blob: ef939b199d97344fce16eb95c096ba60a705b4eb [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is govered by a BSD-style
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
"""Helpers for showing alerts at the top of the page.
These alerts are then displayed by alerts.ezt.
import time
from third_party import ezt
# Expiration time for special features of timestamped links.
# This is not for security, just for informational messages that
# make sense in the context of a user session, but that should
# not appear days later if the user follows a bookmarked link.
class AlertsView(object):
"""EZT object for showing alerts at the top of the page."""
def __init__(self, mr):
# Used to show message confirming item was updated
self.updated = mr.GetIntParam('updated')
# Used to show message confirming item was moved and the location of the new
# item.
self.moved_to_project = mr.GetParam('moved_to_project')
self.moved_to_id = mr.GetIntParam('moved_to_id')
self.moved = self.moved_to_project and self.moved_to_id
# Used to show message confirming item was copied and the location of the
# new item.
self.copied_from_id = mr.GetIntParam('copied_from_id')
self.copied_to_project = mr.GetParam('copied_to_project')
self.copied_to_id = mr.GetIntParam('copied_to_id')
self.copied = self.copied_to_project and self.copied_to_id
# Used to show message confirming items deleted
self.deleted = mr.GetParam('deleted')
# If present, we will show message confirming that data was saved
self.saved = mr.GetParam('saved')
link_generation_timestamp = mr.GetIntParam('ts', default_value=0)
now = int(time.time())
ts_links_are_valid = now - link_generation_timestamp < _LINK_EXPIRATION_SEC
show_alert = ts_links_are_valid and (
self.updated or self.moved or self.copied or self.deleted or self.saved) = ezt.boolean(show_alert)