blob: a0f34b5bae7be6c2d3a627b67851aa7d70acd27c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
INFRAPYTHON := "../../ENV/bin/python"
GAE_PY := ""
APPID := "findit-for-me"
STAGING_APPID := "findit-for-me-staging"
# Should come with infra repository, if this step fails run
# ...$ gclient sync
PROTOC := "../../cipd/protoc"
PROTO_PATH ?= "model/proto/"
FINDIT_MODULES := default frontend waterfall-backend auto-action-backend findit-backend
CODE_COVERAGE_MODULES := code-coverage-frontend code-coverage-backend
FLAKE_PORTAL_MODULES := flake-detection-backend disabled-test-backend
LOCAL_HASH := `git rev-parse --short HEAD`
# If there are multiple active versions just use the latest one.
REMOTE_FINDIT_VERSION := `$(INFRAPYTHON) $(GAE_PY) active -A $(APPID) | grep "default:" | awk '{print $$2}'`
REMOTE_FINDIT_HASH := `$(INFRAPYTHON) $(GAE_PY) active -A $(APPID) | grep "default:" | awk '{print $$2}' | cut -d '-' -f2`
REMOTE_COVERAGE_VERSION := `$(INFRAPYTHON) $(GAE_PY) active -b -A $(APPID) | grep "code-coverage-backend:" | awk '{print $$2}'`
REMOTE_COVERAGE_HASH := `$(INFRAPYTHON) $(GAE_PY) active -b -A $(APPID) | grep "code-coverage-backend:" | awk '{print $$2}' | cut -d '-' -f2`
@echo "Findit:"
@echo "To deploy a new version of Findit, check out the appropriate" \
"revision and run \`gclient sync\` then run" \
"\`make deploy-findit-prod\` for production or \`make deploy-findit-staging\`"\
"for staging."
@echo "To set the newly version as default or revert to a previous one, " \
"please migrate traffic for modules: $(FINDIT_MODULES)"
@echo ""
@echo "Code Coverage:"
@echo "To deploy a new version of Code Coverage, check out the appropriate" \
"revision and run \`gclient sync\` then run" \
"\`make deploy-coverage-prod\` for production or \`make deploy-coverage-staging\`"\
"for staging."
@echo "To set the newly version as default or revert to a previous one, " \
"please migrate traffic for modules: $(CODE_COVERAGE_MODULES)"
@echo ""
@echo "Flake Portal:"
@echo "To deploy a new version of Flake Portal, check out the appropriate" \
"revision and run \`gclient sync\` then run" \
"\`make deploy-flake-prod\` for production or \`make deploy-flake-staging\`"\
"for staging."
@echo "To set the newly version as default or revert to a previous one, " \
"please migrate traffic for modules: $(FLAKE_PORTAL_MODULES)"
@echo ""
@echo "Run tests"
@echo "To run ALL tests: \`make test\`"
@echo "To run tests in a sub directory: \`make test TEST_GLOB=services\`"
@echo "To run a given test: \`make test TEST_GLOB=:*testUnrecognizedMasterUrl*\`"
@echo "To format code run \`make format\`"
@echo "To run all modules locally use \`make run\`"
##### App Engine ###
@echo "Uncommitted local changes (Commit, revert or delete):"
@git status --porcelain
@echo "Changes in local branch. (Upload/land/pull/switch to master to avoid deploying tainted version)"
@git log origin/master..HEAD --pretty=oneline .
@echo "Deployable Changes. (git pull and client sync if not current)"
@git log $(REMOTE_FINDIT_HASH)..HEAD --pretty=oneline .
deploy-findit-prod: test
@echo "New version '$(LOCAL_VERSION)' of Findit was" \
"deployed to $(APPID)."
@echo "Please force a re-run of a recent build failure on dashboard: "\
@echo "Choose a first failure to make sure a new try job is triggered."
@echo "Please also force a re-run of a recent flake analysis on dashboard: "\
@echo "Ensure that the analyses are run in the new versions and give " \
"correct results, " \
"and then set the new version as default for these modules " \
@echo "If the release is for production, please email" \
"chrome-findit@ with the following:"
@echo "Subject: "$(LOCAL_VERSION)" deployed for Findit"
@echo "Hi all,"
@echo "$(LOCAL_VERSION) was deployed to Findit. Previous version is " \
@echo "Changelogs:"
@echo ""\
@echo "If your bug fixes/features are included in the release," \
"please verify on ${app_id} and mark them as verified on" \
@echo "Thanks,"
@echo "Released by $(USER)@"
deploy-findit-staging: test
deploy-coverage-prod: test
@echo "New version is https://$(LOCAL_VERSION)-dot-code-coverage-frontend-"\
deploy-coverage-staging: test
@echo "New version is https://$(LOCAL_VERSION)-dot-code-coverage-frontend-"\
deploy-flake-prod: test
deploy-flake-staging: test
@echo "Please use the Google Cloud Console to migrate traffic to new versions"
@echo "Findit modules: $(FINDIT_MODULES)"
@echo "Code Coverage modules: $(CODE_COVERAGE_MODULES)"
@echo "Flake Portal modules: $(FLAKE_PORTAL_MODULES)"
##### Development ###
$(INFRAPYTHON) $(GAE_PY) devserver
YAPF := $(shell command -v yapf 2> /dev/null)
ifndef YAPF
@echo "Please install yapf first:" && false
git cl format --full --python
@$(PROTOC) --proto_path=$(PROTO_PATH) \
--python_out=$(PROTO_PATH)gen \
##### Unit tests ###
clean-expect_tests: # $$ is to escape $ in makefile.
ps auxef | grep ENV/bin/expect_tests | grep -v grep | \
awk '{print $$2}' | xargs kill -9 >/dev/null 2>&1 | echo
test: clean-expect_tests
ifeq ($(TEST_GLOB),"")
@mkdir -p $(TMPDIR)/coverage
$(INFRAPYTHON) ../../ test appengine/findit \
--html-report $(TMPDIR)/coverage
@echo "Note: code coverage disabled when running selected tests."
@mkdir -p $(TMPDIR)/coverage
$(INFRAPYTHON) ../../ test appengine/findit/$(TEST_GLOB) \
--html-report $(TMPDIR)/coverage --coveragerc appengine/findit/.coveragerc --no-coverage
npm install
wct: node_deps
npx run-wct --base ui/ --dep third_party
wct_debug: node_deps
npx run-wct --base ui/ --dep third_party --debug
##### TMP ###
TMPDIR := $(shell mkdir -p .tmp 2> /dev/null && realpath .tmp)
ifndef TMPDIR
TMPDIR := $(shell mktemp -d)
.PHONY: _deploy_findit test update \
help migrate deploy-findit-prod deploy-findit-staging \
deploy-coverage-prod deploy-coverage-staging findit-predeploy \
deploy-all-prod deploy-all-staging