blob: 68da5967b0ddc461ada90580d2741229715c1e75 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package rules
import (
cpb "infra/appengine/cr-audit-commits/app/proto"
buildbucketpb ""
gitilespb ""
ds ""
// Role is an enum describing the relationship between an email account and a
// commit. (Such as Committer or Author)
type Role uint8
const (
// Committer is when the account is present in the committer field of
// the commit.
Committer Role = iota
// Author is when the account is present in the author field of the
// commit.
const (
// MaxAutoCommitsPerDay indicates how many commits may be landed by the
// findit service account in any 24 hour period.
MaxAutoCommitsPerDay = 8
// MaxAutoRevertsPerDay indicates how many reverts may be created by the
// findit service account in any 24 hour period.
MaxAutoRevertsPerDay = 20
// MaxCulpritAge indicates the maximum delay allowed between a culprit
// and findit reverting it.
MaxCulpritAge = 24 * time.Hour
// MaxRetriesPerCommit indicates how many times the auditor can retry
// audting a commit if some rules return errors. This retry is meant to
// handle transient errors on the underlying services.
MaxRetriesPerCommit = 6 // Thirty minutes if checking every 5 minutes.
var (
// This is the numeric result code for FAILURE. (As buildbot defines it)
failedResultCode = 2
stepsFieldMask = field_mask.FieldMask{Paths: []string{"steps"}}
// countRelevantCommits follows the relevant commits previous pointer until a
// commit older than the cutoff time is found, and counts those that match the
// account and action given as parameters.
// Return an error when there is a datastore error.
func countRelevantCommits(ctx context.Context, rc *RelevantCommit, cutoff time.Time, account string, role Role) (int, error) {
counter := 0
current := rc
for {
switch {
case current.CommitTime.Before(cutoff):
return counter, nil
case role == Committer:
if current.CommitterAccount == account {
case role == Author:
if current.AuthorAccount == account {
if current.PreviousRelevantCommit == "" {
return counter, nil
current = &RelevantCommit{
CommitHash: current.PreviousRelevantCommit,
RepoStateKey: rc.RepoStateKey,
err := ds.Get(ctx, current)
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.New("could not retrieve commit")
func countCommittedBy(ctx context.Context, rc *RelevantCommit, cutoff time.Time, account string) (int, error) {
return countRelevantCommits(ctx, rc, cutoff, account, Committer)
func countAuthoredBy(ctx context.Context, rc *RelevantCommit, cutoff time.Time, account string) (int, error) {
return countRelevantCommits(ctx, rc, cutoff, account, Author)
// AutoCommitsPerDay is a Rule that verifies that at most
// MaxAutoCommitsPerDay commits in the 24 hours preceding the triggering commit
// were committed by the triggering account.
type AutoCommitsPerDay struct {
// GetName returns the name of the rule
func (rule AutoCommitsPerDay) GetName() string {
return "AutoCommitsPerDay"
// Run executes the rule.
func (rule AutoCommitsPerDay) Run(ctx context.Context, ap *AuditParams, rc *RelevantCommit, cs *Clients) (*RuleResult, error) {
result := &RuleResult{}
cutoff := rc.CommitTime.Add(time.Duration(-24) * time.Hour)
autoCommits, err := countCommittedBy(ctx, rc, cutoff, ap.TriggeringAccount)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if autoCommits > MaxAutoCommitsPerDay {
result.RuleResultStatus = RuleFailed
result.Message = fmt.Sprintf(
"%d commits were committed by account %s in 24 hours, and the maximum allowed is %d",
autoCommits, ap.TriggeringAccount, MaxAutoCommitsPerDay)
} else {
result.RuleResultStatus = RulePassed
return result, nil
// AutoRevertsPerDay is a Rule that verifies that at most
// MaxAutoRevertsPerDay commits in the 24 hours preceding the triggering commit
// were authored by the triggering account.
type AutoRevertsPerDay struct {
// GetName returns the name of the rule
func (rule AutoRevertsPerDay) GetName() string {
return "AutoRevertsPerDay"
// Run executes the rule.
func (rule AutoRevertsPerDay) Run(ctx context.Context, ap *AuditParams, rc *RelevantCommit, cs *Clients) (*RuleResult, error) {
result := &RuleResult{}
cutoff := rc.CommitTime.Add(time.Duration(-24) * time.Hour)
autoReverts, err := countAuthoredBy(ctx, rc, cutoff, ap.TriggeringAccount)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if autoReverts > MaxAutoRevertsPerDay {
result.RuleResultStatus = RuleFailed
result.Message = fmt.Sprintf(
"%d commits were created by %s account in 24 hours, and the maximum allowed is %d",
autoReverts, ap.TriggeringAccount, MaxAutoRevertsPerDay)
} else {
result.RuleResultStatus = RulePassed
return result, nil
// CulpritAge is a Rule that verifies that the culprit being reverted is
// less than 24 hours older than the revert.
type CulpritAge struct {
// GetName returns the name of the rule
func (rule CulpritAge) GetName() string {
return "CulpritAge"
// Run executes the rule.
func (rule CulpritAge) Run(ctx context.Context, ap *AuditParams, rc *RelevantCommit, cs *Clients) (*RuleResult, error) {
result := &RuleResult{}
_, culprit, err := getRevertAndCulpritChanges(ctx, ap, rc, cs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if culprit == nil {
return nil, errors.New("commit does not appear to be a revert according to gerrit")
host, project, err := gitiles.ParseRepoURL(ap.RepoCfg.BaseRepoURL)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("repo url somehow became invalid: %w", err)
gc, err := cs.NewGitilesClient(host)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resp, err := gc.Log(ctx, &gitilespb.LogRequest{
Project: project,
Committish: culprit.CurrentRevision,
PageSize: 1,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c := resp.Log
if len(c) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("commit %q not found in repo", culprit.CurrentRevision)
commitTime, err := ptypes.Timestamp(c[0].Committer.Time)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if rc.CommitTime.Sub(commitTime) > MaxCulpritAge {
result.RuleResultStatus = RuleFailed
result.Message = fmt.Sprintf("The revert %s landed more than %s after the culprit %s landed",
rc.CommitHash, MaxCulpritAge, c[0].Id)
} else {
result.RuleResultStatus = RulePassed
return result, nil
// CulpritInBuild is a Rule that verifies that the culprit is included in
// the list of changes of the failed build.
type CulpritInBuild struct {
// GetName returns the name of the rule
func (rule CulpritInBuild) GetName() string {
return "CulpritInBuild"
// Run executes the rule.
func (rule CulpritInBuild) Run(ctx context.Context, ap *AuditParams, rc *RelevantCommit, cs *Clients) (*RuleResult, error) {
result := &RuleResult{}
if isFlakeRevert(rc.CommitMessage) {
// Bypass this rule for reverts of culprits of flake failures.
result.RuleResultStatus = RuleSkipped
return result, nil
_, culprit, err := getRevertAndCulpritChanges(ctx, ap, rc, cs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if culprit == nil {
return nil, errors.New("commit does not appear to be a revert according to gerrit")
buildURL, err := failedBuildFromCommitMessage(rc.CommitMessage)
changes, err := getBlamelist(ctx, buildURL, cs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
changeFound := false
for _, c := range changes {
if c == culprit.CurrentRevision {
changeFound = true
if changeFound {
result.RuleResultStatus = RulePassed
} else {
result.RuleResultStatus = RuleFailed
if buildURL != "" {
result.Message = fmt.Sprintf("Hash %s not found in changes for build %q",
culprit.CurrentRevision, buildURL)
} else {
result.Message = fmt.Sprintf(
"The revert does not point to a failed build, expected link prefixed with \"%s\"",
return result, nil
// getRevertAndCulpritChanges gets (through Gerrit) the details of the revert
// CL and the CL it reverts.
// Note: The RevertOf property of a Change does not guarantee that the cl is a
// pure revert of another; instead, the get-pure-revert api of Gerrit needs to
// be checked, like RevertOfCulprit below does.
func getRevertAndCulpritChanges(ctx context.Context, ap *AuditParams, rc *RelevantCommit, cs *Clients) (*gerrit.Change, *gerrit.Change, error) {
cls, _, err := cs.gerrit.ChangeQuery(ctx, gerrit.ChangeQueryParams{Query: fmt.Sprintf("commit:%s", rc.CommitHash)})
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if len(cls) == 0 {
return nil, nil, errors.New("no CL found for commit")
revert, err := cs.gerrit.ChangeDetails(ctx, cls[0].ChangeID, gerrit.ChangeDetailsParams{})
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if revert.RevertOf == 0 {
return revert, nil, nil
culprit, err := cs.gerrit.ChangeDetails(ctx, strconv.Itoa(revert.RevertOf),
gerrit.ChangeDetailsParams{Options: []string{"CURRENT_REVISION"}})
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if culprit.CurrentRevision == "" {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("could not get current_revision property for cl %q",
return revert, culprit, nil
// FailedBuildIsAppropriateFailure is a Rule that verifies that the referred
// build contains a failed step appropriately named.
type FailedBuildIsAppropriateFailure struct {
// GetName returns the name of the rule
func (rule FailedBuildIsAppropriateFailure) GetName() string {
return "FailedBuildIsAppropriateFailure"
// Run executes the rule.
func (rule FailedBuildIsAppropriateFailure) Run(ctx context.Context, ap *AuditParams, rc *RelevantCommit, cs *Clients) (*RuleResult, error) {
result := &RuleResult{}
failableStepName := getFailedSteps(rc.CommitMessage)
buildURL, err := failedBuildFromCommitMessage(rc.CommitMessage)
if err != nil || buildURL == "" {
result.RuleResultStatus = RuleFailed
result.Message = fmt.Sprintf(
"The revert does not point to a failed build, expected link prefixed with \"%s\"", FailedBuildPrefix)
return result, nil
build, err := getBuildByURL(ctx, buildURL, cs, &stepsFieldMask)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, s := range build.Steps {
// Nested steps are named [<ancestor>|]*<child>
stepPath := strings.Split(s.Name, "|")
lastPart := stepPath[len(stepPath)-1]
if lastPart == failableStepName || s.Name == failableStepName {
if s.Status == buildbucketpb.Status_FAILURE {
result.RuleResultStatus = RulePassed
return result, nil
result.RuleResultStatus = RuleFailed
result.Message = fmt.Sprintf("Referred build %q does not have an expected failure in the following step: %s",
buildURL, failableStepName)
return result, nil
// RevertOfCulprit is a Rule that verifies that the reverting commit is a
// revert of the named culprit.
type RevertOfCulprit struct {
// GetName returns the name of the rule
func (rule RevertOfCulprit) GetName() string {
return "RevertOfCulprit"
// Run executes the rule.
func (rule RevertOfCulprit) Run(ctx context.Context, ap *AuditParams, rc *RelevantCommit, cs *Clients) (*RuleResult, error) {
result := &RuleResult{}
result.RuleResultStatus = RuleFailed
revert, culprit, err := getRevertAndCulpritChanges(ctx, ap, rc, cs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if culprit == nil {
result.Message = fmt.Sprintf("Commit %q does not appear to be a revert, according to gerrit",
return result, nil
pr, err := cs.gerrit.IsChangePureRevert(ctx, revert.ChangeID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !pr {
result.Message = fmt.Sprintf("Commit %q is a revert but not a *pure* revert, according to gerrit",
return result, nil
// The CommitMessage of the revert must contain the culprit' hash.
if !strings.Contains(rc.CommitMessage, culprit.CurrentRevision) {
result.Message = fmt.Sprintf("Commit %q does not include the revision it reverts in its commit message",
return result, nil
result.RuleResultStatus = RulePassed
return result, nil
// OnlyCommitsOwnChange is a Rule that verifies that commits landed by the
// service account were also authored by that service account.
type OnlyCommitsOwnChange struct {
// GetName returns the name of the rule
func (rule OnlyCommitsOwnChange) GetName() string {
return "OnlyCommitsOwnChange"
// Run executes the rule.
func (rule OnlyCommitsOwnChange) Run(ctx context.Context, ap *AuditParams, rc *RelevantCommit, cs *Clients) (*RuleResult, error) {
result := &RuleResult{}
result.RuleResultStatus = RuleFailed
if rc.CommitterAccount == ap.TriggeringAccount {
if rc.CommitterAccount != rc.AuthorAccount {
result.RuleResultStatus = RuleFailed
result.Message = fmt.Sprintf("Service account %s committed a commit by someone else: %s",
rc.CommitterAccount, rc.AuthorAccount)
return result, nil
result.RuleResultStatus = RulePassed
return result, nil
func getFailedSteps(commitMessage string) string {
stepName, err := failedStepFromCommitMessage(commitMessage)
if err != nil {
return "compile"
return stepName