blob: 3a7611553bd26c3be610a23c856c7b47d21bc3d3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package util
import (
lab ""
invV2Api "infra/appengine/cros/lab_inventory/api/v1"
ufspb "infra/unifiedfleet/api/v1/models"
chromeosLab "infra/unifiedfleet/api/v1/models/chromeos/lab"
const (
standardLSEPrototype = "atl:standard"
labstationLSEPrototype = "atl:labstation"
cameraLSEPrototype = "acs:camera"
wifiLSEPrototype = "acs:wificell"
var oslabRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`chromeos[0-9]{1,2}`)
var rackRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`rack[0-9]{1,2}`)
var rowRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`row[0-9]{1,2}`)
var hostRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`host[0-9]{1,3}`)
var labstationRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`labstation[0-9]{1,3}`)
// ToOSDutStates converts cros inventory data to UFS dut states for ChromeOS machines.
func ToOSDutStates(labConfigs []*invV2Api.ListCrosDevicesLabConfigResponse_LabConfig) []*chromeosLab.DutState {
dutStates := make([]*chromeosLab.DutState, 0, len(labConfigs))
for _, lc := range labConfigs {
if lc.GetState().GetId() == nil {
dut := lc.GetConfig().GetDut()
var hostname string
if dut != nil {
hostname = dut.GetHostname()
} else {
hostname = lc.GetConfig().GetLabstation().GetHostname()
dutStates = append(dutStates, copyDUTState(lc.GetState(), hostname))
return dutStates
// ToOSMachineLSEs converts cros inventory data to UFS LSEs for ChromeOS machines.
func ToOSMachineLSEs(labConfigs []*invV2Api.ListCrosDevicesLabConfigResponse_LabConfig) ([]*ufspb.MachineLSE, map[*ufspb.MachineLSE]*invV2Api.ListCrosDevicesLabConfigResponse_LabConfig) {
lseToLabconfigMap := make(map[*ufspb.MachineLSE]*invV2Api.ListCrosDevicesLabConfigResponse_LabConfig, len(labConfigs))
lses := make([]*ufspb.MachineLSE, 0, len(labConfigs))
for _, lc := range labConfigs {
dut := lc.GetConfig().GetDut()
deviceID := lc.GetConfig().GetId().GetValue()
var lse *ufspb.MachineLSE
if dut != nil {
lse = DUTToLSE(dut, deviceID, lc.GetUpdatedTime())
lses = append(lses, lse)
} else {
lse = LabstationToLSE(lc.GetConfig().GetLabstation(), deviceID, lc.GetUpdatedTime())
lses = append(lses, lse)
lseToLabconfigMap[lse] = lc
return lses, lseToLabconfigMap
// ToOSAssets converts cros inventory data to UFS ChromeOS assets.
func ToOSAssets(labConfigs []*invV2Api.ListCrosDevicesLabConfigResponse_LabConfig, existingAssetMap map[string]*ufspb.Asset) []*ufspb.Asset {
newAssets := make([]*ufspb.Asset, 0, len(labConfigs))
for _, lc := range labConfigs {
assetTag := lc.GetConfig().GetId().GetValue()
assetInfo, hostname, assetType := DeviceToAssetMeta(lc.GetConfig())
old, ok := existingAssetMap[assetTag]
if ok {
old.Model = assetInfo.Model
old.Info = assetInfo
old.Type = assetType
old.Realm = ToUFSRealm(old.GetLocation().GetZone().String())
newAssets = append(newAssets, old)
} else {
location := HostnameToLocation(hostname)
newAssets = append(newAssets, &ufspb.Asset{
Name: assetTag,
Type: assetType,
Model: assetInfo.Model,
Location: location,
Info: assetInfo,
Realm: ToUFSRealm(location.GetZone().String()),
return newAssets
// DeviceToAssetMeta creates an asset for the device
func DeviceToAssetMeta(d *lab.ChromeOSDevice) (*ufspb.AssetInfo, string, ufspb.AssetType) {
assetTag := d.GetId().GetValue()
devConfigID := d.GetDeviceConfigId()
dut := d.GetDut()
hostname := dut.GetHostname()
newAssetType := ufspb.AssetType_DUT
if dut == nil {
hostname = d.GetLabstation().GetHostname()
newAssetType = ufspb.AssetType_LABSTATION
return &ufspb.AssetInfo{
AssetTag: assetTag,
SerialNumber: d.GetSerialNumber(),
Model: devConfigID.GetModelId().GetValue(),
BuildTarget: devConfigID.GetPlatformId().GetValue(),
Sku: devConfigID.GetVariantId().GetValue(),
Hwid: d.GetManufacturingId().GetValue(),
}, hostname, newAssetType
// HostnameToLocation convert hostname to location
func HostnameToLocation(hostname string) *ufspb.Location {
location := &ufspb.Location{
BarcodeName: hostname,
lab := oslabRegexp.FindString(hostname)
row := rowRegexp.FindString(hostname)
rack := rackRegexp.FindString(hostname)
zone := LabToZone(lab)
if zone == ufspb.Zone_ZONE_UNSPECIFIED {
return location
location.Zone = zone
if row != "" {
location.Row = row[len("row"):]
if rack != "" {
location.Rack = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s", lab, row, rack)
location.RackNumber = rack[len("rack"):]
} else {
location.Rack = fmt.Sprintf("%s-norack", lab)
position := hostRegexp.FindString(hostname)
if position == "" {
position = labstationRegexp.FindString(hostname)
if position != "" {
location.Position = position[len("labstation"):]
} else {
location.Position = position[len("host"):]
return location
// DUTToLSE converts a DUT spec to a UFS machine LSE
func DUTToLSE(dut *lab.DeviceUnderTest, deviceID string, updatedTime *timestamp.Timestamp) *ufspb.MachineLSE {
hostname := dut.GetHostname()
lse := &ufspb.MachineLSE_ChromeosMachineLse{
ChromeosMachineLse: &ufspb.ChromeOSMachineLSE{
ChromeosLse: &ufspb.ChromeOSMachineLSE_DeviceLse{
DeviceLse: &ufspb.ChromeOSDeviceLSE{
Device: &ufspb.ChromeOSDeviceLSE_Dut{
Dut: copyDUT(dut),
return &ufspb.MachineLSE{
Name: hostname,
MachineLsePrototype: getLSEPrototypeByLabConfig(dut),
Hostname: hostname,
Machines: []string{deviceID},
UpdateTime: updatedTime,
Lse: lse,
Zone: getZoneByHostname(hostname).String(),
// LabstationToLSE converts a DUT spec to a UFS machine LSE
func LabstationToLSE(l *lab.Labstation, deviceID string, updatedTime *timestamp.Timestamp) *ufspb.MachineLSE {
hostname := l.GetHostname()
lse := &ufspb.MachineLSE_ChromeosMachineLse{
ChromeosMachineLse: &ufspb.ChromeOSMachineLSE{
ChromeosLse: &ufspb.ChromeOSMachineLSE_DeviceLse{
DeviceLse: &ufspb.ChromeOSDeviceLSE{
Device: &ufspb.ChromeOSDeviceLSE_Labstation{
Labstation: copyLabstation(l),
return &ufspb.MachineLSE{
Name: hostname,
MachineLsePrototype: getLSEPrototypeByLabConfig(nil),
Hostname: hostname,
Machines: []string{deviceID},
UpdateTime: updatedTime,
Lse: lse,
Zone: getZoneByHostname(hostname).String(),
func copyDUTState(oldS *lab.DutState, hostname string) *chromeosLab.DutState {
if oldS == nil {
return nil
s := proto.MarshalTextString(oldS)
var newS chromeosLab.DutState
proto.UnmarshalText(s, &newS)
newS.Hostname = hostname
return &newS
func copyDUT(dut *lab.DeviceUnderTest) *chromeosLab.DeviceUnderTest {
if dut == nil {
return nil
s := proto.MarshalTextString(dut)
var newDUT chromeosLab.DeviceUnderTest
proto.UnmarshalText(s, &newDUT)
return &newDUT
func copyLabstation(l *lab.Labstation) *chromeosLab.Labstation {
if l == nil {
return nil
s := proto.MarshalTextString(l)
var newL chromeosLab.Labstation
proto.UnmarshalText(s, &newL)
return &newL
func getLabByHostname(hostname string) ufspb.Lab {
if strings.HasPrefix(hostname, "chromeos1") {
if strings.HasPrefix(hostname, "chromeos2") {
if strings.HasPrefix(hostname, "chromeos4") {
if strings.HasPrefix(hostname, "chromeos6") {
if strings.HasPrefix(hostname, "chromeos3") ||
strings.HasPrefix(hostname, "chromeos5") ||
strings.HasPrefix(hostname, "chromeos7") ||
strings.HasPrefix(hostname, "chromeos9") ||
strings.HasPrefix(hostname, "chromeos15") {
// Temporarily set all other OS labs to Unspecified
return ufspb.Lab_LAB_UNSPECIFIED
func getZoneByHostname(hostname string) ufspb.Zone {
if strings.HasPrefix(hostname, "chromeos1") {
return ufspb.Zone_ZONE_CHROMEOS1
if strings.HasPrefix(hostname, "chromeos2") {
return ufspb.Zone_ZONE_CHROMEOS2
if strings.HasPrefix(hostname, "chromeos3") {
return ufspb.Zone_ZONE_CHROMEOS3
if strings.HasPrefix(hostname, "chromeos4") {
return ufspb.Zone_ZONE_CHROMEOS4
if strings.HasPrefix(hostname, "chromeos5") {
return ufspb.Zone_ZONE_CHROMEOS5
if strings.HasPrefix(hostname, "chromeos6") {
return ufspb.Zone_ZONE_CHROMEOS6
if strings.HasPrefix(hostname, "chromeos7") {
return ufspb.Zone_ZONE_CHROMEOS7
if strings.HasPrefix(hostname, "chromeos15") {
return ufspb.Zone_ZONE_CHROMEOS15
// Temporarily set all other OS labs to Unspecified
return ufspb.Zone_ZONE_UNSPECIFIED
func getLSEPrototypeByLabConfig(dut *lab.DeviceUnderTest) string {
if dut == nil {
return labstationLSEPrototype
// Only limit special LSE Prototypes to ACS lab
if getLabByHostname(dut.GetHostname()) == ufspb.Lab_LAB_CHROMEOS_LINDAVISTA {
if dut.GetPeripherals().GetWifi() != nil {
return wifiLSEPrototype
if dut.GetPeripherals().GetCamerabox() {
return cameraLSEPrototype
return standardLSEPrototype
// GetOSMachineLSEPrototypes returns the pre-defined machine lse prototypes for ChromeOS machines.
func GetOSMachineLSEPrototypes() []*ufspb.MachineLSEPrototype {
return []*ufspb.MachineLSEPrototype{
Name: standardLSEPrototype,
PeripheralRequirements: []*ufspb.PeripheralRequirement{
PeripheralType: ufspb.PeripheralType_PERIPHERAL_TYPE_SERVO,
Min: 1,
Max: 1,
PeripheralType: ufspb.PeripheralType_PERIPHERAL_TYPE_RPM,
Min: 1,
Max: 1,
Tags: []string{"atl", "standard"},
Name: labstationLSEPrototype,
PeripheralRequirements: []*ufspb.PeripheralRequirement{
PeripheralType: ufspb.PeripheralType_PERIPHERAL_TYPE_RPM,
Min: 1,
Max: 1,
Tags: []string{"atl", "labstation"},
Name: cameraLSEPrototype,
PeripheralRequirements: []*ufspb.PeripheralRequirement{
PeripheralType: ufspb.PeripheralType_PERIPHERAL_TYPE_SERVO,
Min: 1,
Max: 1,
PeripheralType: ufspb.PeripheralType_PERIPHERAL_TYPE_CAMERA,
Min: 1,
Max: 1,
Tags: []string{"acs", "camera"},
Name: wifiLSEPrototype,
PeripheralRequirements: []*ufspb.PeripheralRequirement{
PeripheralType: ufspb.PeripheralType_PERIPHERAL_TYPE_SERVO,
Min: 1,
Max: 1,
PeripheralType: ufspb.PeripheralType_PERIPHERAL_TYPE_WIFICELL,
Min: 1,
Max: 1,
Tags: []string{"acs", "wificell"},
// Example: subnet netmask {
var dhcpdVlanRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`subnet [0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3} netmask [0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3} {`)
// Example:
var ipRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}`)
// Example: fixed-address;
var fixedAddressRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`fixed-address [0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3};`)
// Example: host host1 {
var hostNameRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`host .*{`)
// Example: hardware ethernet aa:00:00:00:00:00
var ethernetRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`hardware ethernet .*;`)
// Example: aa:00:00:00:00:00
var macAddrRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`([a-fA-F0-9]{2}\:){5}[a-fA-F0-9]{2}`)
// DHCPConf defines the format of response after parsing a ChromeOS dhcp conf file
type DHCPConf struct {
ValidVlans []*ufspb.Vlan
ValidIPs []*ufspb.IP
ValidDHCPs []*ufspb.DHCPConfig
DHCPsWithoutVlan []*ufspb.DHCPConfig
MismatchedVlans []*ufspb.Vlan
DuplicatedVlans []*ufspb.Vlan
DuplicatedIPs []*ufspb.IP
// ParseOSDhcpdConf parses dhcpd.conf
func ParseOSDhcpdConf(conf string, topology map[string]*ufspb.Vlan) (*DHCPConf, error) {
respIPs := make([]*ufspb.IP, 0)
respVlans := make(map[string]*ufspb.Vlan, 0)
dhcps := make([]*ufspb.DHCPConfig, 0)
dhcpsWithoutVlan := make([]*ufspb.DHCPConfig, 0)
ipMaps := make(map[string]*ufspb.IP, 0)
mismatchedVlans := make([]*ufspb.Vlan, 0)
duplicatedVlans := make([]*ufspb.Vlan, 0)
duplicatedIPs := make([]*ufspb.IP, 0)
lines := strings.Split(conf, "\n")
// Record the hostname which is under scanning
foundHostname := ""
// Record the mac address which is under scanning
foundMacAddress := ""
for _, line := range lines {
// Skip commented line
if strings.HasPrefix(line, "#") {
line = strings.TrimSpace(strings.Trim(line, "\r"))
// Parse lines like "subnet netmask"
if dhcpdVlanRegexp.MatchString(line) {
subnet, vlan, notMatchTopology := parseSubnetAndMaskLine(line, topology)
if _, ok := respVlans[subnet]; ok {
duplicatedVlans = append(duplicatedVlans, vlan)
respVlans[subnet] = vlan
if notMatchTopology {
mismatchedVlans = append(mismatchedVlans, vlan)
startIP, err := IPv4StrToInt(subnet)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Reason("fail to parse subnet %s to uint32", subnet).Err()
for i := 0; i < int(vlan.CapacityIp); i++ {
ipV4Str := IPv4IntToStr(startIP)
ip := &ufspb.IP{
Id: GetIPName(vlan.GetName(), ipV4Str),
Ipv4: startIP,
Ipv4Str: ipV4Str,
Vlan: vlan.GetName(),
respIPs = append(respIPs, ip)
ipMaps[ipV4Str] = ip
// Parse lines like "fixed-address"
if fixedAddressRegexp.MatchString(line) {
ips := ipRegexp.FindAllString(line, -1)
foundIP := ips[0]
if foundHostname == "" {
return nil, errors.Reason("no hostname for the address (%s) ", foundIP).Err()
dhcp := &ufspb.DHCPConfig{
Hostname: foundHostname,
MacAddress: foundMacAddress,
Ip: foundIP,
// Reset
foundHostname = ""
foundMacAddress = ""
ip, ok := ipMaps[foundIP]
if !ok {
dhcpsWithoutVlan = append(dhcpsWithoutVlan, dhcp)
} else {
if ip.Occupied {
duplicatedIPs = append(duplicatedIPs, ip)
ip.Occupied = true
dhcps = append(dhcps, dhcp)
// Parse lines like "host host1 {"
if hostNameRegexp.MatchString(line) {
res := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(line[0:len(line)-1]), " ")
if len(res) != 2 {
return nil, errors.Reason("wrong format of hostname (%s)", line).Err()
foundHostname = res[1]
// Parse lines like "hardware ethernet aa:00:00:00:00:00;"
if ethernetRegexp.MatchString(line) {
macAddr := macAddrRegexp.FindAllString(line, -1)
if len(macAddr) > 1 {
return nil, errors.Reason("wrong format of ethernet (%s)", line).Err()
// mac address can be empty, e.g. "hardware ethernet ;"
if len(macAddr) == 1 {
foundMacAddress = macAddr[0]
// Also return the vlans pre-defined in topology but haven't been setup in dhcp conf.
for k, v := range topology {
if _, ok := respVlans[k]; !ok {
respVlans[k] = v
vlans := make([]*ufspb.Vlan, 0, len(respVlans))
for _, v := range respVlans {
vlans = append(vlans, v)
return &DHCPConf{
ValidVlans: vlans,
ValidIPs: respIPs,
ValidDHCPs: dhcps,
DHCPsWithoutVlan: dhcpsWithoutVlan,
MismatchedVlans: mismatchedVlans,
DuplicatedIPs: duplicatedIPs,
DuplicatedVlans: duplicatedVlans,
}, nil
// ParseATLTopology parse the topology of ATL lab based on a Google sheet
func ParseATLTopology(data *sheets.Spreadsheet) (map[string]*ufspb.Vlan, []*ufspb.Vlan) {
resp := make(map[string]*ufspb.Vlan, 0)
dupcatedVlan := make([]*ufspb.Vlan, 0)
header := make([]string, 0)
for i, row := range data.Sheets[0].Data[0].RowData {
// Skip empty line
if row.Values[0].FormattedValue == "" {
// Skip but parse header
if i == 0 {
for _, cell := range row.Values {
header = append(header, cell.FormattedValue)
// Invalid sheet info
if len(header) == 0 {
addr, vlan := parseTopologyRow(header, row.Values)
// Skip rows without empty string in column "VLAN #" and "Address"
if addr != "" && vlan.Name != "" {
if _, ok := resp[addr]; ok {
dupcatedVlan = append(dupcatedVlan, vlan)
resp[addr] = vlan
return resp, dupcatedVlan
func parseSubnetAndMaskLine(line string, topology map[string]*ufspb.Vlan) (string, *ufspb.Vlan, bool) {
ips := ipRegexp.FindAllString(line, -1)
subnet := ips[0]
cidr, capacity := parseCidrBlock(subnet, ips[1])
notMatchTopology := false
vlan, ok := topology[subnet]
if ok {
vlan.CapacityIp = int32(capacity - 2)
if vlan.VlanAddress != cidr {
notMatchTopology = true
vlan.VlanAddress = cidr
} else {
name := GetCrOSLabName(subnet)
vlan = &ufspb.Vlan{
// Use subnet as part of name and randomly assign vlan's name to CrOS lab
Name: name,
VlanAddress: cidr,
// OS lab-specific, 2 last ips are reserved
CapacityIp: int32(capacity - 2),
VlanNumber: GetSuffixAfterSeparator(name, ":"),
return subnet, vlan, notMatchTopology
func parseTopologyRow(header []string, rowValue []*sheets.CellData) (string, *ufspb.Vlan) {
vlan := &ufspb.Vlan{}
addr := ""
mask := ""
for j, cell := range rowValue {
if j >= len(header) {
switch header[j] {
case "Subnet Name":
vlan.Description = cell.FormattedValue
case "VLAN #", "VLAN":
if cell.FormattedValue != "" {
vlan.Name = GetATLLabName(cell.FormattedValue)
vlan.VlanNumber = GetSuffixAfterSeparator(vlan.Name, ":")
case "Allocated Size":
vlan.CapacityIp = int32(*cell.EffectiveValue.NumberValue)
case "Address":
addr = cell.FormattedValue
case "Mask":
mask = cell.FormattedValue
if addr != "" && mask != "" {
vlan.VlanAddress = addr + mask
return addr, vlan