Adding a new wheel for vpython

For this example, we'll be adding ‘scandir’ at version 1.7.

  1. Go to pypi and find the wheel at the appropriate version in question.

    1. Project:
    2. Versions:
    3. Version 1.7:
    4. Files for 1.7:
  2. Determine what type of wheel it is (in order of preference):

    1. Universal
      1. Pure-python libraries already packaged as wheels.
      2. These will have a *-py2.py3-none-any.whl file (may be just py2)
      3. Example:
    2. UniversalSource
      1. Pure-python libraries distributed as a tarball.
      2. These will have a *.tar.gz file. You'll have to fetch this tarball and look to see if it contains any .c or .cc files. If it does, then this is either Prebuilt or SourceOrPrebuilt.
      3. Example:
    3. Prebuilt
      1. Python libs with c extensions, pre-built for platforms we care about.
      2. These will have many .whl files for various platforms. Look at the list to see if it covers all the platforms your users care about. If not then you may have to use SourceOrPrebuilt.
      3. Example:
    4. PrebuiltOrSource
      1. Python libs with c extensions, pre-built for some platforms we care about. These don't require extra C libraries though, just typical system/python C libraries.
      2. They will include *.tar.gz with the library source, but may also contain .whl files for some platforms.
      3. Example:
      4. Example (no .whl):
    5. “Special” wheels
      1. These deviate from the wheels above in some way, usually by requiring additional C libraries.
      2. We always prepare our wheels and their C extensions to be as static as possible. Generally this means building the additional C libraries as static (‘.a’) files, and adjusting the python to find this.
      3. See the various implementations referenced by to get a feel for these.
      4. These are (fortunately) pretty rare (but they do come up occasionally).
    6. The “infra_libs” wheel
      1. This one is REALLY special, but essentially packages the packages/infra_libs wheel. Check

Once you've identified the wheel type, open and find the relevant section. Each section is ordered by wheel name and then by symver. If you put the wheel definition in the wrong place, dockerbuild will tell you :)

So for scandir, we see that there are prebuilts for windows, but for everything else we have to build it ourself.

The wheels are built for linux platforms using Docker (hence “dockerbuild”). Unfortunately this tool ONLY supports building for linux this way. For building mac and windows, this can use the ambient toolchain (i.e. have XCode or MSVS installed on your system).

I actually haven't ever run this on windows. Usually python wheels with C extensions that chromium may actually need have pre-built windows wheels.

That said, this is essentially just doing bdist_wheel to generate the wheel contents, so if that process works with MSVS, it SHOULD work.

The upshot of this is that if you need to build for e.g. mac or windows, you need to run this from one of those platforms with an appropriate SDK installed.

Back to our example, we'll be adding a new entry to the SourceOrPrebuilt section:

SourceOrPrebuilt('scandir', '1.9.0',

This says the wheel scandir-1.9.0 is either built from source (.tar.gz) or is prebuilt (for the following packaged platforms).

Authenticated to GCloud Container Registry with

gcloud auth configure-docker

(otherwise dockerbuild will create containers from scratch, which takes time.)

Finally, we need to build it:

path/to/infra.git/         \       \
   --logs-debug --upload-source  \
   wheel-build                   \
   --wheel 'scandir-1.9.0'       \

Notable options (check --help for details):

  • --wheel_re - Use in place of --wheel to run for multiple wheels or versions.
  • --platform - Specify a specific platform to build for.
  • If you don't have upload permission, you can still check your change to by omitting the two “upload” flags above.

This command will build (into path/to/infra.git/.dockerbuild) all of the .whl files, and then upload them to CIPD (for use by vpython).

And update the documentation:

path/to/infra.git/         \       \

NOTE: If this shows a change for infra_libs it means that someone modified infra_libs without uploading it to CIPD. To fix this, run:

path/to/infra.git/         \       \
   --logs-debug --upload-source  \
   wheel-build                   \
   --wheel_re 'infra_libs.*'     \

Then you upload your CL and commit as usual.

Since the ‘wheel-build’ command is executed locally (i.e. not by a bot) we typically TBR these changes to an OWNER as long as they're only touching and (since ‘wheel-build’ pushes the wheels directly to CIPD/prod).