blob: 41593be4428f1ae782c6e8f94aafb8a236a9beb7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Defines the APIs that each supported project must implement."""
import json
import textwrap
from google.appengine.api import taskqueue
from google.appengine.ext import ndb
from import GerritActions
from infra_api_clients.codereview import gerrit
from services import git
class ProjectAPI(object): # pragma: no cover.
# Default auto action messaging templates, override these constants for
# custom/project-specific messages.
REQUEST_REVIEW = textwrap.dedent("""\
Sheriffs, CL owner or CL reviewers:
Please submit this revert if it is correct.
If it is a false positive, please abandon and report it
at {bug_link}
For more information about Findit auto-revert:""")
REQUEST_CONFIRMATION = textwrap.dedent("""\
Sheriffs, CL owner or CL reviewers:
Please confirm if this revert is correct.
If it is a false positive, please reland the original CL and report this
at {bug_link}
For more information about Findit auto-revert:""")
ACTION_REASON = textwrap.dedent("""\
Findit ( {verb} this CL at revision {revision} as
the culprit for failures in the continuous build including:
Sample Failed Build: {build}
Sample Failed Step: {step}
If it is a false positive, please report it at {bug_link}""")
def __init__(self, project_name=None):
self.project_name = project_name
self.gerrit_actions = GerritActions(self)
def ClassifyStepType(self, build, step):
""" Returns the failure type of the given build step.
build (buildbucket build.proto): ALL info about the build.
step (buildbucket step.proto): ALL info about the build step.
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
raise NotImplementedError
def GetCompileFailures(self, build, compile_steps):
"""Returns the detailed compile failures from a failed build.
build (buildbucket build.proto): ALL info about the build.
compile_steps (buildbucket step.proto): The failed compile steps.
(dict): Information about detailed compile_failures.
'step_name': {
'failures': {
frozenset(['target1', 'target2']): {
'first_failed_build': {
'id': 8765432109,
'number': 123,
'commit_id': 654321
'last_passed_build': None,
'properties': {
# Arbitrary information about the failure if exists.
'first_failed_build': {
'id': 8765432109,
'number': 123,
'commit_id': 654321
'last_passed_build': None,
'properties': {
# Arbitrary information about the failure if exists.
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
raise NotImplementedError
def GetTestFailures(self, build, test_steps):
"""Returns the detailed test failures from a failed build.
build (buildbucket build.proto): ALL info about the build.
test_steps (list of buildbucket step.proto): The failed test steps.
(dict): Information about detailed test failures.
'step_name1': {
'failures': {
frozenset(['test_name']): {
'first_failed_build': {
'id': 8765432109,
'number': 123,
'commit_id': 654321
'last_passed_build': None,
'properties': {
# Arbitrary information about the failure if exists.
'first_failed_build': {
'id': 8765432109,
'number': 123,
'commit_id': 654321
'last_passed_build': None
'properties': None,
'step_name2': {
# No test level information.
'failures': {},
'first_failed_build': {
'id': 8765432109,
'number': 123,
'commit_id': 654321
'last_passed_build': None
'properties': {
# Arbitrary information about the failure if exists.
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
raise NotImplementedError
def GetRerunDimensions(self, analyzed_build_id):
"""Dimensions for rerun builds.
Some projects may use a single re-run builder supporting multiple
configurations and dimensions, they may override this function to provide
custom dimensions to the rerun job request.
The expected return value is a list of dictionaries where each dictionary
has two key/value pairs describing one dimension. E.g.
'key': 'os',
'value': 'Mac'
}, {
'key': ...,
'value': ...
}, ...]
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
return None
def GetRerunBuilderId(self, build):
"""Gets builder id to run the rerun builds.
build (buildbucket build.proto): ALL info about the build.
(str): Builder id in the format luci_project/luci_bucket/luci_builder
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
raise NotImplementedError
def GetCompileRerunBuildInputProperties(self, failed_targets,
"""Gets input properties of a rerun build for compile failures.
failed_targets (list of str): Targets Findit wants to rerun in the build.
analyzed_build_id (int): Buildbucket Id of the analyzed build, may be used
to derive properties for reruns.
(dict): input properties of the rerun build."""
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
return NotImplementedError
def GetFailuresWithMatchingCompileFailureGroups(
self, context, build, first_failures_in_current_build):
"""Gets reusable failure groups for given compile failure(s).
context ( Scope of the analysis.
build (buildbucket build.proto): ALL info about the build.
first_failures_in_current_build (dict): A dict for failures that happened
the first time in current build.
'failures': {
'step': {
'atomic_failures': [
frozenset(['target1', 'target2'])],
'last_passed_build': {
'id': 8765432109,
'number': 122,
'commit_id': 'git_sha1'
'last_passed_build': {
# In this build all the failures that happened in the build being
# analyzed passed.
'id': 8765432108,
'number': 121,
'commit_id': 'git_sha0'
# For projects that don't need to group failures (e.g. chromium), this is
# a no-op.
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
return {}
def GetFailuresWithMatchingTestFailureGroups(self, context, build,
"""Gets reusable failure groups for given test failure(s).
This method is a placeholder for projects that might need this feature,
though it's actually a no-op for currently supported projects:
+ For chromium, failure grouping is not required at the moment;
+ For chromeos, All tests are run on the same builder, this grouping is not
needed at all.
context ( Scope of the analysis.
build (buildbucket build.proto): ALL info about the build.
first_failures_in_current_build (dict): A dict for failures that happened
the first time in current build.
'failures': {
'step': {
'atomic_failures': ['test1', 'test2', ...],
'last_passed_build': {
'id': 8765432109,
'number': 122,
'commit_id': 'git_sha1'
'last_passed_build': {
# In this build all the failures that happened in the build being
# analyzed passed.
'id': 8765432108,
'number': 121,
'commit_id': 'git_sha0'
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
return {}
def GetTestRerunBuildInputProperties(self, tests, analyzed_build_id):
"""Gets input properties of a rerun build for test failures.
tests (dict): Tests Findit wants to rerun in the build.
'step': {
'tests': [
'name': 'test',
'properties': {
# Properties for this test.
'properties': {
# Properties for this step.
analyzed_build_id (int): Buildbucket Id of the analyzed build, may be used
to derive properties for reruns.
(dict): input properties of the rerun build."""
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
raise NotImplementedError
def GetFailureKeysToAnalyzeTestFailures(self, failure_entities):
"""Gets failures that'll actually be analyzed in the analysis."""
return [f.key for f in failure_entities]
def GetCompileFailureInfo(self, context, build,
"""Creates input object required by heuristic analysis for compile."""
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
return {}
def FailureShouldBeAnalyzed(self, failure_entity):
"""Checks if the failure is supposed to be analyzed."""
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
return True
def ClearSkipFlag(self, failure_entities):
"""For failures that were skipped on purpose then require to be analyzed,
updates them to be picked up by an analysis.
So far this is a special case for CrOS: CrOS can tell Findit to skip
analyzing a failed build if there are too many failures. Those failures
will have a flag in properties indicates that they don't need analysis.
But a following build with failures that need analysis might be merged into
some of the skipped failures, if so those particular failures need to update
to be analyzed.
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def GetTestFailureInfo(self, context, build, first_failures_in_current_build):
"""Creates input object required by heuristic analysis for test."""
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
return {}
def AsyncCommitRevert(self, culprit, revert_description,
"""Enqueues a task to revert a culprit and land it.
This is needed so that the wrapping transaction can complete without waiting
for an external RPC.
'CommitRevert', culprit, {
'revert_description': revert_description,
'request_confirmation_message': request_confirmation_message,
def AsyncRequestReview(self, culprit, revert_description,
"""Enqueues a task to revert a culprit and request it to be reviewed.
This is needed so that the wrapping transaction can complete without waiting
for an external RPC.
'RequestReview', culprit, {
'revert_description': revert_description,
'request_review_message': request_review_message,
def AsyncNotifyCulprit(self, culprit, message, silent_notification=True):
"""Enqueues a task to notify a culprit.
This is needed so that the wrapping transaction can complete without waiting
for an external RPC.
self._ScheduleTask('NotifyCulprit', culprit, {
'message': message,
'silent_notification': silent_notification,
def GetAutoRevertReviewers(self):
"""Returns a list of reviewers to be notified of automated reverts."""
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
return []
def _ScheduleTask(self, action, culprit, action_params):
"""Transactionally schedules a task to take an action later.
action (str): An action understood by findit_v2/handlers/
culprit: Datastore entity for the culprit to take action on.
action_params: Parameters specific to the type of action as a
json-serializable dict.
assert ndb.in_transaction()
payload = {
'project': self.project_name,
'action': action,
'culprit_key': culprit.key.urlsafe(),