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Removes all flagged changes", func() {
So(numEnqueuedAnalyzeRequests(ctx), ShouldEqual, 0)
Convey("Poll when changes have Tricium:none description flag", func() {
api := &mockPollRestAPI{}
lastChangeTs := clock.Now(ctx)
for _, gd := range gerritProjects {
generateChangeInfo(gd.Project, lastChangeTs, noneFlaggedRevisions),
So(pollProject(ctx, "infra", api, cp), ShouldBeNil)
So(pollProject(ctx, "infra", api, cp), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Removes all flagged changes", func() {
So(numEnqueuedAnalyzeRequests(ctx), ShouldEqual, 0)
Convey("Poll when changes have Tricium:false description flag", func() {
api := &mockPollRestAPI{}
lastChangeTs := clock.Now(ctx)
for _, gd := range gerritProjects {
generateChangeInfo(gd.Project, lastChangeTs, falseFlaggedRevisions),
So(pollProject(ctx, "infra", api, cp), ShouldBeNil)
So(pollProject(ctx, "infra", api, cp), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Removes all flagged changes", func() {
So(numEnqueuedAnalyzeRequests(ctx), ShouldEqual, 0)
Convey("Poll when changes have Tricium:skip description flag", func() {
api := &mockPollRestAPI{}
lastChangeTs := clock.Now(ctx)
for _, gd := range gerritProjects {
generateChangeInfo(gd.Project, lastChangeTs, skipFlaggedRevisions),
So(pollProject(ctx, "infra", api, cp), ShouldBeNil)
So(pollProject(ctx, "infra", api, cp), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Doesn't remove false flagged changes", func() {
So(numEnqueuedAnalyzeRequests(ctx), ShouldEqual, 0)
Convey("Poll when changes have Tricium:enable description flag", func() {
api := &mockPollRestAPI{}
lastChangeTs := clock.Now(ctx)
for _, gd := range gerritProjects {
generateChangeInfo(gd.Project, lastChangeTs, enableFlaggedRevisions),
So(pollProject(ctx, "infra", api, cp), ShouldBeNil)
So(pollProject(ctx, "infra", api, cp), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Doesn't remove false flagged changes", func() {
So(numEnqueuedAnalyzeRequests(ctx), ShouldEqual, len(gerritProjects))
Convey("Poll when only one of the two changes have Tricium: disable flag", func() {
api := &mockPollRestAPI{}
lastChangeTs := clock.Now(ctx)
// Add an un-flagged change and a flagged change in each.
for _, gd := range gerritProjects {
api.addChanges(gd.Host, gd.Project, generateChangeInfo(gd.Project, lastChangeTs, unflaggedRevisions))
api.addChanges(gd.Host, gd.Project, generateChangeInfo(gd.Project, lastChangeTs, flaggedRevisions))
So(pollProject(ctx, "infra", api, cp), ShouldBeNil)
So(pollProject(ctx, "infra", api, cp), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Keeps all un-flagged changes", func() {
So(numEnqueuedAnalyzeRequests(ctx), ShouldEqual, len(gerritProjects))
Convey("Poll project with alternating tricium:enable and tricium:disable changes", func() {
api := &mockPollRestAPI{}
numChanges := 10
lastChangeTs := clock.Now(ctx)
gd := gerritProjects[0]
for i := 0; i < numChanges; i++ {
var changeTemplate []gr.ChangeInfo
if i%2 == 0 {
changeTemplate = generateChangeInfo(gd.Project, lastChangeTs, flaggedRevisions)
} else {
changeTemplate = generateChangeInfo(gd.Project, lastChangeTs, unflaggedRevisions)
api.addChanges(gd.Host, gd.Project, changeTemplate)
So(pollProject(ctx, "infra", api, cp), ShouldBeNil)
So(pollProject(ctx, "infra", api, cp), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Keeps all un-flagged changes", func() {
So(numEnqueuedAnalyzeRequests(ctx), ShouldEqual, numChanges/2)
func TestPollProjectWhitelistBehavior(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Test Environment", t, func() {
ctx := triciumtest.Context()
var (
noWhitelistProject = "no-whitelist-project"
whitelistProject = "whitelist-group-project"
whitelistGroup = "whitelist-group-name"
now := time.Date(2017, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
ctx, tc := testclock.UseTime(ctx, now)
ctx = auth.WithState(ctx, &authtest.FakeState{
Identity: identity.AnonymousIdentity,
FakeDB: authtest.FakeDB{
"": []string{whitelistGroup},
cp := &mockConfigProvider{
Projects: map[string]*tricium.ProjectConfig{
noWhitelistProject: {
Repos: []*tricium.RepoDetails{
Source: &tricium.RepoDetails_GerritProject{
GerritProject: &tricium.GerritProject{
Host: host,
Project: noWhitelistProject,
GitUrl: "",
whitelistProject: {
Repos: []*tricium.RepoDetails{
Source: &tricium.RepoDetails_GerritProject{
GerritProject: &tricium.GerritProject{
Host: host,
Project: whitelistProject,
GitUrl: "",
WhitelistedGroup: []string{whitelistGroup},
projects, err := cp.GetAllProjectConfigs(ctx)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
var gerritProjects []*tricium.GerritProject
for _, pc := range projects {
for _, repo := range pc.Repos {
if gd := repo.GetGerritProject(); gd != nil {
gerritProjects = append(gerritProjects, gd)
Convey("No whitelisted groups means all changes are analyzed", func() {
api := &mockPollRestAPI{}
lastChangeTs := tc.Now().UTC()
revisions := map[string]gr.RevisionInfo{
"abcdef": {Files: map[string]*gr.FileInfo{"": {}}},
api.addChanges(host, noWhitelistProject, []gr.ChangeInfo{
ID: "project~branch~Ideadc0de",
Project: noWhitelistProject,
Status: "NEW",
CurrentRevision: "abcdef",
Updated: gr.TimeStamp(lastChangeTs),
Revisions: revisions,
Owner: &gr.AccountInfo{Email: ""},
So(pollProject(ctx, noWhitelistProject, api, cp), ShouldBeNil)
So(pollProject(ctx, noWhitelistProject, api, cp), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Enqueues an analyze request", func() {
So(numEnqueuedAnalyzeRequests(ctx), ShouldEqual, 1)
Convey("Poll with a change by a whitelisted user", func() {
api := &mockPollRestAPI{}
lastChangeTs := tc.Now().UTC()
revisions := map[string]gr.RevisionInfo{
"abcdef": {Files: map[string]*gr.FileInfo{"": {}}},
api.addChanges(host, whitelistProject, []gr.ChangeInfo{
ID: "project~branch~Ideadc0de",
Project: whitelistProject,
Status: "NEW",
CurrentRevision: "abcdef",
Updated: gr.TimeStamp(lastChangeTs),
Revisions: revisions,
Owner: &gr.AccountInfo{Email: ""},
So(pollProject(ctx, whitelistProject, api, cp), ShouldBeNil)
So(pollProject(ctx, whitelistProject, api, cp), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Does not enqueue analyze requests", func() {
So(numEnqueuedAnalyzeRequests(ctx), ShouldEqual, 1)
Convey("Poll with a change by an unwhitelisted user", func() {
api := &mockPollRestAPI{}
lastChangeTs := tc.Now().UTC()
revisions := map[string]gr.RevisionInfo{
"abcdef": {Files: map[string]*gr.FileInfo{"": {}}},
api.addChanges(host, whitelistProject, []gr.ChangeInfo{
ID: "project~branch~Ideadc0de",
Project: whitelistProject,
Status: "NEW",
CurrentRevision: "abcdef",
Updated: gr.TimeStamp(lastChangeTs),
Revisions: revisions,
Owner: &gr.AccountInfo{Email: ""},
So(pollProject(ctx, whitelistProject, api, cp), ShouldBeNil)
So(pollProject(ctx, whitelistProject, api, cp), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Does not enqueue analyze requests", func() {
So(numEnqueuedAnalyzeRequests(ctx), ShouldEqual, 0)
func TestStatusCode(t *testing.T) {
ctx := triciumtest.Context()
Convey("Valid codes", t, func() {
So(statusFromCode(ctx, "A"), ShouldEqual, tricium.Data_ADDED)
So(statusFromCode(ctx, "D"), ShouldEqual, tricium.Data_DELETED)
So(statusFromCode(ctx, "R"), ShouldEqual, tricium.Data_RENAMED)
So(statusFromCode(ctx, "C"), ShouldEqual, tricium.Data_COPIED)
So(statusFromCode(ctx, "W"), ShouldEqual, tricium.Data_REWRITTEN)
So(statusFromCode(ctx, "M"), ShouldEqual, tricium.Data_MODIFIED)
Convey("Unknown status means modified", t, func() {
So(statusFromCode(ctx, "X"), ShouldEqual, tricium.Data_MODIFIED)
func generateChangeInfo(project string, lastChangeTs time.Time, revisions map[string]gr.RevisionInfo) []gr.ChangeInfo {
return []gr.ChangeInfo{
ID: "project~branch~Ideadc0de",
Project: project,
Status: "NEW",
CurrentRevision: "curRev",
Updated: gr.TimeStamp(lastChangeTs),
Revisions: revisions,
Owner: &gr.AccountInfo{Email: ""},
// revisionGenerator is a helper function that generates a map of revisionID string
// to RevisionInfo. It takes commitMessage as input and adds that to the first revision.
func revisionGenerator(commitMessage string) map[string]gr.RevisionInfo {
return map[string]gr.RevisionInfo{
"curRev": {
Files: map[string]*gr.FileInfo{"": {}},
Commit: &gr.CommitInfo{
Message: commitMessage,
"olderRev": {
Files: map[string]*gr.FileInfo{"another1.go": {}},