blob: 12adc214525fba6d5f2b1225db410110676fa179 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""This module is for deps_related operations.
It provides functions to:
* Get os platform name based on master_name and builder_name
* Get dependencies used by the specified chromium revision
* Get DEPS rolls in the given CL change logs
import logging
from common.findit_http_client import FinditHttpClient
from gae_libs.gitiles.cached_gitiles_repository import CachedGitilesRepository
from libs.deps import chrome_dependency_fetcher
def GetOSPlatformName(master_name, builder_name):
"""Returns the OS platform name based on the master and builder."""
# TODO: make buildbot yield OS platform name as a build property and use it.
# The code below is just a workaround.
builder_name = builder_name.lower()
master_os_map = {
'': {
'default': 'win'
'chromium.linux': {
'android': 'android',
'default': 'unix'
'chromium.chromiumos': {
'default': 'unix'
'default': {
'win': 'win',
'linux': 'unix',
'chromiumos': 'unix',
'chromeos': 'unix',
'android': 'android',
'mac': 'mac',
'ios': 'ios',
'default': 'all', # Default to all platform.
os_map = master_os_map.get(master_name, master_os_map['default'])
for os_name in os_map.keys():
if os_name in builder_name:
return os_map[os_name]
if os_map == master_os_map['default']:
logging.warning('Failed to detect the OS platform of builder "%s".',
return os_map['default']
def GetDependencies(chromium_revision, os_platform, dep_fetcher):
"""Returns the dependencies used by the specified chromium revision."""
deps_result = {}
for path, dependency in dep_fetcher.GetDependency(chromium_revision,
deps_result[path] = {
'repo_url': dependency.repo_url,
'revision': dependency.revision,
return deps_result
def DetectDependencyRoll(revision, change_log, os_platform, dep_fetcher):
"""Detect DEPS roll in the given CL change log.
change_logs (dict): Output of pipeline
A dict in the following form:
'git_revision': [
'path': 'src/path/to/dependency',
'repo_url': 'https://url/to/dependency/repo.git',
'new_revision': 'git_hash1',
'old_revision': 'git_hash2',
# Check DEPS roll only if the chromium DEPS file is changed by the CL.
for touched_file in change_log.touched_files:
if touched_file.new_path == 'DEPS':
# In git, r^ refers to the previous revision of r.
old_revision = '%s^' % revision
rolls = dep_fetcher.GetDependencyRolls(old_revision, revision,
return [roll.ToDict() for roll in rolls]
return []
def DetectDependencyRolls(change_logs, os_platform, dep_fetcher):
"""Detect DEPS rolls in the given CL change logs.
change_logs (dict): Output of pipeline
A dict in the following form:
'git_revision': [
'path': 'src/path/to/dependency',
'repo_url': 'https://url/to/dependency/repo.git',
'new_revision': 'git_hash1',
'old_revision': 'git_hash2',
deps_rolls = {}
for revision, change_log in change_logs.iteritems():
roll = DetectDependencyRoll(revision, change_log, os_platform, dep_fetcher)
if roll:
deps_rolls[revision] = roll
return deps_rolls
def ExtractDepsInfo(failure_info, change_logs):
failure_info (BaseFailureInfo): Information about all build failures.
change_logs (dict): Result of PullChangeLogs().
A dict with the following form:
'deps': {
'path/to/dependency': {
'revision': 'git_hash',
'repo_url': 'https://url/to/dependency/repo.git',
'deps_rolls': {
'git_revision': [
'path': 'src/path/to/dependency',
'repo_url': 'https://url/to/dependency/repo.git',
'new_revision': 'git_hash1',
'old_revision': 'git_hash2',
chromium_revision = failure_info.chromium_revision
os_platform = GetOSPlatformName(failure_info.master_name,
dep_fetcher = chrome_dependency_fetcher.ChromeDependencyFetcher(
return {
'deps': GetDependencies(chromium_revision, os_platform, dep_fetcher),
'deps_rolls': DetectDependencyRolls(change_logs, os_platform, dep_fetcher)