blob: 372ab32f52ff2e45c0c1b4d6c06af33d5ca62ed9 [file] [log] [blame]
vars = {
"chromium_git": "",
"external_github": "",
deps = {
# Used to initiate bootstrapping.
# This commit resolves to tag "15.1.0".
"{external_github}/pypa/virtualenv@" +
"{chromium_git}/infra/luci/luci-py@" +
# This unpinned dependency is present because it is used by the trybots for
# the recipes-py repo; They check out infra with this at HEAD, and then apply
# the patch to it and run verifications within that copy of the repo. They
# piggyback on top of infra in order to take advantage of it's precompiled
# version of python-coverage.
"{chromium_git}/infra/luci/recipes-py@" +
"{chromium_git}/infra/luci/luci-go@" +
"{chromium_git}/infra/luci/gae@" +
"{chromium_git}/chromiumos/config@" +
"{chromium_git}/chromiumos/infra/proto@" +
# Appengine third_party DEPS
"{external_github}/twbs/bootstrap.git@" +
"{external_github}/GoogleCloudPlatform/appengine-gcs-client.git@" +
"{chromium_git}/external/" +
"{external_github}/google/oauth2client.git@" +
"{external_github}/uri-templates/uritemplate-py.git@" +
"{external_github}/jcgregorio/httplib2.git@" +
"{external_github}/GoogleCloudPlatform/endpoints-proto-datastore.git@" +
"{external_github}/GoogleCloudPlatform/appengine-pipelines.git@" +
"{external_github}/google/google-api-python-client.git@" +
"{chromium_git}/external/" +
"{chromium_git}/external/" +
## For ease of development. These are pulled in as wheels for
"{chromium_git}/infra/testing/expect_tests.git@" +
"{external_github}/golang/oauth2.git@" +
"{external_github}/golang/protobuf.git@" +
"infra/appengine/third_party/npm_modules": {
"{chromium_git}/infra/third_party/npm_modules.git@" +
"condition": "checkout_linux or checkout_mac",
hooks = [
"pattern": ".",
"action": [
"python", "-u", "./infra/bootstrap/",
"pattern": ".",
"action": [
"python", "-u", "./infra/bootstrap/",
"--deps_file", "infra/bootstrap/deps.pyl", "infra/ENV"
"pattern": ".",
"action": [
"python", "-u", "./infra/bootstrap/", "-v",
"pattern": ".",
"action": [
"python", "-u", "./infra/bootstrap/", "--dest=.",
recursedeps = ['build', 'infra/luci']