blob: 283b1e2a7a0b27e933da7934bb68116cd83e9f22 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import webapp2
import gae_ts_mon
from endpoint_api import FindItApi
from gae_libs import appengine_util
from gae_libs.pipelines import pipeline_handlers
from gae_libs.pipelines import pipeline_status_ui
from handlers import completed_build_pubsub_ingestor
from handlers import home
from handlers import swarming_pubsub_pipeline_callback
from handlers import try_job_pubsub_pipeline_callback
from handlers import url_redirect
from components import endpoints_webapp2
# Default module.
default_web_pages_handler_mappings = [
('/', home.Home),
# Keep this as the last one for URL redirection if there is no matching
# above and no matching in the dispatch.yaml for old urls.
(r'/.*', url_redirect.URLRedirect),
default_web_application = webapp2.WSGIApplication(
default_web_pages_handler_mappings, debug=False)
if appengine_util.IsInProductionApp():
# Cloud Endpoint apis in the default module.
api_application = endpoints_webapp2.api_server([FindItApi])
if appengine_util.IsInProductionApp():
# App Engine pipeline status pages in the default module.
# TODO(stgao): Move this to frontend module.
pipeline_status_handler_mappings = [
('/_ah/pipeline/rpc/tree', pipeline_status_ui._TreeStatusHandler),
('/_ah/pipeline/rpc/class_paths', pipeline_status_ui._ClassPathListHandler),
('/_ah/pipeline/rpc/list', pipeline_status_ui._RootListHandler),
('/_ah/pipeline(/.+)', pipeline_status_ui._StatusUiHandler),
pipeline_status_application = webapp2.WSGIApplication(
pipeline_status_handler_mappings, debug=False)
if appengine_util.IsInProductionApp():