blob: 826103c0e554f954916adec6d4a4a3586346739d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file defines a common protocol to check what actions a given
// impersonated user can do on a given resource.
// For example, it can be used by one app against another.
syntax = "proto3";
package access;
import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
// Access service can be used to check what actions a given user can perform
// on a given resource.
service Access {
// PermittedActions returns a list of actions the requester can perform
// on a given resource.
rpc PermittedActions(PermittedActionsRequest) returns (PermittedActionsResponse) {};
// Description returns types of resources and actions that this service
// supports.
// It is intended to be used as self-documentation, for humans that play
// with the API.
// If the concepts returned by this RPC are internal, it should be restricted.
rpc Description(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (DescriptionResponse) {};
// DescriptionResponse is the response message from Access.Description.
message DescriptionResponse {
// ResourceDescription is one resource type, e.g. buildbucket bucket
// or swarming pool.
message ResourceDescription {
// Action describes what a user can do with a resource.
message Action {
// Comment provides more human-readable info about the action.
string comment = 1;
// Role is a named set of allowed actions.
message Role {
// AllowedActions is a set of action IDs.
// It defines what a role bearer can do with the resource.
repeated string allowed_actions = 1;
// Comment provides more info about the role.
string comment = 2;
// Kind identifies the resource type presented on the service.
// Access.PermittedActions accepts one of resource kinds.
// Example: "bucket" for buildbucket bucket, "package" for CIPD package.
// For implementers:
// Kind must match regexp `^[a-z\-/]+$`.
string kind = 1;
// Comment provides more info about the resource.
string comment = 2;
// Actions defines all possible actions that can be performed on this type
// of resource.
// Map key is an action ID, unique within the resource.
// It is referenced from Role.allowed_actions.
// For implementers:
// ActionId must match regexp `^[A-Z\_]+$`.
// Recommendations:
// - "READ", not "GET"
// - "DELETE", not "REMOVE"
// - prefer concrete actions ("ADD_BUILD", "CHANGE_ACL", "INCREMENT") to
// abstract ones ("MODIFY", "WRITE", "UPDATE").
map<string, Action> actions = 3;
// Roles maps a role id to a set of actions.
// Access configurations are typically expressed with roles, not actions.
// For implementers:
// Role IDs must match regexp `^[A-Z\_]+$`.
// Recommendataion: if it makes sense, make role ID close to the action
// names, e.g. READER can READ, SCHEDULER can SCHEDULE.
map<string, Role> roles = 4;
// Resources is a list of resource types presented on the given service.
repeated ResourceDescription resources = 1;
// PermittedActionsRequest is a request message to Access.PermittedActions.
// Besides explicit fields in the message, there is an implicit parameter: the
// current identity which is defined by the "Authorization" OAuth 2.0 HTTP
// header and, optionally, LUCI-specific delegation token header.
message PermittedActionsRequest {
// ResourceKind is one of Resource.kind values returned by Access.Description.
// It identifies the type of the resource being checked.
string resource_kind = 1;
// ResourceIds identifies the resources presented on this service.
// For example, for a buildbucket bucket it would be a bucket name
// ("luci.chromium.try").
// For a CIPD package it would be a full package name,
// "infra/git/linux-amd64".
repeated string resource_ids = 2;
// PermittedActionsResponse is the response message of the
// Accses.PermittedActions.
message PermittedActionsResponse {
// ResourcePermissions describes what is permitted on a single resource.
message ResourcePermissions {
// Actions is a list of action ids that the user can do on the resource.
// For resources that do not exist, this list must be empty.
repeated string actions = 1;
// Permitted maps a resource id to resource permissions.
map<string, ResourcePermissions> permitted = 1;
// ValiditiyDuration specifies for how long clients may cache this
// information.
google.protobuf.Duration validity_duration = 2;